
ユーザベース Q1 2021 好調要因の考察

※English as follows.


新ビジネススモデルの増加により、企業業態呼称も変わってきた。サブスクリプション型ビジネスモデルを展開している企業をSaas、Software as a Service企業という。端的に言えば、インターネット経由でソフトウエアを利用できるWebサービスで、プロダクトやシステム自体のサービス提供形態を言う。先に述べたNetflixやAmazonは米国企業だが、日本国内でもSaas企業は存在する。会計ソフトサービスを提供しているfreee、名刺管理サービスを提供しているSansanなどがある。



2021年5月13日、株式会社ユーザベースは2021年第1四半期連結決算の発表を行った。売上高は39.65億円で前年比25%増加、営業損益は7.39億円の黒字 (前年同期2.63億円の赤字)、経常損益は6.77億円の黒字(前年同期3.17億円の赤字)だった。通期予想に対する第一四半期の進捗率は営業利益53.6%で、全体的に好調な結果だったと言えるだろう。同社主力の3サービスであるSPEEDA、NewsPicks、FORCASの内、先2つのサービスに焦点を当てて好調の要因がどこにあるのか考察していきたい。










次にNewsPicks事業だ。NewsPicksは、ソーシャル型経済メディア、ニュースサイトである。ユーザーはピッカーと呼ばれ、メディアコンテンツに対して自由に意見を述べることができる。会員登録者数は、就業人口約6,600万 (*1)の約1割にあたる617万人、有料会員数は18.1万人となっている。本事業における結果は、売上高は、前年同期比54%増の19.38億円、MRR(Monthly Recurring Revenue/月次経常収益) は前年同期比 38%増と2.54億円と好調だった。好調の要因は2つ挙げられる。








*1 出典元: 総務省統計局

*2 ABM
Account Based Marketing

*資料の出典元: 株式会社ユーザベース 2021年第一四半期 決算資料

[Q1 ハイライト]
売上高39.65億円 (前年同期比 + 25%)
営業損益 7.39億円 (前年同期 2.63億円赤字)
経常損益 6.77億円 (前年同期 3.17億円赤字)
EBITDA 8.3億円
最終損益 4.82億円 (前年同期 4.73億円赤字)

MRR 8.83億円
ARR 106.07億円 (前年同期比 +24%)

売上高19.38億円 (前年同期比 +54%)
MRR 2.54億円 (前年同期比 +38%)
EBITDA 3.24億円 (前年同期比 +43%)

売上高 4.38億円 (前年同期比 +33%)
MRR 1.07億円 (前年同期比 +33%)
INITIAL 3,700万円 (前年同期比 +38%)
EBITDA 1,200万円

売上高15.96億円 (前年同期比 +20%)
MRR 4.85億円 (前年同期比 +15%) / 解約率 1.3%
EBITDA率 34.3% (前年同期比 -5.5%)

売上高 156億円 (前年比 +13%)
営業利益 13.8億円 (同13.3倍)
経常利益 12.4億円 (前期 2.81億円赤字)

売上高 155億9,400万円
営業利益 14億2,700万円
経常利益 12億9,000万円

In recent years, business models have been changing due to the rapid evolution of technology. In the past few years, there has been an increase in the number of subscription-based business models (continuous billing model) (* called recurring in English) that are based on the premise of continuous usage rather than a sell-out business model. Netflix, a video distribution service company, and Amazon, an online shopping site, are representative of subscription-based business models.

As the number of new business models increases, the name of the business model is also changing. Companies that are developing subscription-based business models are called Saas, Software as a Service companies. To put it simply, it is a web service that allows the use of software via the Internet, and it is a form of service provision of the product or system itself. Netflix and Amazon mentioned above are American companies, but Saas companies exist in Japan as well. For example, freee is an accounting software service provider, and Sansan is a business card management service provider.

Among the above, I am focusing on Userbase Inc., a company that continuously creates high-quality economic information content to support decision-making in corporate activities in an age of information overload.

With the mission of "changing the world with economic information," Userbase Inc. is a company that provides the social economic media NewsPicks and the economic information service SPEEDA.

