Legend of Yuka-chan#1
これは、マガジンに載せている「伝説のこどもたち ゆかちゃん1」を英訳してもらったものです。
伝説のこどもたち ゆかちゃん 1の英語版の始まりです。
Legend of Yuka-chan#1
I was called from section of orthopedics outpatient when few years passed since I started
sensory intergradation therapy. At glance, I founded she has characteristic of severe autism.
She was on her mother’s back, however, she ran away from there, crossing road, to ground of the school without stopping.
Her mother and I followed her not to be hit by the car, but she was laughing at the school ground as nothing was happened for herself. Her mother gave the back to Yuka-Chan and Yuka-Chan jumped at there. A lot of wounds was found from her mother’s neck winded with neckerchief.
I was asked from doctor to perform sensory intergradation therapy and speech therapy for her. I went to rehabilitation room and gave her a toy, but she wasn’t even looking at it. She was licking stepladder made by aluminum for adjusting height of swing. “She may like metals…” so, I removed chain of water tap. I swinged it in front of her, then she was reaching out her hand for it. Before I tried to start leading-and-pulling-off game by saying, “A more little, A more little…” she stopped reaching hand, suddenly looking side. After a while, she glided down from her mother’s back then she started hitting her own head by her both hands.” I failed!” She continued to hit there by her both hands. “Thank you.” Her mother was ready to go home.
I first met her when she was three year and two months old. For about a half of year, nothing went for better way to her. Her mother was sitting on the large ball called training balloon and then she was on her mother’s back. I remember maybe she started to jump pretending balloon behind her mother after so many years have passed. She was still her mother’s back, not behind me. The frequency of her panic didn’t decrease, though she started in small pool filled with azuki bean, spring-attached swing.
She listened record of “Baloon” and classic. She was fastidious to shredded dish. Her father regularly changed the paper of Husuma because she eats foods grabbling with her hands then she rubbed the hands to there, so he regularly changed it.
Before she was going school, her family was readying to have their own house near special-needs school that she was expect to go (at then called “Yogo-gakko” and now “Shen-gakko”). Her parents decided to postpone entering school for her by using the system of postponing to enter school. Instead, she had attended facility for physically disabled children. However, physically-challenged children were lying down in the training room, so she was on the swing because she can’t stop running around the room. Her mother was pushing the swing during so many hours.
At that time, she always swinged it. At that time, she was gradually have settled down a little and little.
伝説のこどもたち ゆかちゃん1
写真 まあちゃんの粘土作品「おとうさん」