※English podcast here and article below
1. 三千家の由来と特徴
1.1 表千家
■ 由来
千利休の曾孫・千宗旦(せんの そうたん)の三男・千宗左(せんの そうさ)が興し、京都上京の自邸「不審菴(ふしんあん)」を拠点とする流派です。茶室が表通りに面していたため「表千家」と呼ばれるようになりました(Schools of Japanese tea - Wikipedia)。
■ 茶風と作法
• 質素で落ち着いた趣
• 薄茶の点て方
• 茶筅(ちゃせん)の好み
• 袱紗(ふくさ)の色
• 正座の姿勢
1.2 裏千家
■ 由来
千宗旦の四男・千宗室(せんの そうしつ)が「今日庵(こんにちあん)」を構えたことから始まる流派で、不審菴の“裏側”にあったことから「裏千家」と呼ばれます(Schools of Japanese tea - Wikipedia)。
■ 茶風と普及
• 柔軟で華やかなスタイル
• 海外での普及
• 薄茶の点て方
カプチーノのようにきめ細かい泡を立て、口当たりをやわらかく仕上げる点が特徴(Japanese Tea Ceremony Guide Part 2 | Sugimoto Tea Company)。
• 茶筅の好み
• 袱紗の色
• 正座の姿勢
1.3 武者小路千家
■ 由来
千宗旦の次男・千宗守(せんの そうしゅ)が興し、京都・武者小路通に「官休庵(かんきゅうあん)」を構えたことから「武者小路千家」と呼ばれます(Schools of Japanese tea - Wikipedia)。
■ 茶風と個性
• 最も保守的な侘び寂び
• 薄茶の点て方
• 茶筅の好み
• 袱紗の色
• 正座の姿勢
2. その他の主要流派
2.1 遠州流
• 創始者:小堀遠州(こぼり えんしゅう)
• 特徴
2.2 石州流
• 創始者:片桐石州(片桐貞昌)
• 特徴
2.3 織部流
• 創始者:古田織部(古田重然)
• 特徴
2.4 藪内流
• 創始者:薮内剣仲(やぶのうち けんちゅう)
• 特徴
2.5 上田宗箇流
• 創始者:上田宗箇(うえだ そうこ)
• 特徴
3. まとめ
• Japanese tea ceremony - Wikipedia
• Schools of Japanese tea - Wikipedia
• 茶道の流派一覧|永寿堂
• にじり口の由来 - 茶の湯 徒然日記 - goo BLOG
• Japanese Tea Ceremony Guide Part 2 | Sugimoto Tea Company
Here is the English translation of your text:
The world of Japanese tea ceremony is home to many schools, each of which has evolved uniquely while inheriting the wabi-cha tradition established by Sen no Rikyū. Among them, the Three Senke Schools (San-Senke)—Omotesenke, Urasenke, and Mushakōjisenke—were founded by the disciples of Sen Sōtan, the grandson of Rikyū, and have become central figures in the modern tea world. Additionally, various schools have developed under the patronage of feudal lords and tea masters, including warrior tea (Buke-cha) and monastic tea (Bōzu-cha) traditions.
This article provides an overview of the characteristics of the San-Senke and other major tea schools, illustrating how the tea ceremony has expanded and embraced diverse expressions over time.
1. Origins and Characteristics of the Three Senke Schools
1.1 Omotesenke
Omotesenke was founded by Sen Sōsa, the third son of Sen Sōtan, and is based in Fushin’an in Kyoto’s Kamigyo district. Since the tea room faced the main street, it came to be known as Omotesenke (Front Senke).
Style and Etiquette
• Simple and serene aesthetics: Omotesenke values the spirit of wabi (austere refinement), preferring subdued colors in utensils and kimono.
• Matcha preparation: The whisking technique produces a smooth tea surface with a faint “crescent moon” layer of froth, emphasizing the natural taste of matcha.
• Tea whisk preference: Omotesenke favors susu-dake (aged soot bamboo) whisks, appreciating their natural brown color as an expression of wabi aesthetics.
• Fukusa (silk cloth for handling utensils): Men use purple, while women use vermilion.
• Seiza (formal kneeling posture): Women maintain a fist-width gap between their knees, while men adopt a more stable stance, reflecting a solemn atmosphere in their movements.
