こんにちは!漣 連(さざなみ れん)です。今回は英文読解演習の記事を投稿します。ぜひ、英語の勉強にご利用ください!
この記事は、3部構成になっています。第1部 英語長文(500語程度)&読解問題、第2部 読解問題の解答解説、そして第3部は英語の本文解説という構成になっています。
War, a word that evokes images of destruction, suffering, and loss. It is a clash of nations, a battle between ideologies, a struggle for power and resources. Throughout history, wars have shaped the course of civilizations, leaving behind scars that last for generations.
The causes of war are complex and multifaceted. They can stem from political disputes, economic rivalries, cultural differences, or religious beliefs. Sometimes, wars are fought to defend a nation's sovereignty, while others are waged for the sake of conquest or revenge. Regardless of the reasons, war always brings with it a trail of devastation.
The human cost of war is immeasurable. Countless lives are lost, families are torn apart, and communities are shattered. The physical and psychological scars of war can linger for years, even decades. Wars also have a devastating impact on the environment, leaving behind polluted landscapes and depleted resources.
Despite the horrors of war, humanity has not yet learned to resolve its conflicts peacefully. The desire for power, the fear of the unknown, and the thirst for revenge continue to drive nations to the brink of war. However, there is always hope for peace. Through diplomacy, dialogue, and understanding, it is possible to find peaceful solutions to even the most intractable conflicts.
War is a tragedy that can be avoided. By promoting tolerance, empathy, and cooperation, we can build a world where peace prevails. It is up to each and every one of us to work towards a future free from the scourge of war.
Question 1
What is the main idea of the text?
A. The history of wars.
B. The causes of war.
C. The consequences of war.
D. The hope for peace.
Question 2
Which of the following is NOT a cause of war mentioned in the text?
A. Economic disparities.
B. Political disagreements.
C. Religious differences.
D. Natural disasters.
Question 3
What is the long-term impact of war, as described in the text?
A. Economic prosperity.
B. Cultural exchange.
C. Environmental damage.
D. Increased global cooperation.
Question 4
What is the author’s perspective on the possibility of peace?
A. Pessimistic.
B. Optimistic.
C. Neutral.
D. Indifferent.
Question 5
Which sentence best summarizes the author’s call to action?
A. “War is a clash of nations.”
B. “The human cost of war is immeasurable.”
C. “It is up to each and every one of us to work towards a future free from the scourge of war.”
D. “Through diplomacy, dialogue, and understanding, it is possible to find peaceful solutions.”
Question 1
What is the main idea of the text?
A. The history of wars.(戦争の歴史)
B. The causes of war.(戦争の原因)
C. The consequences of war.(戦争の結果)
D. The hope for peace.(平和の希望)
Question 2
Which of the following is NOT a cause of war mentioned in the text?
A. Economic disparities.(経済的な不均衡)
B. Political disagreements.(政治的な不一致)
C. Religious differences.(宗教的な相違)
D. Natural disasters.(自然災害)
Question 3
What is the long-term impact of war, as described in the text?
A. Economic prosperity.(経済的な繁栄)
B. Cultural exchange.(文化的なやりとり)
C. Environmental damage.(自然環境の被害)
D. Increased global cooperation.(増加する国際企業)
Question 4
What is the author’s perspective on the possibility of peace?
A. Pessimistic.(悲観的)
B. Optimistic.(楽観的)
C. Neutral.(中立的)
D. Indifferent.(無関心)
Question 5
Which sentence best summarizes the author’s call to action?
A. “War is a clash of nations.”
B. “The human cost of war is immeasurable.”
C. “It is up to each and every one of us to work towards a future free from the scourge of war.”
D. “Through diplomacy, dialogue, and understanding, it is possible to find peaceful solutions.”
War, a word that evokes images of destruction, suffering, and loss. It is a clash of nations, a battle between ideologies, and a struggle for power and resources. Throughout history, wars have shaped the course of civilizations, leaving behind scars that last for generations.
→発音注意 「わー」× 「ウォー」〇
例)Star Wars 『スター・ウォーズ』
・image(名)印象 画像
→発音注意 「イメージ」× 「イミッジ」〇
・suffering(名)苦痛 苦悩 不幸
・scar(名)傷 傷跡
① War, a word that evokes images of destruction, suffering, and loss.
