
A must-read for students who want to experience international cooperation =Takumi Shirai tells how he trained badminton athletes in the Maldives=/◎国際協力を体験したい人は必読!=インド洋モルディブでバドミントン選手を育成した白井巧さん=

     Takumi Shirai, a part-time physical education lecturer at Chuo University, trained  badminton athletes in the Maldives, an Indian Ocean island country, for two years and three months from 1986 under a program sponsored by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Hakumon Herald interviewed Shirai who recently returned to Japan about what he experienced during his work as an overseas cooperation volunteer and what he felt important for students who study abroad and get engaged in international cooperation.

     Shirai, 59, graduated from the Social Physical Education Department of Tokai University’s Faculty of Physical Education. He recalled that while he was a student, he devoted himself to playing badminton at his school’s club. He joined JICA through the introduction of his friend. “I did not want to take over my family business upon graduation,” he said, adding that he was fascinated by the JICA program which would allow him to enjoy playing badminton as his routine activity. He admitted he applied for the JICA assignment with an easy feeling.


Maldivian life allows you to enjoy traditional fish dishes /〇モルディブでの暮らしー伝統的な魚料理を堪能-
     Living abroad is quite different from living in Japan because of many uneasy factors such as the difference of living environments, meals and languages. However, Shirai didn’t feel those anxieties from the beginning. He said his sheer lack of information about the Maldives rather helped him not to feel uneasy. The Maldives was the first foreign country he visited. He confessed smilingly he was so excited about his first flight that he was cautioned by a cabin attendant to calm down.

     The Maldives consists of over 1,000 islands dotted in the beautiful ocean. As the country experienced many cholera pandemics in its long history, it has accumulated a lot of wisdom for daily life in the aspect of hygiene. For this reason, toilets are reasonably clean and cockroaches are rarely seen. But as to shower, groundwater is used and it is not fully hygienic, according to Shirai. Today, however, tap water is in constant supply mainly in the capital city of Male and clean water is available in many other places.

   Shirai found Maldivian meals quite delicious. Fishes, mainly tuna and bonito, are abundantly available and people essentially rely on fish dishes. One of traditional Maldivian dishes is “Garudiya", a broth made of salt-flavored bonito fillet. Among other dishes, he said he frequently had light taste fish curry which looks like a miso soup. Many restaurants also serve chicken, he added.


A typical Maldivian breakfast=Photo by Shirai/モルディブの朝食=白井巧氏撮影

     The official language in the Maldives is Dhivehi. Shirai learned the language for a month at JICA and sat for a short training course after he took up his duty. But that was far from helpful. He had to learn the language and lifestyle through communications with his students and members of his homestay family.


 Hard training to nurture junior athletes -Learning a lot for better international cooperation-/〇ジュニア選手の育成へ厳しく指導―現地で得た国際協力への学びー
    Shirai confided, "I gave my students a really hard training." The main purpose of his instruction was to foster competitive junior badminton athletes. He strictly abided by the common international rules without making any significant changes. The local climate is so hot and humid that he had to give most of his lessons in the evening or at night. They were done in accordance with the training menu he himself had prepared. He said his training was of the same level as that at the Federation of Japanese University Badminton Clubs. As he was young then, he took no compromising attitude toward his students. He let them practice even during Ramadan, the holy month of fasting in Islam. He practically spent all his time on badminton lessons. Looking back on those days, Shirai said, "I paid little attention to the local culture. Now I really regret that was one of my bad points."

    When Shirai began managing his team, he strongly felt there was a perception gap between him and his students about badminton. One day, none of his team's core players turned out on time for the training session set in preparation for an international competition. They arrived belatedly and told him they went to watch a “Maldivian League” soccer match. Finding that is something impossible in the Japanese way of thinking, he decided to make his training lessons even harder. However, one of his Maldivian friends advised him that if he showed too much of his anger to them, they might respond with a rebellious spirit and he might become unable to take control of them.

   Shirai said he knew the limits of his instruction at the time. He realized his opinion is simply based on Japanese common sense and that perception gaps come from the differences in history and culture in each country. He emphasized he learned a lesson that there is nothing good or bad about those differences.


The dedicated gym of the Maldivian Badminton Association = Photo by Shirai/モルディブバドミントン協会専用体育館入口/
Members of the Maldivian Badminton Association’s junior U13 team=Photo By Shirai/モルディブバドミントン協会ジュニアU13=白井巧氏撮影

His message for students/〇学生へのメッセージ
     Shirai said his day-to-day activities in the Maldives were so tough that he often felt painful. “It is important for us JICA volunteers to continue learning about the host country’s language, religion, lifestyle, etc. If I may describe that process of learning, it was as if I were challenging a lot of things as I did through my long journey to the coming-of-age ceremony (upon becoming 20 years old in Japan). I had very exciting days," he said in retrospect. In concluding his interview, he said: "When we live in Japan, we don’t have much information about developing countries. We are apt to see the world from the perspective of an advanced country. But it is not too much to say that the world overwhelmingly consists of developing countries. I want you to visit developing countries while you are a student and look at the reality there.” Hakumon Herald hopes Shirai will continue to be active on an international stage.


By Kisaki Sato/佐藤綺咲

Shirai poses for the camera during his interview. Photo By Hinako Mitsui/にこやかに取材に答える白井巧氏=三井日菜子撮影

【編集後記/Editor's note】
     As this writer had an image that most developing countries are poor, it was a surprise to know that the Maldives has a good environment for hygiene and meal. Japan is an island country and we cannot go abroad without a flight. But as Shirai says, we students should visit developing countries and take a firsthand look at the reality there. We found working as a JICA cooperation volunteer quite attractive. Shirai said he had a hard time doing his work even in his specialty field. However, we have learned we should not avoid that for the sake of international cooperation.

   発展途上国は貧しい国というイメージがあったため、衛生面や食事の環境が整っているというのは驚きだった。日本は島国であり、飛行機なしに他の国に渡航できない。よって、白井氏の述べるように、一度途上国の現実を見に行ってみるべきだと思った。 自分の得意分野で国際協力をできる青年海外協力隊は、とても魅力に感じた。白井氏は、得意分野であっても大変な思いをすることがあったと述べているが、国際理解のために避けては通れない道だと学んだ。   

【Column①】What kind of country is the Maldives?/モルディブってどんな国?
・Official language/公用語:Dhivehi/ディベヒ語
・Religion/宗派: Islam/イスラム教
・Location/場所: South Asia/南アジア

(Data available at the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs website/日本外務省HPより引用)

The Maldivian national flag and a map of the country taken from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs website/日本外務省HPよりモルディブの国旗と地図・外務省HPより引用

 【Column②】What are JICA's overseas cooperation volunteers?/青年海外協力隊って何?
 At the request of developing countries, JICA recruits persons with the necessary technologies, knowledge and experiences who want to "use them for the people of host countries". It trains them and sends them as overseas cooperation volunteers. The program is funded by the Japanese government's official development assistance (ODA) budget.


(Referenced from the JICA Overseas Cooperation Volunteers website/JICA海外協力隊HPより参照)
