
No.6 『もうひとりの母たち』 "A Mother's Dream" (インド)










3.Key words and phrases

womb = 子宮
surrogate = 代理人、代理母
provision = 提供、供給、対策 *動詞は provide
initially = 当初は、初めは
pregnant = 妊娠して、妊娠中の(形容詞)
stigma = 不名誉、恥
brainfever = 脳炎
conceive = 抱く、身ごもる
egg = 卵子
donate = 寄付する、提供する    *名詞は donation
period = 一定期間、周期、生理
rickshaw = 人力車、リクシャー(自動三輪車)
kidney = 腎臓
breastfeed = 授乳する、母乳で育てる


Day 1  代理母スカウト:マデュ

You know that it belongs to someone else.  All you are doing is taking care of it, raising it in your womb and you have to give it away.  You keep telling yourself that the child isn’t yours.  It belongs to someone else.  I visit them at home or ask them in the street, “Do you want to become a surrogate?”  If she asks me to convince her husband, I invite them both.  Asha was my first surrogate.  She kept saying, “I don’t want to be a surrogate."  I told her, “You’ll get your own house.”  After she did it, five others came to see me.  Now I know a lot of women.  I tell them, “You’ll earn $5,600 and a salary, but you’ll have to stay at the surrogate house for nine months and you cannot bring your children.”   (140 words)

子供は自分のものにならない。彼女たちは ただ子宮の中で育てるだけ。そして手放さなければならない。だから言い聞かせるのよ。「お腹の子は自分の子ではない。他人の子だ」って。家を訪問したり、通りで声をかけるの。「代理母をしない?」って。ご主人を説得してと頼まれればそうするわ。最初の代理母はアーシャだった。嫌がってたけど「家が建つよ」と説得した。その後、続けて5人来た。今ではたくさんいるわ。彼女たちには「5,600ドルと月々の手当が支給される。自分の子供と離れて9か月ここで暮らすことが条件よ」と伝えてる。

Day 2 アカンクシャ病院の女医:パテル

In India, there is no provision by the government to provide housing, food and medical help to poor people.  So where will they go?  What will these females do?  And they are not educated, they cannot earn big money.  And if this situation helps them, fulfill their dream of owning a house or educating their children, I feel very happy about it.   We never initially did keep the surrogates with us.  But then in the initial phase, around 2006 there were some surrogates, who as soon as they started showing that they were pregnant, they wanted to go into hiding.  Because it was still a stigma within society that they never wanted their neighbours or extended families to know that they are carrying a child for someone else.   And the other thing was that certain surrogates were not very regular in taking their medicines.  And then we started to say, "Why are they just resting?  Let us even teach them something.” (161 words)


Day 3 代理母:ヒーナ(これから代理母になる女性)

Everybody told me to go and donate my eggs because I have no one.  I donated eggs four times.  I used the money to buy groceries.  I gave some to my family.  I spent some on my daughter.  I didn’t save any.  I donated eggs and now they want me for surrogacy but what should I do with my daughter? I donated eggs and now they want me for surrogacy but what should I do with my daughter?  You can’t trust anyone with your daughter.  These days, terrible things can happen.  You read about them in the papers and see them on TV.  Even fathers can’t be trusted.  I was married when I was very young.  I was working in a shop when this guy came in to look at me.  A week later, I was married.  I hadn’t even had my first period.  I was miserable because if your husband is useless, why keep his child?  It didn’t make sense, but I still kept her.  Tomorrow, when she has grown up she will stand on her own two feet.  Even if I can only buy her a small hut.  That is my only wish.  (196 words)

夫がいないから、みんな私に卵子を提供しろと言った。4回も卵子を提供したわ。お金は食料品を買ったり家族にあげたり、娘にも使ったわ。もう残ってない。卵子提供の次は代理出産なんて。娘はどうなるの? 今どき誰も信用できないわ。ひどい事件が起きるから。新聞やテレビで報道されてる。父親でさえ信じられないのよ。私は幼い時に結婚したの。店で働いていたら彼が入ってきて、1週間後に結婚したわ。私はまだ初潮さえなかったのよ。夫が役立たずなのに彼の子を生むなんて嫌だった。でも娘だけは育ててきた。いずれこの子も1人で生きていく時がくる。小さい家でも残してあげたい。それだけが願いよ。

Day 4 代理母:ニーシャ(施設内で裁縫をして過ごす女性)

Do you know why I’m making this for my couple?  So Dr. Patel can be proud and say, “This surrogate has learned something."  The couple can show this to everybody.  "Our surrogate made this."  I used to have four jobs to support my children and pay the rent.  I lived like that for a while after my husband died.  When our daughter was born we had it really good.  He was about 28 years old.  But then he got ill, a brainfever. That was really difficult.  Our daughter was only nine months old and then I conceived our son.  It all happened very fast.  I have to earn money and provide for my kids.  I’m both their mother and their father.  Everything depends on me.  I thank Dr. Patel from the bottom of my heart for giving me this chance and a good couple.  She is more important to me than my mother or my god.   (156 words)


