
What causes a lack of a sense of unity in team?


we conducted a  condition survey.
As the result, we found that the largest difference between the high eNPS(*) score group and the low score group at the question that asked employees 'Do you feel a sense of belonging to your team ?'

(*) eNPS
employees give a score from 0 to 10 for the question: "How likely do you recommend your company to your friends or family members ?"
Then, those who gave score of  0 -6 are defined as critics, those who give score of 7 - 8 as neutrals, those who give score of 9 -10 as recommenders.
eNPS is calculated by subtracting recommenders from critics.
it is  used to measure employee attachment, satisfaction and engagement with the company.

Therefore, it is important to create a team that people can feel a sense of unity.
First, I investigated why people with low scores do not feel a sense of unity with their team.

Why can't they feel a sense of unity ?

1.It is hard to feel their work is contributing to the company's goal.
people working in indirect sections without communicating  with customers have lower scores.
I think it is because they can't set goals for the team and couldn't feel how their work are helping the company.

2.There are few opportunities to grow.
However, some people had high scores in indirect sections.
They wrote in the comments section, "I can be taught by others and feel growth.
My guess is that even if they can't feel a sense of contribution for the company, if they can feel their growth, they can feel a sense of unity.

3.Do they feel they have less freedom ?
It's inevitable that companies will have some rules, and  how they feel about those rules will vary from person to person.
A common example is that when people look at a glass half of water, some people feel it's only half while some people feel it's enough half.

Our company limits the number of times we can work from home per month.
In a department where there is a limit of 5 times, some people feel it's enough but others it's too few.
It's easy to imagine that the latter gives a low score to the company.

what is important for them to feel a sense of unity ?

In order to enhance the sense of unity within the company, I believe it's important to resolve the above issues one by one.

Regarding issue #1: Leaders need to show them how their work ties into the company's goals.
Regarding issue #2: Leaders need to provide opportunities to learn for members to grow.
Regarding issue #3: Leaders need to communicate with members about their frustrations and discuss what's best for the team.

Especially for startups, it's difficult to cost for employees because it's not direct for the company's profit.
Therefore, it's important to first change a part of soft aspects such as the way  leaders and employees communicate.

Thank you for reading, please share your comments :)

