仕事のリズムが崩れ、今日は朝7時から原稿を書く。4人の仕事観を超特急でまとめるという凄まじさ。驚異的な集中力(笑)。午後に無事に提出! いつもこのぐらいチャッチャと原稿を書けば時間の節約になるだろうにと思うが、こういうものなのだから仕方ない。しかし締め切りに間に合うか冷や冷やしながら書いているので、きっと心臓に悪い。命を縮めてそう。となると結局時間は減っているのか!?
2016年に、まだ日本にTHINX(吸収型サニタリーショーツのパイオニアの企業)が上陸する前に、雑誌「25ans」で代表のミア・アグラワルさんについて紹介した。その時に、彼女の「生理という、全ての女性にある自然の摂理をなぜ隠す必要があるのでしょう? 私は生理は恥であると言う概念を変えたい」と言う言葉が心に響いた。学校ではもう、「汚物缶」という名称が消えていることを祈るばかりだ。
Have a happy new year!
Today is the last work day of the year. I started working at 7 am. I was able to focus well and submitted manuscripts at around 2pm. Cheers!
The VOGUE online article I wrote has been published. (it is written in Japanese, though). The theme is menopause and hormone replacement therapy. According to the doctor, compare to Europe and America, Japanese tend to refuse to put hormones into the body including pills. It is interesting.
This year, Femtech is gaining so much attention in Japan. And I feel that it has become possible to openly talk about women's particular health problems such as menstruation and menopause.
In 2016, I introduced Thinx, which is the pioneer of period underwear, for Japanese women’s magazine. Period underwear is a type of underwear we can use without wearing regular pads or tampons when you have period. Ms. Miki Agrawal, the CEO of Thinx gave a message to Japanese readers. “Why do we need to hide the natural providence of menstruation in every woman? Let’s change the notion that period is a shame”. I liked her idea!
I would like to end this blog here this year as today is the last work day of the year. Have a happy new year!!!
Kyoko xxx