
Katsurao AIR 2023 Archives:喜多村徹雄 KITAMURA Tetsuo


One thing or another for the picnic

はじめて葛尾村を訪れた日、陽光が射し込む美しい間伐林に目を奪われた。リサーチを通して、かつての住民と入植者は炭焼きなどを通じて互いに出会い、関係が深まっていったという村の記録に触れたことで、今の風景のなかにある緩やかな接続と間隙に気づくようになった。そして、間伐林もそのひとつだとわかったとき、ここに人が集える “場”としてのテーブルを設置するプランを立てた。事前の試みとして、スタジオとして利用していた中学校の並木の樹間にテーブルを架けると、人が集い話す風景が現れた。集い、話し、食べれば「小さな小さな公共」が生まれる。集う目的はピクニックくらいがちょうど良くて、それが風景のなかの間隙を緩やかに接続してくれるのだと思う。

On my first visit to Katsurao, I found myself captivated by a beautiful, thinned grove of trees. Through my research, I came across village records that showed how making charcoal had allowed former residents and settlers to meet and grow closer. These made me aware of the gentle gaps and connections within the scenery today. When I realized that the thinned grove was one such, I devised a plan to install a table here as a "place" for people to gather.
As an initial trial, I set up the table in a gap between the trees at the junior high school I used as my studio. A scene emerged of people coming together and talking, and when they gathered, talked, and ate together, a tiny public space was born. A picnic is a perfect reason for people to come together, and it will, I believe, gently connect up the gaps in the scenery.

協力:葛尾村の方々, 葛尾創生電力株式会社, 認定NPO法人ふくしま再生の会
Collaboration: the people of Katsurao, KATSURAO ELECTRIC POWER Co., Ltd., Non-Profit Organization Resurrection of Fukushima.

喜多村 徹雄

2005 金沢美術工芸大学大学院博士後期課程修了

主な活動歴に「現れの空間/前橋夜話」(ya-gins/群馬、2021)、「中之条ビエンナーレ2021」(イサマムラ/群馬、2021)、Walk Along The Voice Without Body(Užupis Art Incubator/リトアニア、2018)、群馬の美術2017(群馬県立近代美術館/群馬、2017)、「第15回天山アートフェスタ」(小柳酒造本蔵/佐賀、2016)、The rising generation 8(渋川市美術館/群馬、2010)など。「トーキョーワンダーウォール 公募 2004」TWW賞受賞。

2005 Ph.D., Art. Kanazawa College of Art, Japan

Tetsuo Kitamura has interests in the strength of the fragile and the fragile of the strength, that lay behind systems and customs, reasons and feelings, structural stability and unstableness. Recently, He has been trying and creating works that cause person who appreciate them to modest “fluctuation” in the mind, by touching events that is/were there again, through based on research into memories of sites and people that buried under elapsed times. His main activities include ‘The Space of Appearance/The Night Talk in Maebashi’(the solo exhibitions at ya-gins/Gunma, 2021) , ‘Nakanojo Biennale 2021’(Isamamura/Gunma, 2021), Walk Along The Voice Without Body(Užupis Art Incubator/Lithuania, 2018), ‘Contemporary Art in Gunma 2017′(The Museum of Modern Art, Gunma/Gunma, 2017), ’15th Tenzan Art Festa'(Koyanagi Sake Brewing/Saga, 2016), ‘The Rising Generation 8’(Shibukawa City Museum of Art/Gunma, 2010), etc. Won the second prize of the ‘Tokyo Wonder Wall 2004’.
