When you have Suicidal Thoughts
1. You are not weak
Q: Due to COVID-19, my life has changed drastically. I am very depressed, I do not experience any joy, and I have suicidal thoughts.
Having depression and suicidal thoughts is not unusual. We are living in stressful circumstances which we have never experienced before or even imagined.
Will I get infected by COVID-19? What should I do if my loved ones get infected by COVID-19? We are not sure when this situation will end or how long it will take for it to end - you may feel trapped by COVID-19.
When you are experiencing pain every day, it is not unusual to have suicidal thoughts – under the current circumstances, you could feel overwhelmed by depression, this can happen to anyone and everyone. You are normal and you are not weak.
We are worried that you may feel cornered by your suicidal thoughts on your own without sharing them or reaching out to someone.
Many adults are ready to support you via telephone and LINE to hear about your depression and pain. Reaching out to them and sharing your feelings may lighten your depression or pain. You may realise that you are not the only person with suicidal feelings and you are not alone.
Why not reach out to someone?
2. Reaching out for Support
※ Please note that unless otherwise indicated, each supporter expects you to speak in Japanese.
◎Tokyo Bar Association Kodomo-no-jinken 110 (hyakuto) ban
TEL 03-3503-0110
Weekdays (Monday - Friday): 1:30pm- 4:30pm, 5pm-8pm
Saturday: 1pm-4pm
◎Volunteers of Daini Tokyo Bar Association is performing "LINE Sodan" (Chaired by Momoe Kuromatsu (lawyer))
Twitter: https://twitter.com/10LINETokyo1
Listed below are hotlines answered by lawyers who regularly work with children.
TEL 0120-99-7777
*Everyday from 4pm - 9pm
◎"4152 (yoikoni) Denwa Sodan"managed by Tokyo Jido Sodan Centre
TEL 03-3366-4152
◎Inochi No Denwa (FIND (Federation of Inochi No Denwa))
TEL 0120-783-556
*On the 10th day of every month from 8am - until 8 am on the following day
*IP phone (excluding toll free calls using apps)
03-6634-7830(pay call)
◎Consultation via LINE in order to prevent child abuse in Tokyo
"Kogokoro, Oyagokoro @ Tokyo"
※ We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the content of the Google Translation, and the content of the machine translation by google should be read as a reference only.
Click here to read the article in Japanese.
Click here for Google Translation.
(Recent updates on 16 July 2020: Open hours for Tokyo Bar Association Kodomo-no-jinken 110 (hyakuto) ban, Deletion of Tokyo San Bengoshikai Tamashibu「Kinkyu Kodomo LINE Sodan」, updates for Volunteers of Daini Tokyo Bar Association is performing "LINE Sodan"