TOEFL、スピーキングとライティングで計52点取るまで(W:Academic Discussion taskで使える熟語集付き)
2024年8月3日に91点(R 23, L 20, S 24, W24)を獲得して以来、約1か月半対策して、9月21日に2回目を受験してきました。
選択肢に迷った問題が2問程度あった、例えば、本来全問正解すべき単語問題(initiate the growth)の類義語を選ぶ問題(選択肢が、begin, encourage, establishでした。結構迷いませんか?私はbeginとestablishで迷ったんですが、正答はencourageだった気がします)を間違えた気がする。
ミセスの歌でありますよね、「hey! 白昼夢スターライト」、完全に集中途切れた時間がありました。
おそらく3問目の講義で、教授がヒートアイランド現象が発生する都市において、植物が適応する方法を、①熱や太陽光の吸収率を高めて茎全体を大きく成長させる、②種を重くして強風に飛ばされないようにすることでparent plantの近くで育つことができる(生殖率を高める)という風に説明していたが、②つ目のポイントを上手に説明する時間がなかった(恐らくここは減点)。
(例:a plenty of time >> plenty of time, recommend/suggest to do >> recommend/suggest doing)
それを実践するために、Cambridge dictionaryに掲載されている例文から単語の使い方を学び、自分なりの熟語リストを作成すること。
W (Academic Discussion task)で使える熟語集
〇 Distress (≠pain)
・The feudal system distressed the peasantry in some places.
・We could see the teacher’s distress when we didn’t study.
〇 Infallible (≠correct)
・Even experts are not infallible.
・His judgement was infallible.
〇 Apathy (≠not interested)
・His boss was apathy about the company’s cost-efficient policy.
・There is a growing sense of apathy among teens.
〇 Restrain A from doing (≠stop, discourage)
・I could not restrain participants from going another direction.
・Higher interest rates appear to be restraining consumer spending.
〇 Ambivalence (≠torn between, both feelings)
・Many people feel ambivalence towards television and its effects on our lives.
・He was filled with ambivalence about the trip.
〇 Candid (≠honest, true)
・The two presidents have had candid talks about the current crisis.
・The announcement from the chairman was very candid.
〇 Placid(≠calm)
・Koala bears are placid marsupials.
・She was a very placid child who slept all night and hardly ever cried.
〇 Assiduously (≠very hard, persistently)
・I assiduously avoid buying imported products.
・She assiduously read every book and pamphlet.
〇 Bonhomie (≠hospitality, kindness)
・It was quite interesting to see this jolly bonhomie between both sides.
・There was a lot of cheerful bonhomie amongst the people on the trip.
〇 Ebullient (≠excited)
・The children were so ebullient upon their arrival at Disney World that their parents
〇 Overwrought (≠nervous)
・She was so tired and overwrought that she burst into tears.
・He was in an overwrought state/condition for weeks after the accident.
〇 Unwittingly (≠unintentional)
・She had broken the law unwittingly, but still she had broken it.
〇 Vie (≠compete)
・The two older children tend to vie with the younger one for their mother’s attention.
〇 Impecunious (≠poor)
・I first knew him as an impecunious student living in a tiny apartment.
〇 Coterie/cabal (≠group, friends)
・I was never part of their cozy coterie.
・He brought in a coterie of advisers that he tends to hide behind.
・The pop stars never traveled anywhere without a coterie of assistants and managers.
〇 Insatiable (≠unstoppable)
・He had an insatiable appetite for power.
・It would satisfy his insatiable curiosity.
〇 Meddle (≠interfere, hinder)
・Should we stop meddling with nature?
・My sister is always meddling in other people’s affairs.
〇 Embryonic (≠initial)
・The project is still at an embryonic stage.
・The region’s embryonic tourist industry would be damaged by this development.
〇 Elusive, esoteric (≠difficult)
・The causes of many cancers remain an elusive mystery.
・The answers to those questions remain as elusive as ever.
〇 Lofty (≠high)
・We have never known a data user to fail to ascribe the loftiest of plausible purposes.
・We should not forget lofty objectives.
〇 Rescind (≠cancel)
・He rescinded quality grade from products
・He started to seriously considering rescinding the whole contract
〇 Annihilate (≠destroy)
・An atomic bomb annihilated a city.
〇 Murky/stagnant (≠dirty)
・The river was brown and murky after the storm.
〇 Abreast (≠catch up with)
・The old man keeps abreast of all the latest developments in neurobiology.
〇 Arid (≠dry)
・The desert is so arid that nothing can grow there.
〇 Pungent (≠spicy, acerbic)
・I sat down to a cup of wonderfully pungent coffee.
