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on run
tell application "Finder"
display alert "ドロップレット形式です。
ファイルをドラッグ&ドロップしてください。" as informational
end tell
end run
on open DropObj
tell application "Finder"
set the button_pressed to ""
set the exeName to ""
set newexeName to ""
display dialog "埋め込み文字列(半角4文字)を入力" default answer "" buttons {"OK", "Cancel"} with icon 1 default button 1 with title "埋め込み文字列" cancel button "Cancel"
set IndentifyText to text returned of the result as Unicode text
if IndentifyText is "" then
set IndentifyText to "AaBb"
end if
repeat with ObjFiles in DropObj
tell application "Finder"
set theName to name of ObjFiles
set theAlias to ObjFiles as alias
-- set theAliasPath to theAlias as string -- Alias表現
set theAliasPath to POSIX path of theAlias -- POSIX表現
set exeName to name extension of ObjFiles
repeat with aChar in every character of exeName
set asNum to ASCII number aChar
if (asNum > 64) and (asNum < 91) then set aChar to ASCII character (asNum + 32) -- tr/A-Z/a-z/
-- if (asNum > 96) and (asNum < 123) then set aChar to ASCII character (asNum - 32) -- tr/a-z/A-Z/
set newexeName to newexeName & aChar
end repeat
set BaseName to my replace(theName, "." & exeName, "")
set the new_file_name to the (the BaseName & "_WMK." & newexeName) as Unicode text
set DirName to my replace(theAliasPath, theName, "")
---set name of file theName of folder DirName to new_file_name
set CommandLine to "zsh -c \"source ~/.zshrc; invisible-watermark -v -a encode -t bytes -m rivaGan -w '" & IndentifyText & "' -o '" & DirName & new_file_name & "' '" & DirName & theName & "'\""
--display dialog CommandLine
do shell script CommandLine
set the exeName to ""
set newexeName to ""
end tell
end repeat
end tell
end open
to replace(theText, orgStr, newStr)
set oldDelim to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to orgStr
set tmpList to every text item of theText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to newStr
set tmpStr to tmpList as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelim
return tmpStr
end replace
brew install exiftool
brew install jq
on run
tell application "Finder"
display alert "ドロップレット形式です。
ファイルをドラッグ&ドロップしてください。" as informational
end tell
end run
on open DropObj
tell application "Finder"
set the button_pressed to ""
set the exeName to ""
set newexeName to ""
display dialog "埋め込み文字列(半角4文字)を入力" default answer "" buttons {"OK", "Cancel"} with icon 1 default button 1 with title "埋め込み文字列" cancel button "Cancel"
set IndentifyText to text returned of the result as Unicode text
if IndentifyText is "" then
set IndentifyText to "AaBb"
end if
repeat with ObjFiles in DropObj
tell application "Finder"
set theName to name of ObjFiles
set theAlias to ObjFiles as alias
-- set theAliasPath to theAlias as string -- Alias表現
set theAliasPath to POSIX path of theAlias -- POSIX表現
set exeName to name extension of ObjFiles
repeat with aChar in every character of exeName
set asNum to ASCII number aChar
if (asNum > 64) and (asNum < 91) then set aChar to ASCII character (asNum + 32) -- tr/A-Z/a-z/
-- if (asNum > 96) and (asNum < 123) then set aChar to ASCII character (asNum - 32) -- tr/a-z/A-Z/
set newexeName to newexeName & aChar
end repeat
set BaseName to my replace(theName, "." & exeName, "")
set the new_file_name to the (the BaseName & "_WMK." & newexeName) as Unicode text
set the exif_json_name to the (the BaseName & "_exif." & "json") as Unicode text
set DirName to my replace(theAliasPath, theName, "")
set CommandLine to "exiftool -q -j --SourceFile '" & DirName & theName & "' | jq '[.[0]|del(.SourceFile)]' > \\\"" & DirName & exif_json_name & "\\\""
doZshScript(CommandLine) of me
set CommandLine to "invisible-watermark -v -a encode -t bytes -m rivaGan -w '" & IndentifyText & "' -o '" & DirName & new_file_name & "' '" & DirName & theName & "'"
doZshScript(CommandLine) of me
set CommandLine to "exiftool -overwrite_original -j=\\\"" & DirName & exif_json_name & "\\\" '" & DirName & new_file_name & "' && rm \\\"" & DirName & exif_json_name & "\\\""
doZshScript(CommandLine) of me
set the exeName to ""
set newexeName to ""
end tell
end repeat
end tell
end open
to replace(theText, orgStr, newStr)
set oldDelim to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to orgStr
set tmpList to every text item of theText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to newStr
set tmpStr to tmpList as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelim
return tmpStr
end replace
to doZshScript(cmdLine)
-- display dialog "zsh -c \"source ~/.zshrc;" & cmdLine & "\""
do shell script "zsh -c \"source ~/.zshrc;" & cmdLine & "\""
end doZshScript