Red La Soda potatoes
レッド ラ ソーダ という種類で、1948年にルイジアナ州で作られた新種だそうです。
We harvested a lot of potatoes! Sixty-eight pounds (31 kg) potatoes from just a few seed potatoes!
The variety is called Red La Soda, a relatively new type created in Louisiana in 1948.
This Red La Soda is as hard as May Queen, which is what Japanese people are familiar with. It’s sticky and it doesn’t lose its shape when it’s boiled, so it is suited for soups and stews.
We also make French fries with the air fryer that we got a while back. It is very easy — just add a little oil and salt, then cook for 15–20 minutes.
I also made some very creamy potato salad with them.