※English podcast here and article below
1. 茶道具の種類と用途
1.1 茶碗(ちゃわん)
• 用途
• 特徴
1.2 茶筅(ちゃせん)
• 用途
• 特徴
1.3 茶杓(ちゃしゃく)
• 用途
• 特徴
1.4 棗(なつめ)・茶入(ちゃいれ)
• 用途
• 特徴
1.5 風炉(ふろ)と炉(ろ)
• 用途
• 特徴
• 風炉:夏季(5〜10月)に畳の上に据え置き、炭や電熱で釜を沸かす。涼やかな趣を演出。
• 炉:冬季(11〜4月)には床を切ってつくられた炉壇を使い、畳を開いて炭を起こす。
1.6 釜(かま)
• 用途
• 特徴
1.7 柄杓(ひしゃく)
• 用途
• 特徴
1.8 蓋置(ふたおき)
• 用途
• 特徴
1.9 建水(けんすい)
• 用途
• 特徴
1.10 水指(みずさし)
• 用途
• 特徴
1.11 袱紗(ふくさ)
• 用途
• 特徴
1.12 扇子(せんす)
• 用途
• 特徴
2. 点前の基本:薄茶と濃茶
茶道では大きく「薄茶(うすちゃ)」と「濃茶(こいちゃ)」の2種類の点前があります(Japanese tea ceremony - Wikipedia)。
2.1 薄茶(うすちゃ)
• 味と特徴
• 点て方の例
1. 棗や茶入から茶杓で抹茶を茶碗に入れる(茶杓1~2杯)。
2. 釜から汲んだ湯を茶碗に注ぎ、茶筅で素早く泡立てる。
3. カプチーノのようにきめ細かな泡を立てるか、泡を控えめにするかは流派の個性が出る。
4. 一碗を一人で飲み切り、次の客へと返す。
• 意味合い
2.2 濃茶(こいちゃ)
• 味と特徴
• 点て方の例
1. 茶杓3杯以上の抹茶を茶碗に入れる。
2. ごく少量の湯を加え、茶筅でゆっくり丁寧に練っていく。泡は立てず、滑らかに溶かし込むイメージ。
3. 濃厚な抹茶液が完成したら、一碗を複数の客が回し飲みする。
• 意味合い
3. 作法に込められた意味
3.1 お辞儀(礼)の基本
3.2 道具を両手で扱う
3.3 袱紗捌き(ふくささばき)
4. まとめ
• Japanese tea ceremony - Wikipedia
• Schools of Japanese tea - Wikipedia
• 茶道具の名前と名称一覧|多文化多言語研究会
• Japanese Tea Ceremony Guide Part 2 | Sugimoto Tea Company
Here is the English translation of your text:
In the tea ceremony, numerous specialized utensils are used. These are collectively referred to as chadōgu (tea utensils), and each carries a unique sense of functional beauty and spiritual significance. The way the host (teishu) and guests handle and interact with these utensils is deeply meaningful in itself.
This article introduces the names and uses of key tea utensils, along with an overview of the basic procedures for preparing thin tea (usucha) and thick tea (koicha).
1. Types and Uses of Tea Utensils
1.1 Chawan (Tea Bowl)
• Use: A vessel used to prepare and drink matcha.
• Characteristics: Tea bowls come in various shapes and designs. They are selected based on season (wide and shallow in summer, deep and narrow in winter) and type of tea (different bowls for usucha and koicha). Famous styles include Hagi ware, Raku ware, and Karamono (imported Chinese bowls), with their unique textures and glazes adding to the aesthetic experience.
1.2 Chasen (Tea Whisk)
• Use: A bamboo whisk used to mix matcha with hot water and create froth.
• Characteristics: Crafted from a single piece of bamboo, meticulously split into fine bristles. Preferences for susudake (aged soot bamboo), white bamboo, or purple bamboo vary by tea school, affecting the foam quality in usucha.
1.3 Chashaku (Tea Scoop)
• Use: A scoop used to transfer matcha from the container to the tea bowl.
• Characteristics: Typically made of bamboo, with a characteristic knot in the middle. Some tea schools and hosts name their chashaku, and they are often presented for appreciation (haiken) during tea gatherings.
1.4 Natsume & Cha-ire (Tea Containers)
• Use: Containers for storing matcha.
• Characteristics:
• Natsume: A lacquered wooden container used for usucha.
• Cha-ire: A ceramic or porcelain container used for koicha, often covered with a decorative silk pouch (shifuku), which is removed and appreciated during formal tea gatherings.
1.5 Furo & Ro (Brazier and Hearth)
• Use: Devices for heating water.
