「NHK基礎英語3」一年間チャレンジ 番外編 自作英作文添削結果
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My room
〇:When I was a kid, I shared a room with my sister.(修正なし)
×:The good point of sharing a room was I didn’t feel lonely in the middle of the night or when I needed someone to listen.(下記のように修正) 〇:The good thing about sharing a room was that I didn’t feel lonely in the middle of the night or when I needed someone to listen to me.(修正後)
〇:The bad point was there was no privacy.(修正なし)
〇:So, I asked my parents if I could have my own room.(修正なし)
〇:When I was 15, I got my own room! I was so excited!(修正なし)
✖️:But, I realized that my sister was always there whenever I was happy and disappointed. I took her for granted.(下記のように修正)
○:But I soon realized that my sister had always been there for me whenever I was feeling happy or disappointed. I had taken that for granted.
〇:As we got older, we got closer. We try to support each other.(修正なし)
×:I really appreciate it.(下記のように修正)
〇:I really appreciate our relationship.