

英語ガイドアドバイザーの Kazu(金田憲昭:かねだかづあき)です。

日本にいる海外の方をサポートできる英語力を身につけたい方を対象に、英語力の土台構築、アウトプット力、英語ガイドに必要なスキル習得を通じて、3年間で英語ガイドとして活躍できるスキルを育成し、世界中の人々とつながる力を身につけるパーソナル英語学習サポートを提供しています。(わたし自身も Sake Guide -日本酒ガイド- として、海外の方をアテンドする活動を行っています)』

New Year's resolutions

It might be one of those typical topics to bring up during New Year's holidays, but I'd like to do it anyway because I think it will have a positive impact on your new journey for the next 365 days.

You might have already guessed what I'm going to talk about.

That's right.

For today, I'd like to write about New Year's resolutions.

Before I share with you what I'm aiming to achieve this year, I'd like to introduce an episode from one of the most iconic sitcoms, Friends.

The title of the episode is "The One With All The Resolutions," and it aired way back on January 7, 1999.
そのエピソードのタイトルは「The One With All The Resolutions」で、1999年1月7日に放送されました。

As you can imagine from its title, the episode has a lot to do with New Year's resolutions.

In fact, thanks to this episode, I'm one of those who learned about the tradition and the term itself.

Just in case you haven't watched the show, let me give you a brief introduction to the six main characters:

Ross Geller: A paleontologist with a passion for dinosaurs, Ross is intelligent but often socially awkward. He has a complicated romantic history with Rachel and is known for his quirky humor.


Rachel Green: Initially introduced as a runaway bride, Rachel grows into a confident and ambitious individual with a talent for fashion. Her on-again, off-again relationship with Ross is a central theme of the series.


Monica Geller: Ross’s sister, Monica, is a chef and the "mom" of the group. She's highly competitive, obsessive about cleanliness, and has a big heart.


Chandler Bing: Known for his sarcastic humor, Chandler works in statistical analysis and data reconfiguration, though his job remains a running joke. He evolves from a commitment-phobic bachelor to a loving husband.


Joey Tribbiani: An aspiring actor with a passion for food, Joey is lovable, loyal, and often naïve. His famous catchphrase, "How you doin'?" is a fan favorite.

ジョーイ・トリビアーニ:食べ物が大好きな俳優志望で、愛らしく忠実でありながら時に単純です。彼の有名な決めゼリフ「How you doin'?(調子どう?)」はファンのお気に入りです。

Phoebe Buffay: A quirky and free-spirited musician, Phoebe often surprises her friends with her unconventional ideas and unique past. Her eccentric personality adds humor and heart to the group.


Now that you know what each character is like, let me write about their New Year's resolutions.

Ross: His resolution is to be happy in 1999 and to do something he hasn't done before every single day to make life better.


Phoebe: Her resolution is to pilot a commercial jet. (This unique resolution perfectly mirrors her character.)


Chandler: His resolution is not to make fun of his friends. (Considering his sarcastic personality, it might have been the hardest of everyone else's.)


Monica: She wants to take more pictures of the group and buys a film camera that she repeatedly uses throughout the episode.


Joey: He wants to learn how to play the guitar to have a special skill he can list on his acting resume.


Rachel: Her resolution is to gossip less about her friends and co-workers.


It's only a 25-minute episode, but all the resolutions are hilariously intertwined within the limited amount of time.

You might have noticed from their resolutions that New Year's resolutions don't necessarily have to be something big or impressive.

They can be smaller goals you can manage in your everyday life.

In fact, according to an article I came across today, here are some of the most common resolutions people tend to make:

Exercise more


Lose weight


Get organized


Learn a new skill or hobby


Live life to the fullest


Save more money/spend less money


Quit smoking


Spend more time with family and friends


Travel more


Read more


The article also introduced a study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology.

The study showed that only 46% of people who made New Year's resolutions were successful, meaning more than half failed to follow through on their goals.

The study also mentioned non-resolvers, people who did not make a New Year's resolution despite having goals they wanted to achieve.

Surprisingly, only 4% of non-resolvers were successful at achieving their goals, which is a far bleaker result than those who made resolutions.

If I hadn't read this article, I would have made New Year's resolutions for 2025 anyway, but this data has pushed me to do so even more strongly.

Without further ado, I'd like to share what I want to achieve this year.

*New Year's Resolutions 2025*

❶English Learning Service

I’d like to have more students receiving my personalized support than last year. Specifically, I aim to reach a stage where I welcome one new student every month, meaning twelve new students by the end of 2025.