〇 Volatile (≠changing, fluctuating)
・Food and fuel prices are very volatile in a war situation.
・The situation was made more volatile by the fact that people had been drinking a lot of alcohol.
〇 Prodigal (≠spending)
・They were prodigal spenders and became impecunious.
・The prodigal landlord spends the money as fast as he receives it.
〇 Nadir (≠bottom, worst time)
・The defeat was the nadir of her career.
・The city experienced an economic nadir in the 1970s.
〇 Ameliorate (≠improve)
・We tried to ameliorate the company’s profitability.
・Foreign aid is badly needed to ameliorate the effects on the drought.
〇 Dither (≠hesitate)
・She is still dithering over whether to accept the job or not.
〇 Prohibitive (≠expensive)
・The cost of a nursing home is prohibitive.
〇 Insipid (≠banal, tasteless)
・Why anyone buys music with such insipid lyrics is a mystery.
・He was drinking an insipid light beer.
〇 Precipitous (≠steep, rapid)
・Over the past 18 months, there has been a precipitous fall in car sales.
・The company saw a precipitous decline in advertising revenue.
〇 Petty (≠trivial)
・Prisoners complain that they are subjected to too many petty rules and restrictions.
・I don’t have time for petty matters like that.
〇 Exacerbate/aggravate (≠get A worse)
・The attack will exacerbate the already tense relations between the two communities.
・Her allergy was exacerbated by the dust.
〇 Eulogy (≠praise)
・I added a eulogy to the painting.
・The song was a eulogy to the joys of travelling.
〇 Opaque (≠unclear, obscure)
・I find her poetry a little too opaque.
・Accounting firms have been notoriously opaque about their finances.
〇 Throng (≠group)
・A huge throng had gathered around the speaker.
Ø Bellicose (≠hostile)
・The general made some bellicose statements about his country’s military strength.
〇 Pedestrian (≠banal)
・His speech was not interesting and pedestrian.
〇 Disparate (≠different)
・The two cultures were so utterly disparate that she found it hard to adapt from one to the other.
〇 Fortuitous (≠unexpected)
・it was amazingly fortuitous that the exclusive beach resort had a cancelation for exactly the weekend she had wanted to get married,
〇 Repent (≠regret)
・He repented days of drug abuse.
・He repented sinful ways he acted.
〇 Cogent (≠compelling)
・He made a cogent argument for improving early childhood education.
〇 Verisimilitude (≠truth)
・She has included photographs in the book to lend verisimilitude to the story.
〇 Mired in (≠dragged into, immersed in)
・Their initiative would have remained mired in obscurity.
〇 Eschew (≠avoid)
・She eschewed subtle questions of syntactic definability.
・We eschewed a first strike.
・The leaders of the organization eschewed the term “union”.
Distress infallible, apathy/apathetic, meddle, embryonic/fledgling, volatile, precipitous, petty, exacerbate, ambivalence, prodigal, elusive/esoteric/opaque, candid, repent, rescind, nadir, placid, join a throng of, It’s rooted in ideas about, annihilate, swamped with/by, bursting with/teemed with, dexterous, murky/stagnant, intact, hefty, apprehend, curtail/curb, arduously, deliberate, plunge/plummet, bellicose, a myriad of –s/astronomical --s
Abreast of, ameliorate, assiduously, pedestrian, disparate, dither doing/dither over, ebullient upon, arid A in doing, fortuitous, overwrought, tyro/novice, remain mired in, vie for a chance to, pungent coffee, lend verisimilitude to, cogent arguments, impecunious, cost is prohibitive, insipid, coterie/cabal, an insatiable appetite, eschew questions
I strongly believe that whether people should rely on a traditional form of media such as TV or newspaper or an emerging form of media such as social network depends on objectives of usage.
To illustrate, if you are an established business you must be keen to devour information from reliable information source. For example, since I am working as a business consultant in Singapore, I keep abreast of the latest technologies or other factors such as policy, economy, etc to assess what parameters would affect a business of our client. This behavior is rooted in ideas that a traditional media lends a verisimilitude to the information provided, and make elusive or esoteric technology understandable for tyros in the expertise. This habit is aligned with Andrew's opinion.
On the other hand, if you want to collect information on less-important matters such as hobbies, I would recommend counting on social network media. This is because, as Kelly mentioned, you can feel convenient effortlessly accessing relevant information which is already personalized for a specific target. For instance, I am absorbed in sports, hence I sometimes demonstrate my insatiable appetite for the news of the score of a championship or a performance of my favorite athletes.
特に、過去のベストスコアの組み合わせがR29 L27, S 24, W27だったことを踏まえるとSとWのベストスコア(タイ)を更新して安堵したのは事実です。