
エルメス主催の国際馬術大会 Saut Hemès 2024(ソー・エルメス 2024)


It’s been a while since I’ve last been to Sault Hermès!
Sault Hermès is an international equestrian competition for jumping which started in 2010. This year, it was held at the Grand Palais Éphémère in Paris on March 15, 16, and 17.

毎年グラン・パレで開催されていたソー・エルメスですが、グラン・パレがパリ オリンピックに向けての改修工事に入ったため、前回(2023年)と今回はグラン・パレ・エフェメールでの開催。

Sault Hermès used to be held at the Grand Palais every year, but since Grand Palais is undergoing renovations for the Paris Olympics, 2023 and 2024 event was held at the Grand Palais Ephemère.
Designed by Jean-Michel Wilmot, the Grand Palais Ephemère is a wooden architecture with a huge open space not blocked with any walls or pillars inside. (The exterior looks like a giant fish cake ! )

The transparent polymer is derived from minerals. It is also soundproof and will be used as a venue for wrestling and judo at the Paris Olympics this year.


From 1901 to 1957, the Grand Palais regularly hosted international equestrian competitions, but were interrupted due to war and other factors. In 2010, Hermès revived it for the first time in 53 years. Saut Hermes was born and Hermès has organized it at the Grand Palais since then.


Saut" means "jump" in French.

ソー・エルメスは、フランス馬術連盟と国際馬術連盟が認定する最高レベルCSI 5*(ファイブスター)の大会なのです。

The 55 riders in this CSI 5* competition – the highest category classified by the French Equestrian Federation and the International Equestrian Federation.


The arena is covered with custom-made sand to prevent stress on the horses' legs.

今年もコースデザイナーは、スペインのSantiago Varela Ullastresとフランスの Grégory Bodo。

Course designers are Santiago Varela Ullastres from Spain and Grégory Bodo from France.
Bodo, who has ridden since he was a child, became interested in course design at the age of fifteen.Also rider from an early age, Varela Ullastres devoted himself entirely to the arena from the age of twenty-one.

They were working hard to create the course, shouting things like, "45cm there!


The course designers, paying close attention to the safety of the horses, set up obstacles with difficult crossing positions of 5.5 paces and scattered pitfalls, together with the staff of the electric lighting technology who measures the start-to-goal time with infrared rays.


Obstacles are brought into the stable one after another.


The course design is revealed to the riders 15 minutes before the start of the competition. Only the riders can preview the course (the horses will run for the first time in the competition), and they have 15 minutes to memorize the stride lengths, crossing positions, entry angles, etc., while considering all the strengths and weaknesses of their horses and their personalities.

Riders counting strides.


For example, the course route for 2019 looks like this. If you jump the obstacles in the wrong order, you will be disqualified.


It’s also interesting to watch them prepare.


Horses and riders entering the waiting stable from the stables outside.

Horseshoe marks on the mats, so cute !

ショー ジャンピングと呼ばれる障害飛越競技は、設置された障害物を決められた順番通りに飛越し、ミスなく早くゴールすることを競う競技。

Now, the competition begins.
In “Jumping”, competitors jump and run over obstacles in a predetermined order and compete for speed.


Dropping the bar or having the horse stop in front of the obstacle will result in penalties, while falling off the horse will result in elimination.


A major obstacles can be more than 165cm high, and you can really feel the energy of horse and the rider being one (Jinba-ittai : unity of rider and horse).


The rider gives precise instructions to the horse while running to jump.
When the horse is jumping over an obstacle, its eyes are already focused on the next obstacle. At this time, the angle of entry and crossing position are instantly calculated in the rider's mind.


There are five basic means of communicating movement to horses: shifting gravity, both legs, and both hands. An amazing amount of information is contained in each and every small movements.


What I feel when riding and jumping is the strong relationship of trust between man and the horses. Horses are very pure creatures. They keenly sense the mood of the person riding on their back. I strongly feel that "jinba ittai (人馬一体)" is a phrase that expresses the spiritual connection between horse and rider.


In order to convey precise instructions to the horse, boots are created to fit each riders’ legs perfectly. The spur conveys the rider's instructions to the horse more clearly.



A demonstration by a saddle maker.


Although now I don't own my very own horse, I’d one day like to order a saddle from Hermes.


the equestrian bookshop


Saut Hermèsファンが楽しみにしているのが、毎年馬にまつわるチャームが変わる愛らしいブレスレット。このブレスレットは会場とパリの3店舗で購入できます。

Another thing I look forward to is the adorable bracelet with horse related charms that change every year. These bracelets are available at the venue and at three stores in Paris.

野村大輔さんデザインのカレ「Saut Hermès au Grand Palais 2024」。

Carré desinged by Japanese artist Daisuke Nomura.

(記事「馬がドラゴンに!エルメスの夢〜エルメス カレ・クラブ パリ」)


The perfume "Paddock" was wonderfully displayed with horseshoes.

ユニセックスで使えるso Europeな香り。
It is a very “European” scent that can be used by any gender.


"Èdition Saut Hermès 2024"


The hooks are also stirrups.


I was so excited that I was hungry and went to have lunch. A pleasant space with a view of the Eiffel Tower was prepared for the press.


On the first day, I was allowed to enter as a member of the press, and the next day, I visited with a ticket I got last year as fast as I could when they started selling online.

The natural light from the ceiling in the Grand Palais made the daytime competitions look soft, and the nighttime lighting in this venue accentuated the mood.


The French team is always strong !


 A crazy race of spotted animals.

デュオ『I Could Never Be A Dancer』によるショー「冒険のリズムにのって(L’allure d’une aventure)」が繰り広げられました。

And The duo "I Could Never Be A Dancer" put on a show "to the rhythm of adventure (L'alleure d'une aventure).


I had been a horse lover since I was a child. I'd choose horses for all my drawing and toys, but it was not until I was in elementary school that I learned about “jumping.” It was also around that time that I got to know about this harness merchant Hermès, from a equestrian magazine.
I have always though how I, who grew up in a very ordinary family, could enter this world and how I could one day experience a glimpse of this world. (Unlike Europe or the states, equestrian is not common in Japan and is considered a very expensive hobby.)
And when I was in high school, I started jumping myself and was obsessed with this sport, to jump while feeling the horse’s body heat .

フォーブル サントノレ24の工房。
The workshop at 24 Faubourg Saint-Honoré.


So for me, Hermès is not a fashion brand but a harness merchant. Hermès is a special Maison that recreates the feeling of equestrian attire and makes me feel like I'm with a horse, whether I'm holding a bag hand stitched with saddle stitching or wearing a bracelet.

(記事「エルメス主催の馬術競技 Saut Hermès/ ソー・エルメス 2018〜パリ旅行記⑴」)

この時期パリの街がSaut Hermèsに染まるのが好き。

I love this time of year when the city of Paris is turned in to “Saut Hermès”.


And also Ginza Maison Hermès is focusing on jumping this months! 



It was truly a happy experience for me to be embody and feel the energy of the world’s top level riders and their horses.

Saut Hermès 2024 l That's a wrap!


See you next year.