Day 5 代理母パピアの夫:ピントゥー

I asked her, “Is there nothing for us gents?"  Then she said, “Go ask Dr. Patel.” If kidney donation wasn’t banned, I would sell my kidney for Papia.  But she started laughing.  I said to her, “You tell Dr. Patel.  If there’s something for the ladies, do something for us gents as well."  But she said no.  Do you know what all my friends tell me?  “Pintoo, you really are very lucky.”  I had this dream of a rickshaw and it wouldn’t have been possible.  But she said, “I’ll become a surrogate and I’ll buy you a rickshaw myself.  We’ll have a rickshaw like no other in Nadiad.  Even if a car with wheels stops next to our rickshaw, the driver should ask whose rickshaw it is."  She’ll send me especially to Surat, just to get the wood for it.  We have to make it a luxury kind,  the kind of car Dr. Patel has.  Just like that.  So she told me, “I’ll get you the rickshaw.”   (167 words)


Day 6 代理母:パピア(双子を出産後)

I’m going to give them the milk.  When they need milk, they call, and I give it to them immediately.  That’s why they keep me here.  If I breastfed them directly, we would both get attached.  The babies wouldn’t drink without being breastfed and I would long to hold my child to my breast and nurse it.  I don’t know what’s going on.  They should have arrived by now, but they haven’t.  I’ll ask the doctor what’s happened because I have to go home but I still think they’ll come. They have to come.  When they asked me to look after them all I could think was that these are someone else’s children.  But nobody gets this kind of chance.  Some surrogates don’t even get to see their babies.  I try not to think about whether I’m their mum or not.  Otherwise I’ll start having feelings like… Yes, I am their mum.  If I thought about it, I would get sad.  I’d feel like crying, so it’s better not to think about it.  I won’t cry and I won’t feel sad about it.   (183 words)

これから母乳を持って行くの。母乳が要る時は電話がきてすぐに届ける。授乳の間、私はここ(病室)にいる。直接 授乳すると互いに愛着が湧いて赤ん坊も直接でなければ飲まなくなるし、私もこの胸に抱きしめたくなってしまう。どういう事情なのか分からないけど、依頼夫婦はもう今頃は迎えに来ないといけないはず。先生に聞くわ。私だって家に帰りたいもの。でもそろそろ来ると思うの。来ないと困る。世話をしてる間ずっと、他人の子だと自分に言い聞かせてた。世話ができるだけラッキーだったわ。赤ん坊に会わせてもらえない代理母もいる。自分が母親かどうか考えないようにしてた。産んだのは私だって考えたら悲しくなるし、泣きそうになるから考えないの。悲しみたくないもの。

Day 7 パピアの依頼夫婦(パピアから双子を引き取る)

Husband:  Where are the bottles?
Wife:  I got everything.  The bottles...the clothes, those blankets? 
H:  They’re nice, hey?  The color is sweet, right?
W:  Yes, really beautiful.  Parrot color.
H:  Both of our girls are beautiful. Did you ask what time they fed them last?
W:  Papia?  You will come see them tomorrow.  They’ll be coming every day,
not to worry. 
H:  Come on, darling, say goodbye with a smile... don’t cry.  You will see them every day.
W:  We asked you to come to our hotel every day.  
H:  Come on, smile.  You have to come every day.  Papia, thank you.  Thank you for everything.  Thank you very much.
W:  Don’t worry, when they get a little bigger, too.  They’ll visit. We’re gonna
bring them back.
H:  Whenever we come to India, we will get them to visit you, okay?  She knows we have a house in Punjab, right?  We come to India pretty often.
W:  Can you write down Bhangla’s phone number and our home number? 
H:  There are two numbers.  If one doesn’t work, call the other one. The hotel has two numbers.  Okay, you got everything?  Let’s go.
W:  Are you okay?  Thank you.  Okay, we will see each other tomorrow.

妻:パピア?明日 会いに来て
夫:毎日 会えるよ。大丈夫。さあ 笑ってお別れして
夫:さあ 笑って。毎日来てくれ。パピア 本当にありがとう。感謝してるよ
夫:2つ番号があるんだ。1つが繋がらなかったらもう1つにかけて。全部 持ったね?行こう。
妻:大丈夫?ありがとう。明日 会いましょう


Note の第1回目で、貧困のため飲み水を手に入れるのに苦労する女性たちを扱ったが、再びインドの貧困家庭の話である。今度は、自分の子供を育てるために他人の子供を代理で出産する女性たちの話だ。9か月もお腹の中で大切に育てていれば、情も移るというものだ。出産後、すぐ離されて産んだ子の顔を見られない人もいれば、最後のパピアのようにずっと世話をさせられる人もいる。彼女の場合、依頼夫婦が来たのは出産後3週間も経ってからだった。当初は母乳を搾乳して与えていたが、そのうち直接与えるようになった。ますます手放すのが辛かったことだろう。彼女の依頼夫婦はカナダに住むインド系の夫婦。子供ができない人もいれば、体形が変わるのを嫌がって子供を産んでもらう人もいるそうだ。パピアに出産依頼した女性もスラッとした美人で、妊娠・出産の苦しみも知らないまま、赤ん坊を抱きかかえて病院を出て行った。大金がもらえるとはいえ、自分の体内で9か月育てた子供を手放すのは切ないことだろう。しかも、お金をもらって家を建てられたのは昔の話で、今は数回代理母をしなければ、スラム街でも家を買えないという。パピアは「家を買う」と言っていたが、結局お金は夫のリクシャーになったようだ。車で迎えに来た夫はうれしそうにしていたが、病院を後にするパピアの顔がとても寂しそうだったのが印象的だった。

『もうひとりの母たち』 "A Mother's Dream"

Blog:アラカンからのチャレンジ (ameblo.jp)

Copyright@2024 Kimie Urata note