To achieve this, I’ll need to figure out ways to gain more recognition, attract potential students, and get consistent bookings for my seminars and free trial services.

I’ll also focus on improving my teaching skills, enhancing my current services, and even coming up with new ones.

❷English Guide

I’d like to keep offering my sake-kanji-hopping tour. Currently, it’s a four-hour night tour, but since Himeji is a place where most foreigners only stop briefly, I also plan to create a shorter version of the tour that can run during the daytime.

Additionally, I’d like to revive my sake brewery tour in Nada, which I had to pause due to platform restrictions.

I’m also thinking of adding various types of tours, such as:

  • A Sake Brewery tour in Shiso City

  • A hiking tour to Mount Shosha

  • Authentic Japanese language experiences combined with local food

Joining a tourism team as an English guide will also help me broaden my perspectives and open up new possibilities.

❸English Communities

Last September, I launched two English-related groups: Himeji English Exchange (HEH) and Himeji English Tours (HET). Currently, HEH has 24 members, and HET has 14. This year, I’d like to increase both to 50 members.

For now, the events I host are mainly weekly gatherings that are feasible to hold at a café or restaurant. These casual meetups have been a great way to connect with people locally, but I feel they might be limited in appeal to a broader audience.

To make my events more diverse and engaging, I’m considering organizing monthly events, such as hiking trips, day tours, or other outdoor activities. These types of events could provide participants with unique experiences and opportunities to bond in a different setting.

In addition to improving the variety of events, I’d also like to expand my personal network and make more friends who share the same interests and passions as I do.

To achieve this, I realize I need to approach meeting new people in a different way than I did last year.

Last year, I met quite a lot of new people, but most of them didn’t share my interests or align with my goals. While these encounters were valuable in their own way, they taught me an important lesson: connecting with like-minded individuals is essential for meaningful relationships.

This year, I want to focus on meeting people who love language learning, international exchanges, or tourism—just like me.

To make this happen, I plan to find language partners and actively seek opportunities to make more international friends.

Additionally, it will be necessary for me to participate in more language or international exchange events hosted in Himeji, Kobe, and Osaka. Attending such events will allow me to connect with people who have similar interests and passions, creating a stronger foundation for my community and personal growth.

❹English Learning

As always, I’ll continue working on my English daily. This year, I’d like to challenge myself by taking the National Licensed Interpreter Guide exam in August.

While it will be demanding, I believe it will be rewarding and help me grow as a guide.

Just the thought of becoming one of the few qualified English guides is exciting!

I hope you enjoyed reading my New Year’s resolutions.

Nobody can predict whether I’ll succeed in realizing all my goals, but I feel confident that setting them clearly gives me a better chance of becoming one of the 46% of people who achieve their New Year’s resolutions.

If you haven’t made your resolutions yet, I’d encourage you to take some time to think about what you want to accomplish this year.

Avoid falling into the category of non-resolvers—those who have goals but never take the first step to define them.

Once you’ve set your resolutions, I’d recommend taking an extra step to increase your chances of success: share your goals with someone you trust.

By sharing, you put yourself under positive pressure to take responsibility for your words and follow through.

The reason I shared my goals with you today is to hold myself accountable.

Saying them out loud (or writing them down) makes them feel more concrete, and I feel a stronger sense of commitment to fulfilling them.

If you’ve already made your resolutions, I’d love to hear about them.

Please don’t hesitate to message me—I’d be happy to cheer you on and help you stay accountable.

Let’s use this opportunity to support each other and make 2025 a year of growth, achievement, and fulfillment!


1. Resolution:決意、抱負

She made a resolution to read one book every month this year.

2. Accountable:責任を持つ、説明責任がある

As a team leader, you are accountable for the success of the project.

3. Fulfill:実現する、達成する

He worked hard to fulfill his dream of becoming a doctor.

4. Opportunity:機会、チャンス

The internship gave her an opportunity to learn about the industry.

5. Commitment:献身、約束、責任感

Joining the gym requires a commitment to regular exercise.

That's all for today.
Thank you so much for visiting the page!
Hope you liked it:-)

〇 この記事を書いてるのはこんな人

その後29歳まで飲食店勤務とストリートバスケに奮闘。30歳目前で "英語を使って仕事をしよう"と決意し再勉強。2年でTOEIC900オーバー達成。そこから、

英語講師6年 / 日本語教師5年 / 日本酒の酒蔵で英語ガイド7年 / 海外の方へ日本酒発信活動・インバウンド観光客対象のオリジナル日本酒ツアー3年



- 実績 -




