
熟語のまとめ / at / 同時



1 at once

If necessary I can come at once.

at once「すぐに / 同時に」/ onceは「1度」、2つのことが「1度」に→「すぐに、同時に」と考える

2 at the same time

We must unite with them and at the same time struggle against them.

at the same time「同時に」/ sameは「同じ」なので直訳で分かる

3 at a time / at one time

I can only carry two at a time.

at a time / at one time「同時に / 一度に」/ これも直訳でわかりそう

4 at a sitting

He ate the entire pizza at a sitting.

at a sitting「一気に」/ in a (one) sittingもある / 1回の座りで → 「一気に」と考える

5 at once A and B

He was at once kind and strict.

at once A and B「AでもありBでもある」/ AとBが「at once(同時に)」と考える

6 at a stroke

They lost half their fortune at a stroke.

at a stroke「一挙に、一気に」/ storke「1撃、1回の動き」のニュアンスから
