

今回もスタエフで公開した【ALL English #3】の日本語訳をこちらに載せています。今回のテーマは『私の1番最初に英語に触れた機会』についてお話ししています。私も忘れていた記憶を思い出しました。


「This is Our Happy Place」チャンネルのカナコです。これは私の英語で話す3回目の配信です。このコンテンツの目的は、私が英語を練習することです。しかし同時に、英語を練習したい人、英語のスキルを向上させたい人が、リスニングスキルを活用するためでも










その頃、ほぼ20年前(...よく考えたら30年ほど前でした。笑) ですが、(文通は)国内でもまだ人気がありました。私は愛知出身ですが、友達は北海道や沖縄など、遠くから文通をしていました。それはとても魅力的でした。

神秘的でファンタジーなこと、子供たちはそういうのが大好きですよね。だから、Eチャレンジはそのサービスを提供しているんです。 (私は、)「わぁ最高!手紙を交換する限り、英語をもっと学ぶことが出来るじゃん!だって実際に誰かが手紙を送ってくれているから、(私は)彼女が何を話しているのか、何を書いているのか知りたいと思う。だから、それは素晴らしい。」
























Hello everyone, good afternoon, and/or good evening. This is Kanako from “This is our Happy Place channel”. This is my third streaming of speaking in English, so the purpose of this content is for me to practice in English. But at the same time for someone who practice, or someone who wants to improve your English skill, to apply your English listening skill. But also for everyone to share my story as well. So let's get started.

Okay, so today I'm gonna, I'm going to talk about is how did I expose to English first time.
It's very interesting things to think about it when it was actually my first exposure to English.

So thinking back when I was elementary school student, like I was eight, nine, ten years old, I used to take Kodomo Challenge, or maybe called Shinkenzemi. Some people know about that. Some educational material that you subscribe and then they they send it to your house monthly, they send educational material so that you can study like.

Mathematics language, like, you know, Japanese language, and some, some science and social.. etc. So the same company provides different type of educational material, which called e-challenge. It's literally like English challenge. So I wasn't taking that.

But I often receive some advertisement, you know, like some booklet or some letters was sent to my house, and I often like to read those. Like little manga. Like, you know, very, very motivating story that how quickly you improve your English, you know, skill or something, so I was very fascinated about learning English. So I asked my mom, I beg to take that this course like additional course. So my mom said, “As long as you do it, it's fine. You know, promise you do it”  and I said, “I promise.”

So so I was taking that e-challenge. So the one of the the reason I was fascinated so much about this course was little .... you know ... rewards aside, you know, the one of the rewards was, you know, I can receive all kinds of coins like a currency, coins from all over the world. That was like one of us, fascinate, fascination about it, that's aside.

They provide a service to connect with kids from outside of Japan, like, you know, foreign kids, foreigner kids, to do letter exchange like “Buntsu” (penpal).

At the time, like it's almost almost 20 years ago, it was still popular, even domestically here. Like, even, even like. You know, I'm from Aichi, but some friends are doing like “Buntsu” from, you know, Hokkaido, Okinawa, or like that. You know, far away things, and it's very, very fascinating and and.

Mysterious and fantasy and all that, like, you know, kids love those things. So the since. Each challenge provides that service. Like, “Oh, that's great. Because as long as I exchange a letter, that's for me to learn English more. Because, you know, someone is actually sending me a letter, I definitely want to know what she is or he is talking about about or writing about, so so that's awesome!“

So I did that and I exchanged with one girl. And, you know, I completely forgot about that...

But you know, 10 months ago I came back from Canada ... uh, moved back to Japan with my family ... I already talked about it (the story previously) So I will leave the link here, so please skip. Or underneath I will leave that previous streaming (link), so please refer it.

【Previous streaming↓】

But anyway,  when I came back from Canada, my mom asked me to like,
“Oh, here we go, there is a box (for you) I found, Please organize it, uh, you know, can you keep it or throw it? You know, it's up to you... just deal it, DEAL IT. ”  
And I said   “Fine.”

So I opened the box. And there are lots of like albums, like photo albums or like CDs and books that I used to love or I used to listen and all that.

And also I found some letters too, like all kinds of letters that I kept, and one of them was from the the girl at  the time I was exchanging the letter.

Yes, so, her name is Ashley. And you know, it's funny enough, it's very, very funny that she is actually from Canada, and I completely forgot (about that). And I was completely forgot about the letter exchange,  but..But yeah, it's just, you know, the letter reminds me of, like, everything.
But yeah, it's funny. How, um, maybe maybe because of that, I got to know about Canada , and I was exposed to English. At the same time, I was exposed about Canada. Probably I started,
“Oh, there is a country called Canada, and you know, like, flag and all that.”

And yeah, later on, I was actually, like, more research about Canada. When I was in junior high school for like summer project....yeah, that's different story.

but ANYHOW...

I was a little (letter) exchange with her, but you know, at the time oviously I don't have any any... any knowledge about English.  And I was like, literally a word to word I was translated with the dictionary because there was no internet, there is no electronic dictionary either.

So yeah, like using a book, literally like a word to word. And I... I managed to to return the the message like, I wrotte it the the letter and then I send it back.

And then we did a couple times, but that is all.
I couldn't keep it up.

But I still kept the letter somehow, and I recently found it, and I now I could read. I completely understand (what she wrote).... you know?

So that was my first exposure of English.

So you never know, you never know what triggers it. But because of that, I think, you know, for my kids, I would love... I would love my kids to expose many opportunities as possible, because you never know, you never know what opportunity ... brings them to the future.


Yeah, that is my story, and uh yeah, more to come about my exposure to English.
And also I would love to share my story as well, ...like how, how, I... you know, from that exposure, and then how,  and that you know taking like study abroad and all that type of story.

More to come.  So please stay in tune.
Okay, thank you and I hope you enjoyed it.

Have a nice day, have a nice evening
and see you, talk to you later, bye bye.