On May 13, 2021, Userbase Inc. announced its consolidated financial results for the first quarter of 2021.
Sales were 3.965 billion yen, up 25% YoY, operating profit was 739 million yen (vs. a deficit of 263 million yen a year earlier), and ordinary profit was 677 million yen (vs. a deficit of 317 million yen a year earlier). Operating profit for the first quarter was 53.6% of the full-year forecast, suggesting that the company performed well overall. I would like to focus on the first two of the company's three main services, SPEEDA, NewsPicks, and FORCAS, and examine the reasons for their strong performance.

First is the SPEEDA business. This service provides an economic information platform that solves the information gathering problems of businesspeople and accelerates the evolution of companies. Sales increased 20% YoY to 1.596 billion yen, and MRR increased 15% YoY to 485 million yen.

One of the reasons for the strong performance was that the company was able to curb the worsening trend in the churn rate. Due to the impact of Corona, there were a certain number of cancellations from small and medium-sized companies that are susceptible to business sentiment from the second quarter of 2020, but the revenue team has become very strong, which has prevented this from happening, according to President Sakuma. In particular, the company has strengthened its Customer Success team, which provides support for customers to continue using the service, and the team's thorough approach to customer success is having a positive impact.

The other is the expert research business. This business is a service that can provide added value to customers who are already using SPEEDA. As you can see from the numbers, it seems to be starting up smoothly. We have high expectations for this business as we will be investing in it in the future.

Next is the NewsPicks business, which is a social-type economic media and news site. Users are called "pickers" and can freely express their opinions on media content. The number of registered members is 6.17 million, or about 10% of the working population of 66 million (*1), and the number of paying members is 181,000. As for the results of this business, sales increased 54% YoY to 1.938 billion yen, and Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) increased 38% YoY to 254 million yen. There are two reasons for the strong performance.

One was the expansion of corporate business: AlphaDrive Consulting, the service that develops NewsPicks for corporate clients, supports organizational revitalization and new business development. Not only did the new coronavirus increase the need for trustworthy information, but it also seems to have increased demand for companies to DX and look for tips on how to survive.

Another is video advertising: as NewsPicks' video programs gained recognition, video advertising for program sponsors and advertisers was strong. Since we are in the process of considering raising the unit price of advertising, we can say that there are high expectations for further growth rates.

The results for Q1 FY2021 can be said to have mainly consisted of the above factors. In a subscription-based business model, it is important to keep users paying monthly or yearly fees without having them cancel their subscriptions, so the key to achieving continuous growth in the future is the amount of content and human resources. 

Therefore, the key to achieving continuous growth in the future lies in the amount of content and human resources. To achieve this, it is essential to provide content that will not bore users and to secure human resources to improve the platform and strengthen the team. We look forward to further growth.

*1 Source: Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

*2 ABM
Account Based Marketing
A marketing method that is implemented based on a specific company.

* Source of attahced ducments: Q1 2021 report of Uzabase., Inc. 

[Q1 Highlights]
Net sales: 3.965 billion yen (+25% YoY)
Operating income (loss): 739 million yen (vs. 263 million yen loss in the same period last year)
Ordinary income: 677 million yen (vs. a loss of 317 million yen in the same period last year)
EBITDA 8.3 billion yen
Final profit/loss 482 million yen (vs. 473 million yen loss in the same period last year)

MRR 883 million yen
ARR 10.607 billion yen (+24% YoY)

By Product

Net Sales 1.938 billion yen (+54% YoY)
MRR 254 million yen (+38% YoY)
EBITDA 324 million yen (+43% YoY)

FORCAS / Other B2B
Net sales 438 million yen (+33% YoY)
MRR 107 million yen (+33% YoY)
INITIAL 37 million yen (+38% YoY)
EBITDA 12 million yen

Net sales 1.596 billion yen (+20% YoY)
MRR 4.85 billion yen (+15% YoY) / Churn rate 1.3
EBITDA ratio 34.3% (-5.5% YoY)

Full year guideline
Net sales: 15.6 billion yen (+13% YoY)
Operating income: 1.38 billion yen (13.3 times YoY)
Ordinary income: 1.24 billion yen (vs. 281 million yen loss in the previous year)

Analyst forecast
Net sales 15,594 million yen
Operating income: 1,427 million yen
Ordinary income: 1,290 million yen