• Characteristics:
• Furo (Portable Brazier): Used in summer (May–October), placed on the tatami mat, and heated with charcoal or electricity to create a cooling effect.
• Ro (Sunken Hearth): Used in winter (November–April), built into the tatami floor, allowing the host to sit closer to the heat source. The transition to ro is called “robiraki”, marking an important seasonal change.
1.6 Kama (Iron Kettle)
• Use: A cast iron kettle for boiling water.
• Characteristics: Kettles differ in shape depending on whether they are used with furo or ro. The gentle sound of boiling water is referred to as “matsukaze” (wind in the pines) and adds to the tea ceremony’s ambiance.
1.7 Hishaku (Ladle)
• Use: A long-handled ladle for scooping water.
• Characteristics: The length of the handle varies depending on the season—shorter for furo and longer for ro. There are also set rules for placing it on the ladle rest (e-oki) during the tea procedure.
1.8 Futa-oki (Lid Rest)
• Use: A small stand for temporarily placing the kettle lid or ladle.
• Characteristics: Made of ceramic, metal, or bamboo, its shape and material often change based on season or host’s aesthetic preference. It may also be presented for appreciation (haiken).
1.9 Kensui (Waste Water Container)
• Use: A container for discarding used water from rinsing the tea bowl.
• Characteristics: Made from ceramic, metal, or lacquerware, it is placed at the host’s lower-left side during the tea procedure.
1.10 Mizusashi (Fresh Water Container)
• Use: Holds fresh water for refilling the kettle.
• Characteristics: Can be made of ceramic, lacquer, or glass, often reflecting seasonal aesthetics. Considered one of the most important utensils, as it holds the “life-giving water” of the tea ceremony.
1.11 Fukusa (Silk Cloth)
• Use: Used to purify tea scoops and tea containers during the tea procedure.
• Characteristics: The color varies by tea school and gender (e.g., in Urasenke, men use purple and women use red). The “fukusa-sabaki” (handling of the fukusa) is an essential part of tea etiquette.
1.12 Sensu (Folding Fan)
• Use: A small folding fan used as a symbolic boundary during greetings and formal exchanges.
• Characteristics: Unlike ordinary fans, it is not used for fanning oneself but as a ritual object.
2. Basic Procedures: Usucha and Koicha
In tea ceremonies, there are two main types of tea: usucha (thin tea) and koicha (thick tea).
2.1 Usucha (Thin Tea)
• Flavor & Characteristics: A lighter tea with less matcha and more water, creating a frothy texture.
• Preparation Steps:
1. Matcha is scooped from the natsume or cha-ire into the tea bowl (1–2 scoops).
2. Hot water is added from the kama.
3. The matcha is whisked with a chasen, either producing a fine frothy layer (Urasenke style) or a minimal froth (Omotesenke and Mushakōjisenke styles).
4. Each guest receives their own bowl.
• Significance: In casual tea gatherings, usucha is often served alone, with simpler procedures compared to koicha.
2.2 Koicha (Thick Tea)
• Flavor & Characteristics: A rich, thick tea made by using a larger amount of matcha and a small amount of water, resulting in a smooth, syrup-like consistency.
• Preparation Steps:
1. At least three scoops of matcha are placed in the bowl.
2. A small amount of hot water is added.
3. The matcha is gently kneaded with a chasen, creating a velvety texture without foam.
4. The tea is shared among multiple guests, each taking turns to drink from the same bowl.
• Significance: Served during formal tea gatherings (chaji), following a kaiseki meal. The shared drinking process symbolizes “ichiza konryū” (uniting the hearts of all present).
3. The Meaning Behind Tea Etiquette
3.1 The Importance of Bowing (Rei)
Bowing is performed when entering or leaving the tea room, receiving sweets, or drinking tea, as a gesture of respect and gratitude. Each tea school has specific angles and hand positions, but all emphasize mutual consideration.
3.2 Handling Utensils with Both Hands
All tea utensils, from chawan to chashaku, are handled with both hands, signifying respect and mindfulness.
3.3 Fukusa-Sabaki (Handling the Silk Cloth)
The process of purifying the tea scoop and tea container with the fukusa is not just for cleanliness but also serves to calm the host’s mind and reassure the guests.
4. Conclusion
The tea procedure is a carefully choreographed act of hospitality, where each movement and utensil reflects the spirit of wa-kei-sei-jaku (harmony, respect, purity, and tranquility). By learning these utensils and basic etiquette, one can deepen their appreciation for the art of tea.
In the next article, we will explore the architecture of the tea room and garden, uncovering the aesthetic philosophy behind the tea ceremony’s setting.