




会長:河村建夫衆議院議員(自民党) 顧問:漆原良夫前衆議院議員 会長代行:石田祝稔衆議院議員(公明党) 副会長:荒井聡衆議院議員(立憲民主党) 副会長:岸本周平衆議院議員(国民民主党) 事務局長:松原仁衆議院議員(無所属)


※ベジ議連については海外の関心も高いそうです。東京ヴィーガン共同代表ナディア・マケックニーさんのご協力により、David Buistさんが翻訳してくれた英語版を日本語版の後に掲載しています。(You can find the English version translated by David Buist, for Tokyo Vegan, below the Japanese version.)






 設立総会に出席した堀越啓仁衆議院議員は天台宗僧侶で精進料理に親しんでいる上にミートフリーマンデーも実践しているとのことでしたが、杉本議員も菜食を実践しているそうで、この記事(NHK政治マガジン 永田町・霞が関のサラメシ「菜食ランチで『ヤジ』も消えた!?)によれば、菜食で健康と精神的な安定を手に入れたとか。高橋議員からも「ベジタリアンや有機農法でつくられた食品が以前から大好き」という発言がありました。せっかくベジ議連なわけですし、こういう話題をもっとアピールすることでベジタリアンやヴィーガンの一般化にも役立つのではと思います。


垣本充(NPO法人日本ベジタリアン協会代表)、川野陽子(NPO法人ベジプロジェクトジャパン代表)、小城徳勇(ミートフリーマンデー・オールジャパン代表)、関根彩子(国際環境NGOグリーンピース・ジャパン スタッフ)、利根川正則(㈱グローバル・メディア代表)、ナディア・マケックニー(東京ヴィーガンミートアップ オーガナイザー)、幡太樹(㈱フレンバシー/ベジウェル 代表取締役 )、室谷真由美(NPO法人ヴィーガン認証協会代表理事)、山路ケン(日本エシカルヴィーガン協会副代表)、宮澤亮(台東区役所職員)、大垣祥(台東区役所職員)、小野なりこ(千代田区議)






消費者庁 食品表示企画課 五十嵐麻衣子課長


農林水産省 食料産業局食品製造課 西川真由基準認定室長

河村会長からベジタリアンに向けてのJAS規格という話があったが、JAS規格のJASはJapanese Agricultural Standardsの頭文字であり、食品・農林水産分野において農林水産大臣が定める国家規格である。伝統的には、国内市場に出回る食品・農林水産品の品質や仕様を一定の範囲・水準に揃えるための基準である(例:しろしょうゆ、集成材、有機農産物など)。日本国産の食品・農林水産品は世界に誇れる水準であり、ここからさらに日本産の特質をアピールするJASに生まれ変わっていきたいと考えている。日本の強みをアピールする多様なJASの制定に向けて官民連携で検討・作業を進めている(例:日持ち生産管理切り花 2018年3月制定、障害者が生産行程に携わった食品 2019年3月制定、有機料理提供飲食店の管理方法 2018年12月制定 など)。その中には、品質・基準だけではなく生産管理の方法やマネジメントの方法なども含まれる。JASは日本の中の規格ではあるが、ルールメーカーとして、また海外での認知度・影響力を高めるものとしてアピールしていきたい。その際、JASのまま海外に浸透・定着させる、Codex規格にしていく、ISOにしていくなど色々な方向に向けて展開を考えている。ベジタリアンについては国際的統一基準ができていない。ただ、ISOについてはベジタリアンに向けての食品規格について議論されているという情報がある我が国発のベジタリアン規格を策定し、日本ブランドとして海外にアピールしていきたい

観光庁 外客受入担当 片山敏宏参事官


東京都庁 産業労働局 坂本雅彦総務部長


東京都庁 産業労働局 松本明子 観光部長


議員からの質問と回答 〜JAS規格策定に向けての課題〜


















The second meeting of the Vege-Coucil was held on December 2nd 2019 at the House of Representatives Second Building.

In his opening address, the Council Chairman, Representative Takeo Kawamura, said that he wanted to move toward the establishment of vegetarian and vegan standards.

The following members were approved as officers of the Council:
Chairman: Rep. Takeo Kawamura (LDP)
Advisor: Mr. Yoshio Urushibara (Former member of the House of Representatives)
Deputy Chairman: Rep. Noritoshi Ishida (Komeito)
Vice Chairman: Rep. Satoshi Arai (CDP)
Vice Chairman: Rep. Shuhei Kishimoto (DPFP)
General Secretary: Rep. Jin Matsubara (Independent)

From their webpages, it can be seen that many members of the Diet are already active in the areas of animal welfare and food policy. Indeed, there are some Diet members who practice vegetarianism. Representative Keinin Horikoshi is not only a Buddhist priest but also observes "Meet Free Mondays". According to a recent magazine article, Representative Kazumi Sugimoto is a vegetarian. Representative Hinako Takahashi has said that she has come to appreciate vegetarian and organic food more than previously.

People representing a number of organizations attended the meeting as observers. Staff from Taito City were also there. Taito City includes the districts of Ueno and Asakusa, which receive many foreign tourists, and therefore has become one of the most progressive local governments in catering for people with diverse dietary needs.

A vegetarian lunch box was distributed to those at the meeting, containing vegan stroganoff, turmeric rice with mixed grains, vegan ham cutlets, vegan prawn nuggets, and marinated roasted vegetables.

