
Winners or Losers

Are you a winner or a loser in life?
Firstly, I don't like the word, "winner", or "loser". That's because we can be both at times, depending on the certain situation.
By the way, what do you imagine when you hear the word, ' Winners in life ‘?
Generally, winners are those who work for large companies, earn a lot of money, attain a higher status, and become rich. Moreover, they are employed permanently (for example, this is called the lifetime employment system in Japan), so they can afford to get many things like an expensive vehicle, their house that they would like to buy.
In these situations, it is said that people with a high reputation in society feel themselves Snobbish, or Celebrity, and tend to look down on those who are unfortunate people, who are suffering from illness, the disadvantaged, and the poor. As you know the term, "power harassment", or another types of harassment in the office, it is very common among people in real situation. This can cause employees to experience a lot of stress or depression.

Professor Emeritus of Kobe College, Uchida Tatsuru states that according to a survey by the Persol Institute in 2021, harassment will cause nearly eighty-seven hundred thousand workers in Japan to retire each year. Behind the harassment, there have been top-down, hierarchical relationships in the most Japanese companies and societies, which will make employees completely subordinate, leading to serious harassment.
We should be aware of these problems behind harassment in the workplace in order to solve these kinds of problems.
In addition, we must remember that even if you are on the side of winners in life, you may suffer from serious illness, face natural disasters, change to the other side of life, and so on. We cannot be winners all the time.
For these reasons, I think that those who are on the side of winners must consider how to live happily together as well as improve the current social system and every workplace, in terms of those who are in need and socially vulnerable.

Thank you for joining
See you next time!

Teacher Asuka🎀
