夢 ❘ おのぼりになった。
I shall leave a record of the dream I’ve seen. After the original text of the dream memo, an English translation by AI will be keen. There may be bonus articles in between. (Related to dream or AI usage scene)
*The dream content and AI usage articles are planned to be separated and clean.
■ おのぼりになった。
もともと鼻水が、免疫下がってきてた(食べて無い時間が長いあと)の夕方前から出始めていて、注意はしてた。とはいえ垂れるので、はなかみまくり。→頭痛誘発 の流れ。
とゆっくり一言ささやく。 おのぼり? 何かが済んだのか? 収束?
To be recorded in the journal.
Yesterday evening, my condition worsened to its nadir, and it became apparent that I had succumbed to the unmistakable symptoms of heatstroke.
Initially, I had a runny nose, which began in the late afternoon when my immunity was low (after a prolonged period without food). I was cautious, but the constant need to blow my nose led to a headache. Yesterday, while working, I started watching “My Hero Academia” from the beginning. It became quite engrossing, but perhaps because of that, I forgot to drink water.
The headache and heatstroke converged at the same time, making things unbearable.
As work was ending, I prepared to cook rice and decided on a karaage bowl for dinner. I had made good progress, but then my energy was depleted. I could no longer move and collapsed. I lay down, trying to cool myself (though I couldn’t sleep).
My airway constricted, making breathing difficult, so I resigned myself to lying there.
S returned home but I couldn’t even respond. S continued preparing dinner. There was no “Are you alright?” or checking on me, which made me a bit sad, but S did suggest calling an ambulance several times.
Before S returned, just before 9 PM, I called my mother and abruptly ended the call with, “I’m not feeling well, but it’s 9 PM, so I’m going to sleep. I’ll be fine.” This worried her, and she called my mobile around 10 PM. I reassured her, saying, “I’m getting better,” and she went to sleep.
I ate a little of the dinner, saved the rest for lunch the next day, wiped my face, and quietly went to bed.
In the morning, I woke up with a persistent headache. Honestly, I wasn’t much better. The headache and fever remained. I drifted in and out of sleep, and just before fully waking, I had a short dream.
It was a mirror dream, closely linked to my current state. I was deciding which medicine to take, and as I made my choice, I heard an unfamiliar voice and sensed a presence from slightly above and to the left, whispering,
“Hana has ascended.”
Ascended? Had something concluded? Resolved? I woke up, understanding it as a sign that this bout of illness was ending.
I asked S if we knew anyone named Hana, but S said no. I also asked my mother during our morning call, but she didn’t know anyone by that name (I told her about the dream).
Feeling it was over, I forced myself to eat cereal to take my medicine. As I did, my father’s rarely seen memorial photo appeared on the Alexa slideshow.
I took it as a sign of completion. When I later told my mother, she laughed and nodded in agreement.
Nplace, Day 1. I received a message from my brother, who is remotely informed, about a 9:20 AM pickup. I hurriedly finished my morning tasks and returned to find she had already left.
It seems things are progressing well. The troubles seem to have ended, which is a relief. I must remain cautious.
また昨日はいくつかのことに熱中していて水を飲み忘れていたことと、あるスナック菓子をつい食べ過ぎてしまったことが引き金になったようだ。何かの成分が障った感じだった。気管の内側の粘膜が腫れてしまって、呼吸がギリギリだった。何度か軽く経験はあるが、思い返すとそうなる条件が油断により揃ってしまっていた。 なんとか持ち直し、今日の今時点は元に戻った。上はその日誌を個人的なメモ場に書いているのだが、夢が混ざったのでUpしてみた次第です。知らない名前、知らない声、思いもよらない語り掛けがあり、気になったため。ハナってだれ?はな、かな。。