
貧乏人のコンビーフとハンガリー風タンシチュー Poor Man's Corned Beef and Schweinezungengulasch(Hungarian Tongue Stew)

A minimalist's seasonal calendar

Recipe trivia

ごめんなさい。題名は嘘です。羊頭狗肉でした。コンビーフと言いながら、実は「コンポーク(corned pork)」です。豚のタンは、実は大流行りの牛タンより安くて低カロリーで、牛タンに負けず美味しいのです、という貧乏料理のお話。

Sorry. The title is a lie. It was wolf in sheep's clothing. Although it is called corned beef, it is actually "corned pork". Pork tongue is actually cheaper and lower in calories than the very popular beef tongue, and is just as delicious as beef tongue. This is a story about poor people's cooking.


The price difference between beef tongue and pork tongue is more than three times. Of course, pork tongue cannot be eaten half-cooked like "beef tongue grilled with salt and green onions," but if it is cooked properly, it has a taste that is hard to choose between them. It may be a poor man's sour grapes, but when I get pork tongue, I make stew. I stew it until it is soft, so as a by-product, I make a kind of corned beef using the pork tongue, and the next day's lunch is "corned pork sandwiches." It is also much lower in calories, so it is a high-protein, low-calorie dish. This time, I will introduce the recipes for these two dishes.
In fact, it is much easier to select and cook pork tongue than beef tongue. Beef tongue is large, and the texture of the meat is completely different between the tip and the base. You need to know the difference between these parts and use them differently depending on the dish. Therefore, you first need to trim the parts according to the dish. Also, the skin is very hard, so you need to prepare it by peeling it. Considering this effort, it is understandable that there is a difference in the offered price. Pork tongue can be used as is without any prep work if you just cut off a few tendons. The skin is also soft.


This time, I used a pressure cooker. Of course, you can make this dish without using a pressure cooker. I usually use a pressure cooker at work to save time, but for home cooking, I thought that I didn't need a pressure cooker at first because most dishes can be left alone and simmered on low heat without any effort. However, I soon realized that this was a mistake for a poor person. I realized that gas bills are quite expensive. At work, gas is used all the time, so it's natural that it costs a certain amount, but when I cooked a dish at home that required a long time of heating, my gas bill doubled. So I looked up the price of a cheap pressure cooker for home use, and found that it would pay for itself in three months. That's right. It takes about 40 minutes to heat meat, which would normally take 4 hours. Since then, I've been using a pressure cooker at home as well.
However, cooking with a pressure cooker has its disadvantages, and it is not suitable for so-called stews. If you simmer meat for a long time in a pressure cooker, the meat will become soft, but the flavor will not become deeper. When you simmer dishes like stew, it brings out the richness and the unity with the sauce. You can't get that richness with a pressure cooker. So you have to be creative. Cooking with a pressure cooker is different from regular cooking. If you understand that and can use it, this equipment will be a good friend to the poor. What surprised me was that when I used it to cook rice (I don't have a rice cooker) and boil beans, my gas bill became surprisingly cheap. This was the first surprise since I changed all the lights in my house to LED. Incidentally, my electricity bill was reduced by one third at that time. I have a friend whose wife has thoroughly implemented these types of energy conservation measures, including regulating the amount of water used in flushing toilets and using stored bath water, and has cut her monthly utility bills in half. Sustainable practices can start in these everyday areas.



Pork tongue
Fried onions (if you want to fry raw onions, see the recipe in the onion soup article)
Tomato paste
Sour cream
Red wine
Harvested rosemary (store-bought or dried is fine)
Black peppercorns (optional)
Paprika powder
Marjoram (oregano is fine too)
Natural salt




(Softly cooked pork tongue (combed pork) / ready-made dish)
Make a slit in the sinews on the underside of the pork tongue with a knife and remove them, rub lightly with salt, and leave in the refrigerator overnight. If you are in a hurry, you can use it as is.
Put the pork tongue in a pot, pour in water, boil, and then discard the water.
Rinse off the scum that floats to the top with running water, put the meat back in the pot, pour in water, boil, and then discard the water.
Put the prepared pork tongue in a pressure cooker, add the bay leaves, rosemary, and peppercorns, and pour in water so that the ingredients are covered.
Close the lid of the pressure cooker and turn the heat on. If you can choose between high and low pressure, set it to high (if you are not using a pressure cooker, simmer for at least 3.5 hours, being careful not to let the soup evaporate).
When the pin on the pressure cooker rises, reduce the heat to low and continue cooking for 45 minutes, then turn off the heat. Leave to cool without opening the lid until the pressure naturally drops.
Once the pressure has subsided, remove the meat and quickly peel the skin while cooling it under running water. It should come off easily. The skin is edible too, so if you don't mind, you don't need to peel it.
Once you've finished peeling the skin, return the meat to the pot, add water until it's just enough to cover the ingredients, bring to a boil without the lid, and leave to cool. You can also prepare this the day before and store in the refrigerator. It can be stored in this state for around 4 or 5 days.
It will be lightly salted, so you can slice it as is and season with salt, pepper and mustard. You can also lightly grill it and eat it with your favorite sauce.
It also produces a delicious soup that can be used in a variety of ways. Here, I use it as stock for tongue stew.