1.2 Urasenke
Urasenke was founded by Sen Sōshitsu, the fourth son of Sen Sōtan, and is based at Konnichian in Kyoto. Since it was located behind Fushin’an, it became known as Urasenke (Back Senke).
Style and Influence
• Flexible and elegant style: Urasenke incorporates both tradition and innovation, allowing a slightly more decorative approach in utensils and kimono.
• Global expansion: With the largest number of practitioners, Urasenke has branches across six continents, significantly contributing to the international spread of the tea ceremony.
• Matcha preparation: Urasenke’s frothy whisking technique creates a fine, cappuccino-like foam, giving the tea a smooth and mild texture.
• Tea whisk preference: Prefers white bamboo whisks, which create a delicate and refreshing appearance.
• Fukusa: Men use purple, while women use red (distinct from Omotesenke’s vermilion).
• Seiza posture: Women sit with a fist-width gap, while men leave about two fists’ width, reflecting a more relaxed and open style.
1.3 Mushakōjisenke
Mushakōjisenke was founded by Sen Sōshu, the second son of Sen Sōtan, and is based at Kankyūan on Mushakōji Street in Kyoto, hence the name Mushakōjisenke.
Style and Aesthetics
• The most conservative wabi-sabi approach: Even more reserved than Omotesenke, Mushakōjisenke strongly adheres to simplicity and restraint, favoring plain and humble utensils over ornate ones.
• Matcha preparation: Similar to Omotesenke, the whisking technique minimizes froth, maintaining a calm and subdued atmosphere.
• Tea whisk preference: Mushakōjisenke uniquely values purple bamboo (murasaki-dake) whisks.
• Fukusa: Men use purple, while women use vermilion.
• Seiza posture: Women keep their knees together, while men sit with a one-fist-width gap, resulting in a more refined and disciplined posture.
2. Other Major Tea Schools
Beyond the Three Senke Schools, many other tea schools emerged, especially during the Edo period, under the patronage of feudal lords and temples. The following are some of the most representative traditions:
2.1 Enshūryū
• Founder: Kobori Enshū (1579–1647), a feudal lord and tea master.
• Characteristics: Established the concept of kirei-sabi (elegant wabi), balancing simplicity with refined elegance. Popular among samurai society due to his role as the tea instructor of Tokugawa Iemitsu.
2.2 Sekishūryū
• Founder: Katagiri Sekishū (1605–1673), a tea master under the Tokugawa shogunate.
• Characteristics: Strictly follows warrior etiquette, maintaining formal and structured procedures. Influenced the Fumai-ryū school.
2.3 Oribe-ryū
• Founder: Furuta Oribe (1544–1615), one of Rikyū’s Seven Disciples.
• Characteristics: Known for avant-garde and asymmetrical aesthetics, favoring eccentric Oribe-yaki ceramics and unconventional tea room designs.
2.4 Yabunouchi-ryū
• Founder: Yabunouchi Kanchū (1536–1627), a disciple of Takeno Jōō and Sen no Rikyū.
• Characteristics: Emphasizes discipline and simplicity, incorporating elements of Zen and monastic tea traditions.
2.5 Ueda Sōko-ryū
• Founder: Ueda Sōko (1563–1650), a warrior tea master under Toyotomi Hideyoshi and later the Hiroshima domain.
• Characteristics: Integrates samurai etiquette with tea aesthetics, known for “Tachii Nanaji”, a set of seven warrior-style standing movements in tea practice.
3. Conclusion
The history of the Japanese tea ceremony reveals how wabi-cha, originally developed by Sen no Rikyū, has diversified through different historical needs and founder influences. Following Rikyū’s passing, Sen Sōtan’s disciples established Omotesenke, Urasenke, and Mushakōjisenke, shaping the San-Senke as the core of the tea world. Simultaneously, feudal and monastic traditions, such as Enshūryū, Sekishūryū, and Oribe-ryū, have preserved their unique rituals and aesthetics.
Despite these differences, all tea schools share the fundamental philosophy of Wa-Kei-Sei-Jaku (Harmony, Respect, Purity, Tranquility), expressing individuality through ceremony procedures, utensils, and aesthetics.
In the next article, we will explore how these differences manifest in tea utensils and procedures, shedding further light on the distinctive beauty of each school.