


よろしければスタエフの【All English #5】の音声配信と合わせてお聴きください。




皆さん、こんにちは。私はカナコです。This Is Our HappyPlaceへようこそ。本日の「ALL English」の第5話です。それでは始めましょう。

























さて、英語の授業や課題はとても大変でしたが、地元の学生や国際学生、日本の同じ大学の学生とも交流するのが楽しかったです。私たちはいつも一緒に遊び、 社交を楽しみました。私はネイルアートや美容、男の子についての興味を共有し、夜中に女の子たちとおしゃべりもよく楽しみました。地元のバーで友達と過ごすのも楽しかった。



















Hello everyone, I'm Kanako. Welcome to this is our happy place. The fifth episode of All English Today. Let's get started.

Okay, to recap, I was talking about my journey from elementary school to university in the previous episode.

So link below you know, I will share, I will leave link here.

So this episode will focus on my first study abroad experience.

So, after taking a big step to sign up for two-month study abroad program through my university, going to U.S. Iowa State, the city called Cedar Rapids.

All fun and challenges begun from the prep preparation. Including obtaining a passport or suitcase because I never had a passport before, and also apply for student visa. And getting medical check, medical checkup and all that.

So, by the way, the program cost approximately about six thousand U.S. dollars. I remember, I simply remember that covering a food and accommodation and tuition fee, and travel insurance. And oh yeah, it's including airfare, airfare, too, like, you know, airplane tickets as well. Just thinking back, it's quite cheap because, you know, even airplane air fee is almost two thousand dollars. I believe no, but yeah, so. But you know, that was 20 years ago, so it's a different story, you know, given the fact that inflation and all that.

Yeah, so the first impression and experience at the first time. As a girl who never took an airplane before the first, you know, first riding on, like getting on the big airplane, was big deal.

I was so nervous at the same time, I was excited the most, so I was nervous about, you know.
Um, you know, although I was not alone because I went, I went to the university. So there are there is a group of people, it's roughly from 20 20 students. But I didn't know anyone. Because it's different major, everybody, you know, I'm from different major. And also, you know, I was, I was living small group before, but at the same time I was so excited. The fact that you know the feeling of exploring, exploring the world, you know, like discovering something, something I never seen, or something never, never done before.


You know, when I first arrived at the college, you know all scenery and all college, you know the campus and all that. Everything is so beautiful and excite me. It's different, it's so different from Japan, right? I never seen, I never been outside of Japan, so that was really.

Great like, great experience, great impression, so.

When we arrived as a group, when we as a group, we stay at the student dormitory, you know, dormitory is in the same same campus, like in the same area. In the in the college area. They have a campus, there are like few dormitory for students. And yeah, there was cafeteria, library and all that, like everything in that vicinity. It's amazing. Also there was theater as well. Yeah, and so we assigned each shared room for for the dormitory, and also we have a class every day.

I seem to remember there there were grammar, grammar class, ESL class, and I seem to remember theater class, because the camp, the college was famous for theater. So I learned how to edit the video, that's all I remember. But also we got lots of homework, so I often go to the library and and do did assignments. But even the environment of being at the library was fun and enjoyable.

Yeah, and how about food, food?
So the food foods are included. So there there was a student cafeteria.

So most of the time we eat breakfast, lunch, dinner there at the student cafeteria, you know, it's like a buffet. It's like there was a salad bar section.

There were main dish, side dish and pizza, and you know, bread and all that.

And in the morning, there were cereal. And you know, pancake maker, waffle maker. And even there were ice cream machine, like soft cream machine, so all you can eat ice cream. That was amazing part, Yeah, I remember.

And you know, sometimes we went out to grab a bite on the weekend, there were, you know, like hamburger, and you know, sometimes we went to an Asian restaurant as well.

And the night student nightlife are fun.
So, you know, there were also bar in the vicinity, vicinity in the facility, like a student bar. I don't know if it was a campus or a cafeteria, not the cafeteria, but you know, it's connected, but there was a student bar.

So, you know, the local students threw the party very often, mostly Friday night. So, you know, there was like, music, it's like a nightclub, you know, nightclub, music, song and lights and all that.

And we also went out for a drink at the local bar. It's like, you know, just walking distance.
So I was, I was 21 years old at the time, so I was able to drink. Because in United States, legal age for drinking is 21 years old, unlike Japan 20 years old.

Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention that in the very beginning I met.

Key people for my, you know, student life, student life, study abroad.

So one was actually a roommate, you know, I got assigned a roommate from happens to be same university and who was originally from China.
But she can fluently speaking in Japanese, and she is very positive, outgoing and optimistic and kind.

So she took me, she, she took me out of the shell, like, you know, I was still, you know, shy and all that. But she's like, You know,
“Let's go Kana, let's go!! Let's let's hang out with local. Let's hang out with, you know, other student, and let's go there, let's try. “
You know, I was, so I learned so much from her.

And there was another student. I also quickly formed a significant friendship. She, she was a little older, a few years older than me, and she came. She attended this campus, like this study abroad program, like a little bit earlier than us, and she came by herself. And you know, also funny that she was happened to be from same my hometown, yeah, so, and then she was also her. Her room was same floor at the dormitory and very close neighbor. So we quickly bonded and we hung out all the time. And she was such a, you know, she was so kind, she was so supportive. And she is like my sister. Like she always watch after me. Like, You know, “Kanako, are you okay?  Kanako? did you do homework? Kanako? Wake up, it's time to go go to class, you're late “ ... and all that.

So, you know, she was such a kind. And then we hung out together all the time.

And then later on, like, you know, both of them became my lifelong friendship... (friends)
We made(established), we made(established) for a lifetime friendship. So both of them come come out my story later.

Anyhow, anyhow.

Although studying English in the class and doing all assignments were very, very hard.

But also I enjoy engaging with local students, international students, or even, you know, the Japanese student from, you know, same college, same university, and also there are different universities as well.

So we we hung out all the time, like we, you know, socializing was fun and I shared my interests, hung out, interacted with by sharing my interests about my nails. Like, like nail art, beauties and boys, you know, often chatting with girls in the middle of night.

Socializing, hang out at the local bar, which was fun.

And it was like study hard, but at the same time playing even harder, and that was fun.

It's... I enjoy the school life so much.

And two months later, you know, the time has come and time to go, time to go home. Fun time ended.

So, although my English skill didn't significantly improve, but there were so many friends dropped by to our room to farewell last day.

It was sad to go home, but I was fulfilled by joy and happiness.

And I also received a letter from a local student who I often hang out with.

And on the airplane on the way home, I opened it, and read it. Quite honestly, I couldn't understand 100% what she wrote because I didn't improve my English, didn't improve as much as I thought, but I felt so much love and I was so happy.
And I still have the letter, I kept it, I still have it, and not too long ago I found it, and I read it. Now I can understand 100 %, I can 100% understand it.

So the conclusion.

The study abroad experience was filled with both challenges and rewarding experiences. Especially forming friendship and integrating into the social environment were crucial aspects for me. But the academic journey was challenging but contributed to the personal growth.
So the message here is if ... if you are thinking about study abroad for yourself or your kids, even your grandkids.

If there are people who are thinking about going study abroad, I would say, “Don't think, just do it, just do it! Just let them to do it. As long as, as long as they are willing to take the journey, let them do it. It's worth it, it is worth it”...that was my message.

Thank you for listening. And in the next episode, I will talk about how I continue my English journey after coming back from study abroad.

Thanks again, hope you enjoy it and I will talk to you later.

Have a wonderful day, bye-bye.

