


英語では、礼儀正しさがスムーズで効果的なコミュニケーションの重要な要素となります。 同僚、友人、または見知らぬ人と話しているとき、どのように自分を表現するかが、メッセージの受け取られ方に大きく影響します。 多くの人が礼儀正しさを単に「親切」と考えていますが、実際にはそれはもっと深い意味を持っています。それは、相手への敬意、謙虚さ、そして社会的なルールへの意識を反映しています。 英語が母国語でない日本人などの人々にとって、礼儀正しい英語を習得することは、仕事や日常の対話に大きな違いをもたらすでしょう。


多くの文化では、率直さが強さと見なされますが、英語圏の文化、特にイギリス、アメリカ、カナダ、オーストラリアでは、間接的で礼儀正しい表現がより価値があります。 これは単に対立を避けるためではなく、調和を生み出し、相手の感情に配慮するためです。 英語には、依頼を柔らかくする、感謝を表す、丁寧に謝罪する、許可を求めるなど、さまざまな礼儀正しい表現が発展してきました。




  1. Could you please...?(~していただけますか?)

    • "Could you please send me the report by tomorrow?"(明日までに報告書を送っていただけますか?)

    • "Could you please pass the salt?"(塩を取っていただけますか?)

  2. Would you mind...?(~していただけませんか?)

    • "Would you mind opening the window?"(窓を開けていただけますか?)

    • "Would you mind if I sit here?"(ここに座ってもいいですか?)

  3. May I...?(~してもよいですか?)

    • "May I borrow your pen?"(ペンを借りてもよいですか?)

    • "May I come in?"(入ってもよろしいですか?)

  4. Excuse me(すみません)

    • "Excuse me, do you know where the restroom is?"(すみません、トイレはどこですか?)

    • "Excuse me, could I ask you a question?"(すみません、質問してもよろしいですか?)

  5. I’m sorry(申し訳ありません)

    • "I’m sorry for being late."(遅れてすみません。)

    • "I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt."(邪魔するつもりはなかったんです。)

  6. Thank you(ありがとうございます)

    • "Thank you so much for your help."(手伝ってくれて本当にありがとうございます。)

    • "Thank you for the lovely gift."(素敵な贈り物をありがとうございます。)

  7. I appreciate it(感謝します)

    • "I really appreciate your support."(あなたの支援に本当に感謝しています。)

    • "I appreciate your patience with this matter."(この件についてご理解いただき感謝します。)

  8. It would be great if...(~していただけるとありがたいです)

    • "It would be great if we could meet tomorrow."(明日お会いできるとありがたいです。)

    • "It would be great if you could finish this by Friday."(金曜日までに仕上げていただけると助かります。)

  9. If possible...(可能であれば…)

    • "Could you send me the documents by the end of the day, if possible?"(可能であれば、本日中に書類を送っていただけますか?)

    • "If possible, I’d like to have the meeting rescheduled."(可能であれば、会議の日時を変更したいのですが。)

  10. Pardon me(失礼ですが)

  • "Pardon me, could you repeat that?"(もう一度おっしゃっていただけますか?)

  • "Pardon me, I didn’t catch your name."(お名前を聞き逃しました、すみません。)



  1. ロールプレイ: 友人や言語パートナーといろいろな礼儀正しい依頼や謝罪を練習してみましょう。

  2. ネイティブスピーカーの聞き取り: 映画やポッドキャストで、ネイティブスピーカーが礼儀正しさをどう表現しているかを観察してみましょう。

  3. ソフター(和らぎ表現)を使う: 文の中に「just」「maybe」「if possible」などの言葉を加えることで、表現が柔らかくなり、礼儀正しさが増します。

  4. トーンに気をつける: 礼儀正しさは言葉だけでなく、話し方にも現れます。冷静で敬意を持ったトーンを心がけましょう。


Role-Play 1: Boss and Worker in an Office Setting



"Could you please prepare the quarterly report by next Wednesday? I’d really appreciate it."

"Of course, I'll handle that. I'll make sure everything is ready by then."

"Thank you. If possible, could you also add the latest market analysis? I think it would strengthen the presentation."

"Sure, I’ll include that section and update you if I need any further details."

"Great, thank you so much. I really appreciate your hard work."

