
野菜に詰める文化の系譜「ドルマ」 Dolma: A tradition of stuffing vegetables

Making and tracing the history of food culture

Recipe trivia


I think that real European home cooking is rarely introduced to Japan. There are a ton of restaurants serving French, Italian, Spanish, and other cuisines in Japan. Recently, many chefs have returned from overseas training, and no matter where you go, you can't go wrong. The food is well-researched and very delicious. But it's for special occasions. Some restaurants advertise home cooking as their specialty. But even if you go to such restaurants, you won't get home cooking. You'll only get touristy local cuisine. It's not that it's bad. But the prices are not much different from high-end restaurants, and the menu is such that local people probably don't eat that kind of food on a regular basis.
My partner is from Vienna, but she comes from an ordinary single-parent family. When it comes to Austrian cuisine, meat dishes including Wiener schnitzel (The recipe is in a previous post) and high-end sweets are often introduced, but ordinary people don't eat those things every day. Their everyday meals are mostly bean soup, stewed vegetables, simple sandwiches, and the like. Even if you go around to restaurants in the country, you won't understand this kind of commoner cuisine unless you become a family member or stay in a commoner's home for a long time (I have no experience, but it may be different for former aristocrats or wealthy families). Sure, they eat sausages and cheese, but at least with her family, they serve a mountain of vegetables and rice as sides. It's the same as how Japanese people don't usually eat sushi, sukiyaki, or tempura. The situation with home cooking is similar for ethnic cuisines such as Indian food. That's why you won't get home cooking even if you go to an Indian restaurant. That's why I feel a great sense of incongruity every time I hear phrases like "You can experience all the food cultures of the world in Japan." Food cultures with long histories in each region are more layered. In Europe, where the ethnic composition is complex, the foundations of each region's food culture remain, but the fusion of new food cultures is progressing every day. It's difficult to experience the dynamism of such food cultures just by eating food for formal occasions.


Let's look at it from the opposite perspective. People often say that the sushi and ramen booms overseas have made the world recognize and accept the greatness of Japanese cuisine, but this is not accurate. If you want to say that, long before sushi restaurants became popular, Chinese and Italian restaurants were commonplace in every city around the world, and even cheap delis for everyday use were everywhere. Their tastes and cooking techniques are commonly incorporated into Western home cooking. The correct expression would be that "Japanese cuisine has gradually become borderless and globalized." However, compared to Chinese cuisine, Japanese cuisine is still expensive. In those countries, it is still treated as a guest. Just like French cuisine is a high-end cuisine for formal occasions in Japan. As long as you look at a California roll and say, "That's not real sushi," you are still an outsider. Just as Japanese curry is different from its origins in Indian cuisine, and sauce yakisoba is different from the original Chinese fried noodles, I think it is only when Japanese cuisine is integrated into the food culture of the country and incorporated into home cooking that it can be said to have truly become borderless and globalized. It's a good sign when a Mexican-American chef tries to create sushi rolls in ways that Japanese people would never think of.


When I lived and ate with my partner's family, there was a wide variety of food. Usually, soup or stew was served with bread or rice, but the seasonings and spices were Slavic, Italian, Hungarian, and Turkish. Vienna is a diplomatic city with many different races living there, so even in the German-speaking world, there are influences from a variety of cuisines. It was also different from typical German cuisine. There were Hungarian dishes such as goulash(The recipe is in a previous post), and Italian-style pasta. Just as Japanese home cooking incorporates various food cultures such as Chinese and Korean cuisine, the dining tables of ordinary people are not bound by rules like "Japanese food should be like this."
The average person's daily meals are simple, but when they have guests, someone's birthday, or a special anniversary, they make a little more elaborate food. When I say feast, I don't mean using particularly expensive ingredients, but rather making food that takes a little effort. They stuff a whole chicken and bake it in the oven, make homemade pasta such as knödel and gnocchi, and serve Greek-style moussaka. On these occasions, the family also helps out. It depends on the ethnicity of the mother. In Japan, it's a special dinner party where the whole family makes chirashi sushi and inari sushi. One of my partner's favorite dishes is "dolma," a stuffed vegetable dish that has been eaten as a feast in the Middle East since ancient times. Her mother is of Slavic descent, and in addition to Slavic soup with grains, she seems to be good at ethnic dishes that are also common to Turkish and Greek cuisine. Dolma was one of the dishes in her mother's repertoire.


"Dolma" comes from the Turkish word for "stuffed." In Arabic-speaking countries, "mahsi" also means stuffed and refers to a similar dish. The origins of the dish, which involves stuffing seasonal vegetables such as grape leaves and sauerkraut, are quite ancient, and can apparently be traced back to ancient Mesopotamia. In fact, this type of dish is still widely distributed in the Middle East, the Black Sea coast, Eastern Europe, Greece, Austria, North Africa, and other places. There is a strong theory that the familiar cabbage rolls also originated from dolma. Dolma was always included as an appetizer at banquets in the Ottoman Turkish Empire.
Vegetables used in dolma included seasonal leafy vegetables such as grape leaves and salted leafy vegetables, as well as eggplant and melon. When the New World was discovered, dolma began to be made with newly discovered vegetables such as bell peppers, paprika, and tomatoes brought back by Portuguese and Spanish trading ships. Vegetables from the New World spread rapidly through the territory of the Ottoman Empire through Mediterranean trade, and became the prototype of the dolma we know today.
Stuffings vary widely, including meat, fish, beans, rice, millet, dried fruits and nuts, a mixture of these. It is also an appealing dish for vegetarians.


I often make this dish because it's my partner's favorite. We recently harvested a batch of peppers from our planter, so this time I made bell pepper dolma the way her mother used to, stuffing it with minced pork and rice, simmered in a tomato and paprika sauce.



Bell peppers harvested from a planter (large, commercially available ones are fine)
Pork belly and pork shoulder (commercially available minced pork is fine)
Cooked rice (leftover rice is fine)
Tomato paste (tomato puree, canned is fine too)
Paprika powder
Marjoram powder (oregano is fine too)
Nutmeg powder
Cinnamon powder
Natural salt



Cut the stems side of the bell peppers and carefully remove the seeds without tearing peppers body.
Mince the meat in a food processor.
Chop the onion very finely.
Mix the minced meat, onion and cold rice, season with nutmeg, cinnamon, salt and pepper, and knead well to make the stuffing.
Put tomato paste into a pot and dissolve it in water, add paprika and oregano, and season with salt and pepper.
Sprinkle potato starch over the bodies of the peppers and the inside of the lids, stuff with the prepared stuffing and put the lid on.
Put the stuffed peppers into the pot. Adjust the amount of water so that the cooking liquid covers the ingredients.
Cover with a cooking sheet or similar lid and simmer over low heat.
When the cooking liquid has thickened and the ingredients are cooked through, it's ready.
Serve with sour cream or yogurt.

Tips  and tricks:    


For more satisfying results, choose peppers with thick flesh.
I don't buy minced meat, so I grind it myself, but you can of course use store-bought minced meat.
For rice, brown rice or whole grains are tastier. You can also mix in some diffirent grains.
If you like, you can add cayenne pepper to the paprika in the broth to make it spicier.
Marjoram can be substituted with oregano, which has a similar scent.
You can also use chopped dried fruits, nuts, and your favorite chopped herbs for the stuffing.
In addition to peppers, you can also use hollowed-out firm tomatoes, small round pumpkins, round zucchinis, eggplants, or sliced ​​white or bitter melons with the core removed.
Tomato sauce is used here, but you can also simmer the rice in consommé soup or béchamel sauce.

Guide to where to get ingredients and equipment


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