(Componegated pork dip / ready-made dish)
This pork tongue componeg is soft, so it can be easily torn apart by hand, just like corned beef.
Mix the torn meat with sour cream and add salt and pepper to taste.
It can be stored like this for about 4-5 days.)


(Hungarian pork tongue stew)
Wash the potatoes and cut them into bite-sized pieces.
Put the soft-boiled pork tongue from the previous step and its broth into a pot. Add the onions (caramelized or fried), tomato paste, paprika, marjoram, salt, and pepper, pour in the red wine, and bring to a boil.
When the broth boils, reduce for about 10 minutes over low-medium heat, stirring to prevent burning. Remove the pork tongue at this point.
Add the potatoes, divide the finished product into portions, add a little more water, and reduce for another 20 minutes.
If the broth is thickened and the potatoes are cooked at this point, cut the pork tongue into portions for each person, return it to the pot, and cook until the meat is warm.
Serve with sour cream.

Tips and tricks:    


The salting process is not necessary, but if you have time, it is better to add it. It definitely takes the taste of the meat up a notch.
When cooking pork tongue in a normal pot, the meat fibers start to break down after about 2.5 hours of cooking. Keep watching as you cook until it is as soft as you like. In the case of a pressure cooker, the meat starts to become soft after about 30 minutes of pressure on low heat after the pin goes up. I assumed that the meat would come apart by hand, so I pressured it on low heat for 45 minutes. Pressure cookers have their own quirks, so it's best to find your own landing point.
There are two ways to heat meat to make it soft. One is to cook it for about 10 minutes. The method is to cook it so that the center temperature is around 70°. At this temperature, the meat is cooked and edible, and before the meat fibers become too tight and hard, so you can serve soft meat. It is a job that requires professional skills. The kitchen gear that was born from the scientific pursuit of this method of heating is the "low-temperature cooker." This method of cooking is explained in the previous "Bacon Making Article", so please refer to it if you are interested. Another cooking method is to cook the meat for more than an hour. After cooking for 40 minutes, the meat fibers that have become hard will start to break down again. Even tough cuts like tongue and tendons will become meltingly soft if cooked for more than three hours. The latter method is used here. And the kitchen gear that makes it easy to put this methodology into practice is the "pressure cooker". Although it is expensive in terms of energy, electric pressure cookers have been released one after another recently, and pressure cooker cooking has become familiar along with low-temperature cooking. There seem to be models that can handle both low-temperature and high-temperature cooking.
Use your favorite herbs. If you use cinnamon, star anise, or Japanese pepper, you can finish it with a Chinese-style aroma. If you do not add herbs, it will become a staple dish that can also be used in Japanese cuisine.
If you use lard instead of water for a long time and then solidify and seal the lard, it can be stored at room temperature. In the past, pork and other meats were stored at room temperature using this method, such as European rillettes and Okinawan rafute and soki.
If you want to sell it as a product, mixing saltpeter into the salting process will preserve the red color and improve preservation.


The meat is very tender and easy to break apart, so you can shred it and put it in a croquette, an omelette, or put it in a taco or roti. I personally like to mix it with sour cream and eat it in a sandwich, as in the recipe here. You can also add mayonnaise, but that's too oily, so I prefer sour cream. You can also chop some fresh herbs and mix it in to make a very interesting amuse bouche.


*Sandwich example. This bread was baked using the "fermented dough that you always keep in the fridge" that I introduced previously.


There are many types of stew. The history of Hungarian stew dates back to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Until the empire collapsed in the chaos of World War I, there was a time when many ethnic groups, including Hungarians, miraculously coexisted with German residents in Vienna, the capital. The dish that was introduced at that time is "gulyás/gulasch." The original is a soup that is eaten daily in Hungary, but it is still eaten in various countries, especially in Austria and southern Germany, with some adaptations. This version is a hybrid of a thick stew that was originally found in Western Europe. The main feature of goulash is that it contains a large amount of paprika powder. The taste of the paprika creates a unique flavor that is different from Slavic borsch and Western European beef stew.
The original version uses beef, but it can also be made delicious with pork or lamb, so here we have arranged it in the Austrian style as a Hungarian stew made with pork tongue.
We use potatoes without peeling them because it is the season for new potatoes in our area. I only used potatoes, but you can also add carrots and other ingredients to make it like beef stew. In Vienna, it is common to have it served with a fried egg or a type of dumpling called knödel.

Guide to where to get ingredients and equipment


*I participate in Amazon affiliate programs. If you purchase this product by clicking here, it will help pay for my coffee, so I would be very happy. By the way, I am addicted to coffee.
