【The Japan Times】日本の喫茶店、世界へ:Japanese-style coffee is rooted in the local kissaten, but its reach is global
コチラの記事では筆者(SPENCER COHEN氏)が日本で喫茶店と出会い、科学実験のような光景が気に入り、日本で購入したサイフォン式のコーヒーメーカーをニュージーランドへ持ち帰ったことという筆者の体験談から始まります。
Hario V60(URL)やKalita Wave(URL)のようなコーヒー業界で有名な機材メーカーのことや、流行りのコーヒーショップなどについて紹介しています。そして、サードウェーブと呼ぼれる米国初のコーヒー店が日本に進出されている中で、お客さんと店員とのコミュニケーションを軸とする日本式のコーヒーショップのあり方について述べています。
Dave Lamason first walked into an off-the-beaten-path kissaten in early 2000s Osaka.
With its older clientele bathed in a smoky haze, he remembers the old-school shop served a coffee with “minimal extraction,” brewed with gear he had not seen before.
・bathed in~:~を浴びて
He was mesmerized by “the steel and the glass and the wood,” and the ritual of preparation.
When he opened Lamason Brew Bar, a cafe in Wellington in 2011, Lamason bought Hario and Bonmac glassware and a siphon gas table from Japan, which he converted from natural to liquid gas and displayed prominently on the counter.
・siphon(sáifən ):サイフォン、サイフォン瓶
It was a showpiece, with glass orbs set in metal and wooden frames, arranged above blue flames of a metal board.
At the root is the tenacious influence of kissaten.
But with ubiquity comes ambiguity. The rise of Japan on the world coffee stage has meant that the meaning of “Japan,” in specialty coffee, is often imprecise.
It is a label tacked on to tools and brew methods with tenuous ties to the country; there are also products and brew methods so commonplace that the association to Japan has been all but lost.
Although the contours changed overtime, kissaten remained spaces for coffee with European and American influences.
With his long hair pulled back; thin, black-framed glasses; and colorful beaded necklace draped around his neck, he radiates a subdued cool.
“So when it becomes part of standard coffee lore and doesn’t have to be identified as Japanese, that’s an interesting moment.”
First, he grinds the beans with a Kalita grinder, then prepares the dripper, laden with filter paper, and the server.
・laden with~:~でいっぱいの
With the uncertainty and fear surrounding the pandemic, this ritual became a fleeting act of respite — 10 minutes that “really make me happy.”