



《Q》How do you like to spend your time when you feel down?

Q. How do you like to spend your time when you feel down? (気持ちが落ち込んだ時は何をし…

《Q》 Who do you feel relaxed with?

Q. Who do you feel relaxed with? (一緒にいてリラックスできる人は誰ですか?) =========…

《Q》Are you a morning person, or a night person?

Q. Are you a morning person, or a night person? (朝型ですか?夜型ですか?) ==========…

《Q》Do you exercise regularly?

Q. Do you exercise regularly? (定期的に運動しますか?) ==============================…

《Q》What time do you leave the house?

Q. What time do you leave the house? (何時に家を出ますか?) A. I leave at 〇〇. (〇…

《Q》Are you good at anything?

Q. Are you good at anything? (なにか得意なことはありますか?) A. I'm good at 〇〇. (…

《Q》What's your guilty pleasure?

Q. What's your guilty pleasure? (やめられない習慣はなんですか?) A. I can't stop ~. (~することがやめられない) I'm always ~. (いつも~している) ============================== Alison's answer: I'm addicted to YouTube. I can't stop YouTube surfing!  (YouTube中毒です。見始めたら止められない

《Q》How big is your family?

Q. How big is your family? (何人家族ですか?) A. There are 〇〇 in my family. (〇〇…

《Q》How long have you been learning English?

Q. How long have you been learning English? (どのくらい英語を勉強していますか?) A. I…

《Q》Is there anything that you should have done today?

Q. Is there anything that you should have done today? (今日やっておけばよかったことはあ…

《Q》What qualifications do you have?

Q. What qualifications do you have? (どんな資格を持っていますか?) A. I have certific…

《Q》 Do you have a sweet tooth?

Q. Do you have a sweet tooth? (甘党ですか?)  A. Yes, I ilke 〇〇. (はい、〇〇がす…

《Q》How tall are you?

Q. How tall are you? (身長どのくらいですか?) A. I'm 〇〇cm tall. (〇〇cmです) ✨ …

《Q》What time do you usually get off work?

Q. What time do you usually get off work? (だいたい何時に仕事が終わりますか?) A. I get off at 〇〇. (〇〇時に終わります。) ============================== Alison's answer: I get off around 7. I normally go straight home after work. (7時くらいには出るかな、基本的に仕事後は直帰するよ) Camer