”Post Card From The World @ 好きだ!!展2025”②
”Post Card From The World @ 好きだ!!展2025”
2nd participant is
from : China Sūzhōu 🇨🇳 Ms. Hallie !
She saw my postcard on the China SNS , and
she contact to me and I get acquainted with her.
she always gave beautiful postcard to me .
This postcard also she consider and gave me.
Thank you very much!
Her message ↓
”Once day , I watch play of Miyamoto Musashi.
He flood with enmity , but he forgive enemy last
and break off chain of enmity.
enmity brought endless pain to us,
let us lose one self.
In other, virtue and beauty also telling endless.
Please based on trust and go first step of friendship”