公開授業を行います(I will give a open lecture about Japanese Politics).
英語基準コース(Community and Regional Policy Studies Major=CRPS)の月曜日の授業が「成人式」のため、土曜日となりましたので、通常「反転授業」で行っているのですが、僕の特別講義として行います。学外に公開したいと思います。
Next Monday is Seijinnshiki, so Monday's classes will be held on this Saturday. Thus, Study of Political Process Week 14 class will be held as my special lecture, which will be opened to outside the class.
The Title is "Japan's Liberal Democratic Party versus China's Communist Party: A Competition of New Model of Political Party"
Date and Time: January 8th (Saturday), 14:40-16:10
ZOOM URL of this lecture is as follows:

ミーティングID: 951 0164 7844
パスコード: 248357