"You're very welcome, and thank you for the feedback."

Role-Play 2: Customer and Salesperson in a Retail Setting



"Excuse me, would you mind telling me if this jacket is available in a larger size?"

"Certainly, let me check in the back for you. One moment, please."


"Here you go! This is the next size up. Is there anything else you need?"

"Thank you very much. This is perfect! I’d also like to ask if I could exchange it later if necessary?"

"Of course, we offer exchanges within 30 days, as long as the tags are intact. I’m happy to help if you have any other questions."

"Thanks again. I appreciate all the help."

"You're welcome! Enjoy the jacket, and let us know if you need anything else."

Polite English: The Key to Better Communication

In English, politeness plays a key role in creating smooth and effective communication. Whether you’re speaking with a colleague, friend, or stranger, the way you express yourself can influence how your message is received. While many people think of politeness as simply being nice, it’s actually much deeper—reflecting respect, humility, and an awareness of social norms. For non-native speakers, mastering polite English can significantly improve interactions in professional and personal contexts.

Why Politeness Matters in English

In many cultures, directness is seen as a strength, but in English-speaking cultures, particularly in the UK, US, Canada, and Australia, indirectness and politeness are often valued more. This is not just about avoiding confrontation; it’s about creating harmony and showing respect for the other person’s feelings. English has developed a wide range of polite expressions that can soften requests, express gratitude, apologize gracefully, and ask for permission in a respectful way. These expressions often use modal verbs (could, would), softeners (just, possibly), and indirect structures.

For learners of English, especially those from cultures where direct communication is the norm, it’s important to understand how these subtleties can impact communication. Using polite English can help you build better relationships, make a good impression, and navigate social and professional interactions smoothly.

Key Phrases for Polite English

Let’s explore some polite English phrases and expressions that you can use in everyday conversation.

  1. Could you please...? This phrase is a polite way to ask someone to do something for you. For example:

    • "Could you please send me the report by tomorrow?"

    • "Could you please pass the salt?"

  2. Would you mind...? Another polite way to make a request, especially when asking for something small or simple:

    • "Would you mind opening the window?"

    • "Would you mind if I sit here?"

  3. May I...? Asking for permission in a respectful way:

    • "May I borrow your pen?"

    • "May I come in?"

  4. Excuse me Use this phrase to politely interrupt someone or get their attention:

    • "Excuse me, do you know where the restroom is?"

    • "Excuse me, could I ask you a question?"

  5. I’m sorry Apologies are essential in polite English, and “I’m sorry” is a standard expression:

    • "I’m sorry for being late."

    • "I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt."

  6. Thank you Expressing gratitude is one of the most common forms of politeness:

    • "Thank you so much for your help."

    • "Thank you for the lovely gift."

  7. I appreciate it To express deeper gratitude, you can say:

    • "I really appreciate your support."

    • "I appreciate your patience with this matter."

  8. It would be great if... Use this when you want to suggest something politely:

    • "It would be great if we could meet tomorrow."

    • "It would be great if you could finish this by Friday."

  9. If possible... This softener makes your request more polite and less demanding:

    • "Could you send me the documents by the end of the day, if possible?"

    • "If possible, I’d like to have the meeting rescheduled."

  10. Pardon me A more formal way to say "Excuse me" when you don’t hear or understand something:

  • "Pardon me, could you repeat that?"

  • "Pardon me, I didn’t catch your name."

How to Practice Polite English

Learning polite English expressions is only the first step. You also need to practice using them in real-life situations. Here are some ways to improve your polite English:

  1. Role-play: Practice different polite requests, apologies, and expressions with a friend or language partner.

  2. Listen to native speakers: Pay attention to how native speakers use politeness in movies, podcasts, or everyday conversations.

  3. Use softeners: Get into the habit of adding phrases like "just," "maybe," "if possible," and "a little" to your sentences to make them sound more polite.

  4. Be mindful of tone: Politeness isn’t just about the words you use but also how you say them. A calm and respectful tone is key to sounding polite.

By practicing polite English, you’ll find that people are more willing to cooperate with you and that conversations go more smoothly. Whether you’re in a business setting, making a request, or just having a casual conversation, using polite expressions shows respect and thoughtfulness.
