




ウグイスは日本に広く分布する小型の鳥で、英語では「Japanese Bush Warbler」と呼ばれます。学名はHorornis diphoneです。









The Uguisu is a small bird widely distributed in Japan, known in English as the "Japanese Bush Warbler." Its scientific name is Horornis diphone.

The Uguisu primarily inhabits forests, bamboo groves, and thickets. It measures about 14-16 centimeters in length, with olive-green feathers and a pale underside. Although its appearance is modest, its beautiful song is very famous.

In spring, male Uguisus assert their territory and attract females with their distinctive call, "Ho-Ho-Ke-Kyo." This song is cherished as a symbol of spring in Japan and frequently appears in Japanese literature such as haiku and waka.

Uguisus mainly feed on insects, spiders, and small invertebrates, but they also occasionally eat fruits and seeds. Their nests are built from grass and twigs in low shrubs, where the female lays and incubates the eggs.

Overall, the Uguisu is known for its unique song and its deep cultural significance in Japan.




The Uguisu, a small bird widely distributed throughout Japan, is known in English as the "Japanese Bush Warbler." Its scientific name is Horornis diphone, and it holds a special place in Japanese culture and natural history.

Primarily inhabiting dense forests, lush bamboo groves, and overgrown thickets, the Uguisu is a bird of modest appearance. Measuring about 14-16 centimeters in length, it features olive-green feathers that blend seamlessly with its natural surroundings, and a pale underside that adds a subtle contrast to its overall coloration. Despite its inconspicuous look, the Uguisu is celebrated for its melodious song, which resonates through the Japanese countryside.

In the springtime, male Uguisus become particularly vocal as they assert their territories and endeavor to attract mates with their distinctive call, "Ho-Ho-Ke-Kyo." This enchanting song is more than just a mating call; it is cherished as a quintessential symbol of spring in Japan. The Uguisu's call often finds mention in various forms of Japanese literature, including haiku and waka, where it evokes images of renewal and the beauty of nature.

The Uguisu's diet primarily consists of insects, spiders, and small invertebrates, which it skillfully hunts among the foliage. However, it is also known to supplement its diet with fruits and seeds, especially when insect prey is scarce. The bird's nesting habits are equally fascinating; females construct intricate nests from grass and twigs, typically in low shrubs. These nests provide a safe haven for their eggs, which the female diligently incubates until they hatch.

Overall, the Uguisu is revered not only for its unique and beautiful song but also for its deep cultural significance in Japan. Its presence in literature and its role as a harbinger of spring underscore the profound connection between this modest bird and the rich tapestry of Japanese tradition and natural beauty.


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