Reports from Civil Servants

Ms. Igarashi, head of the department responsible for food labeling in the Consumer Affairs Agency, noted the increasing diversification of consumer tastes not only among inbound tourists but also among the citizens and residents of Japan. She acknowledged the need to establish labeling standards enabling vegetarians and vegans to make appropriate consumer choices. She also said that they would consider measures to prevent misleading product labeling.

Ms. Nishikawa, head of the office for standards in the food department of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, explained that the original aim of the Japanese Agricultural Standards (JAS) was to provide common quality standards for goods circulating in the domestic Japanese market. Nowadays, however, with increasing interest in the export market for Japanese products, JAS is becoming part of the branding of Japanese products overseas. It is also necessary to expand the standards beyond product quality to include production management criteria (such as shelf-life management, provision of job opportunities to workers with disabilities, and organic food production). The incorporation of JAS into international ISO standards is being seen in the context of promoting Japanese products in the export market. International standards for vegetarian products have not yet been established and are currently under consideration in the ISO. By establishing Japan’s own standards, market opportunities should open up for Japanese products overseas.

Mr. Katayama, who is responsible for inbound tourist reception at the Tourism Agency, spoke about some of the problems faced by vegetarian and vegan visitors to Japan. Although the Tourism Agency already provides information in multiple languages for vegetarian and vegan visitors, there is a need to improve the format and consistency to make the websites and other media more accessible to the target audience. It is also necessary to educate Japanese restaurants about the needs of vegetarians and vegans, and encourage more of them to cater for such visitors. The agency is looking into creating a handbook and other materials for this purpose.

Mr. Sakamoto, who is in charge of the Industry and Labor Department at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, spoke of the need for detailed measures to improve catering for the large number of foreign visitors to Tokyo. He also expressed a desire to provide meals for vegetarians and vegans using food produced in Tokyo as much as possible.

Ms. Matsumoto, who is director of tourism in the Industry and Labor Department at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, spoke about plans to create a guidebook introducing restaurants in Tokyo that cater to vegetarians and vegans. The Metropolitan Government is conscious of the need to accommodate visitors from diverse backgrounds. Previous efforts have focused on improving the catering for Muslim visitors. The plan is to extent these efforts to include vegetarian and vegan visitors.
Questions from Diet Members: Tasks towards the Establishment of Standards

In reply to a question from Representative Takai about the tasks that must be accomplished for the establishment of vegetarian and vegan standards, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries explained that any standard established by the government must be designed in such a way that it can be used by non-government organizations. To achieve this, the Ministry is to set up a project team to make proposals that will then be subject to public comment. At present, private organizations each have their own standards, and the establishment of a government standard will require synthesizing opinions from those different organizations.

Hearing this reply, Representative Takai asked those from private organizations attending the meeting to offer their opinions.

In addition, Representative Miyaji raised concerns about the difficulty of establishing a common standard when the demands and opinions of the interested organizations are so different, citing the previous case of similar difficulties encountered when trying to establish a Halal standard. Stating that a too narrowly defined standard may not achieve widespread acceptance in society, he asked, "Which government office will take the initiative in promoting the establishment of vegetarian/vegan standards?"

Representative Matsubara then called on Mr. Kakimoto of the Japan Vegetarian Society and Ms. Kawano of Vege Project Japan to make statements.

Mr. Kakimoto said that the labeling mark promoted by the Japan Vegetarian Society followed the same standards as the Vegetarian Society and Vegan Society of the United Kingdom. These standards were legally recognized by the UK Parliament in 2011 in order to prevent any confusion caused by supermarkets and other businesses each following their own standards. Despite hearings conducted in 2014 and 2015, no unified standards have yet been adopted in Japan. The Japan Vegetarian Society will present its own proposals, but it should be noted that the standards adopted by the European Vegetarian Union, the Vegetarian Society UK and the Vegan Society UK all require that the entire production process be checked. It is not sufficient to only check the ingredients for non-vegetarian or non-vegan contaminants.

Ms. Kawano said that establishing a minimum standard excluding animal ingredients was most important. There is no internationally accepted standard beyond this and attempting to implement any more stringent standards is liable to impede the promotion of vegetarianism and veganism.

Questions from Diet Members: Other Issues

Citing the case of Nanbu Bijin, a sake brewery in Ninohe (Iwate-ken) that has obtained vegan certification, Representative Takahashi asked if there was any way to assist such local efforts. In reply, the Tourism Agency said that it wanted to increase awareness of its seminars for local businesses and its website.

Representative Ogawara asked about how the size of the vegetarian and vegan market could be estimated and how a system could be developed to monitor this market in order to promote its healthy development. The Tourism Agency said that it had conducted a survey of the Indian market last year, but further surveys would be needed to determine the actual size of the market. In terms of monitoring, the most important thing was to make clear the criteria used on each website.

Representative Komiyama asked where vegetarian and vegan visitors to Japan obtain information and which ministries should take the initiative in providing information. In reply, Ms. Kawano explained that the map produced by Vege Project Japan is one source of information, in addition to various apps and websites. She also hoped that the government would provide backup for her organization's efforts. Mr. Kakimoto said that the Japan Vegetarian Society has a link on its website to the internationally known Happy Cow website.

In his concluding remarks, Representative Matsubara said the following: "Through various discussions, and with the unity and cooperation of every interested organization, I hope we can move forward to a unified vegetarian standard. I want to make the 2020 Olympics something wonderful with a spirit of hospitality. On this, we will continue discussions with you all."‪ (edited) ‬‬