・war, a wordは同格関係です。
→同格関係とは、「A, B」の形で名詞であるAを別の名詞であるBで言い換
② It is a clash of nations, a battle between ideologies, and a struggle for power and resources.
→「A, B, and C」で「AとBとC」という構造になっています。
③ Throughout history, wars have shaped the course of civilizations, leaving behind scars that last for generations.
例)I have finished my homework. 私は宿題を終えている。
The causes of war are complex and multifaceted. They can stem from political disputes, economic rivalries, cultural differences, or religious beliefs. Sometimes, wars are fought to defend a nation's sovereignty, while others are waged for the sake of conquest or revenge. Regardless of the reasons, war always brings a trail of devastation.
・stem form A(熟)Aに起因する
→stem(名)茎 幹 軸
・stalk(名)茎 幹
→rival(名)競争相手 ライバル
・sovereighty(名)主権 統治権
→sovereign(名)君主 主権者
・pay(名)労働に対する「給料」「賃金」 最も一般的な語。
・wage(名)肉体労働に対する「賃金」 普通は時間給・日給・週給
・sake(名)理由 目的
→for the sake of A(熟)Aのために
・road(名)車の通れる道 公道
・way(名)道 通路
・devastation(名)荒廃 廃墟
① The causes of war are complex and multifaceted.
→「A and B」で「AとB」となっています。
② They can stem from political disputes, economic rivalries, cultural differences, or religious beliefs.
・代名詞のtheyは、前文のthe causes of warを指しています。
→「A, B, or C」で「AかBかCか」となっています。
③ Sometimes, wars are fought to defend a nation's sovereignty, while others are waged for the sake of conquest or revenge.
・be fought to doとbe waged for the sake ofは同意表現
④ Regardless of the reasons, war always brings a trail of devastation.
・regardless of A(熟)Aであろうと
The human cost of war is immeasurable. Countless lives are lost, families are torn apart, and communities are shattered. The physical and psychological scars of war can linger for years, even decades. Wars also have a devastating impact on the environment, leaving behind polluted landscapes and depleted resources.
・cost(名)犠牲 被害
例)This bag costed me 1000 dollars. このかばんは1000ドルした。
・tear(動)~を引き裂く 発音:テェアー
→tear(名)涙 発音:ティアー
・pollute(動)~を汚す ~を汚染する
① The human cost of war is immeasurable.
② Countless lives are lost, families are torn apart, and communities are shattered.
・「A, B, and C」の形で文章が並列している構造になっています。
③ The physical and psychological scars of war can linger for years, even decades.
④ Wars also have a devastating impact on the environment, leaving behind polluted landscapes and depleted resources.
Despite the horrors of war, humanity has not yet learned to resolve its conflicts peacefully. The desire for power, the fear of the unknown, and the thirst for revenge continue to drive nations to the brink of war. However, there is always hope for peace. Through diplomacy, dialogue, and understanding, it is possible to find peaceful solutions to even the most intractable conflicts.
→in spite of A(熟)Aにも関わらず
・learn to do(熟)~できるようになる
→peaceful(形)平和な 穏やかな
・thirst(名)渇き 渇望
① Despite the horrors of war, humanity has not yet learned to resolve its conflicts peacefully.
・learn to do(熟)~できるようになる
② The desire for power, the fear of the unknown, and the thirst for revenge continue to drive nations to the brink of war.
・主語は「A, B, and C」の形で並列になっています。
③ However, there is always hope for peace.
・there is/areの構文になっています。
④ Through diplomacy, dialogue, and understanding, it is possible to find peaceful solutions to even the most intractable conflicts.
・代名詞のitは形式主語です。itはto find~conflictを指しています。
War is a tragedy that can be avoided. By promoting tolerance, empathy, and cooperation, we can build a world where peace prevails. It is up to each and every one of us to work towards a future free from the scourge of war.
→sympathy(名)思いやり 同情
・prevail(動)~が広まる はびこる
・scourge(名)天災 たたり
① War is a tragedy that can be avoided.
② By promoting tolerance, empathy, and cooperation, we can build a world where peace prevails.
・M, SVOの構文になっています。
③ It is up to each and every one of us to work towards a future free from the scourge of war.
・代名詞のitは形式主語です。itはto work以降を指しています。