
鎌倉前のマゴチと夏野菜の煮込み風カサレッチェ(Casarecce di scorfano nostrano e verdure estive) Casarecce with local flathead fish and summer vegetables:おまかせ小品集 Chef's choice dishes collection


A collection of small dishes served on "Midnight Diner" (a story that took place long before the TV drama "Midnight Diner"). We served anything as long as we had the ingredients. Since it was mostly improvisation, we made hundreds of dishes, but we will recreate little by little the ones that remind us of our customers' episodes (we have dramatized some of the more inappropriate stories).

The inspiration for the recipe


In Kamakura, there are many people who enjoy surfing and windsurfing as a hobby, but surprisingly few people enjoy fishing. This is because there are no rocky shores. In the past, there was a good catch of fish from the cliffs and sandy beaches at Sakanoshita, but over the past 30 years or so, perhaps due to changes in the tides, there have been very few fish caught. However, some people still enjoy fishing offshore in rubber boats or kayaks. If you go a little further out, you can catch a fair amount of local fish that are attached to the shelves, as well as migratory fish such as mackerel and horse mackerel.


A local fish that can be consistently caught in front of Kamakura is the kochi(flathead). It lives on a shelf about 30 meters deep, so it's difficult to catch it from the shore in Kamakura, but if you go a little further out, you can catch it easily. Flathead is a relative of rockfish, and although it's in season in summer, it can be caught all year round and has a consistent taste. Its white flesh has a refined taste, and in the days before refrigerators, it was considered a luxury fish. This is because it has a strong vitality. Even if you don't have a proper fish tank or aquarium, if you put it in a tub with seawater, it will swim happily for about a week. Along with eels and conger eels, fish that can be kept alive were valuable to restaurants in the past. It is often confused with the megochi(flathead dragonet), which are used in tempura, but the flathead is a larger fish that tastes good as sashimi. The larger ones grow to about 80cm.
When I first started living in Kamakura over 40 years ago, there were many fish shops along the coast, and these flatheads swam in buckets in front of the shops. There were rows of traditional Japanese inns and resort houses run by large companies, and the fish shops in Kamakura still retained the vestiges of a time when they were fairly prosperous. By the time I started working at Midnight Diner in Kamakura, the bubble had burst, Kamakura's downtown area had become deserted, and the number of local fish shops had halved.


One of my customers who loves fishing lived in an apartment near the sea and had a small rubber boat. His favorite thing to do on his days off was to go fishing in his rubber boat in the morning, and invite his friends over to a party on the beach in the afternoon, where he shared his catch. The beach was close to his apartment, so all he had to do was carry the boat and the stove to the beach in a pushcart, so it was a luxurious pleasure that didn't cost much. Eventually, he got bored of the same old sashimi, salt-grilled fish, and tide pot, and he often came to me to learn how to make "fish dishes that will be well received by guests." Since it was an outdoor cooking session, the conditions were that there was a stove or a charcoal or bonfire fire, a pot, and the food could be shared by everyone and eaten a little at a time while drinking alcohol. It was also important that the process of cooking was fun for the participants. That's why I taught him various dishes, such as carpaccio, aquapazza, bouillabaisse and paella. This is one of the recipes I taught him as a dish for the rockfish and flathead, which he often catch.
Regular pasta tends to get too soft and it's difficult to time the cooking, so I've chosen the somewhat rare Sicilian "Casarecce." This pasta is delicious when simmered and doesn't get soggy even after a while. It can be made around a campfire with just one large pot, so he was very happy.
It's been a while since I've been given a small flathead, and I recreated this recipe. All you need is one stove and one thick pot. The recipe can also be used for camping.
At my Midnight Diner, I had quite a few customers bring in their catch when they caught a fish they didn't know how to cook. This is because even if the husband brings home a catch, most housewives are reluctant to dissect an unfamiliar fish like they're performing surgery. Fishing may be fun, but forcing the wife to clean up afterwards can cause family discord. If they bring it to me and either fillet it to take home or transform it into a fancy dish, then the hobby can be profitable.

Today's Ingredients:


Flathead caught (store-bought is fine)
Summer vegetables harvested from a planter*
Homemade tomato paste (store-bought is fine, or fresh tomatoes or canned tomatoes are fine)
Almond flour (optional)
Sliced ​​chili peppers (fresh chili peppers are fine too)
Natural salt
Olive oil
*Here, we used sweet peppers and tsurumurasaki, but you can use other summer vegetables.



For the flathead, insert a knife under the pectoral fin and cut the fillet along the backbone. Slice off the belly bone of the cut fillet and use a bone remover to remove any small bones. Insert the knife along the grain of the fillet to remove the skin. Scrape off the scales from the peeled skin with the knife.
After removing the fillet from the forehead, remove the gills, carefully remove the internal organs, wash, cut into chunks, and blanch. If the stomach, liver, and tripe can be removed at this time, remove them and wash them thoroughly.
Cut the processed fillet into chunks and blanch. Blanch the skin and tripe in the same way.
Boil the chopped flathead head and backbone in water and reserve the broth.
Cut the vegetables into bite-sized pieces.
Heat olive oil in a pan and add the garlic and chili pepper that have been crushed just before cooking.
Once the garlic is fragrant, add the flathead skin and all the vegetables except the leafy vegetables and stir fry for a little.
Add the reserved broth, tomato paste and almond powder and simmer.
When the broth has thickened, add the pasta, leafy vegetables, flathead stomach and liver and eggs and simmer until the pasta is at your desired firmness. If there is not enough liquid, add more broth.
Just before it is finished, add the flathead fillets, stir roughly and then serve.

Recipe tips and variation


You can ask your fishmonger to process the flathead. In that case, you will need to remove the broth, so make sure to get the head and backbone. If possible, it's a good idea to also get the edible skin, stomach, liver, milt, and ovaries. Here, a small flathead was used, so only the skin and stomach were used. The skin has fine scales, so if you are going to use it, scrape off the scales.
In addition to flathead, you can also use scorpionfish, rockfish, Grouper fish and Hairy stingfish. When the season gets cooler, you can also make this delicious dish using cod, Alaska pollock, monkfis.
Here, the broth is prepared separately in advance, but if you are outdoors, you can incorporate this step into the pasta simmering process. After frying the garlic and chili peppers, add the head and bones of the flathead to water to make stock, and then remove the head and bones later, so you don't have to make the broth in advance.
The skin is added first to dissolve and emulsify the gelatin.
The gelatin from the fish, along with the innards, tomato paste, almond powder, and olive oil, emulsify to create a nice viscosity that coats the casarecce for a delicious finish.
The vegetables can be any of the melt-in-your-mouth summer vegetables used in caponata, such as bell peppers, eggplant, zucchini, okra, molokheiya, water spinach, shiso, and basil.
Add the fillets last, and turn the heat off immediately to prevent them from falling apart. The preheating will allow the fish to be cooked just right.
The pasta sauce uses almonds in the Travani style, but that's up to your preference.
Casarecce becomes chewy as it is simmered, like the chewy Japanese stewed udon noodles, so you don't have to worry about the timing of when it's done. It's perfect for a party dish around the fire.
In addition to casarecce, you can also use short pasta such as macaroni or penne fuzzili. There are no commercially available gluten-free casarecce products, but gluten-free macaroni and penne fuzzili are available in the market, so even gluten-free people can enjoy them.
"Casarecce" means "homemade," so it can be made by hand at home. I'll post the recipe for making it another time.

Guide to where to get ingredients and equipment


*I participate in Amazon affiliate programs. If you purchase this product by clicking here, it will help pay for my coffee, so I would be very happy. By the way, I am addicted to coffee.
