



※ベジ議連については海外の関心も高いそうです。東京ヴィーガン共同代表ナディア・マケックニーさんのご協力により、David Buistさんが翻訳してくれた英語版を日本語版の後に掲載しています。(You can find the English version translated by David Buist, for Tokyo Vegan, below the Japanese version.)

前回の総会が行われたのは2020年4月、その後7月に関係団体との懇談の機会(アフターコロナのグリーンリカバリーの推進に関する要望書提出 ミートフリーマンデーオールジャパン、グリーンピース・ジャパンによる共同呼びかけ)を挟んで、久しぶりの開催となりました。2019年11月に発足してから約1年、2020年東京オリンピック・パラリンピックが延期となり、ベジ対応のモチベーションとされたインバウンド需要が落ち込む一方、日本でも続々とベジ・ヴィーガン対応商品も生まれてきています。アフターコロナに向けて、各省庁の取り組みも進展しているようです。


会長:河村建夫衆議院議員(自民党) 顧問:漆原良夫前衆議院議員 会長代行:石田祝稔衆議院議員(公明党) 副会長:荒井聡衆議院議員(立憲民主党) 副会長:岸本周平衆議院議員(国民民主党) 副会長:杉本和巳衆議院議員(日本維新の会)、事務局長:松原仁衆議院議員(立憲民主党)




観光庁(外客受入担当 片山敏宏参事官)、農林水産省(食料産業局食品製造課基準認証室 西川真由室長、大臣官房政策課 早瀬健彦企画官)、環境省(地球環境局総務課脱炭素化イノベーション研究調査室 中島恵理室長)、消費者庁(食品表示企画課 五十嵐麻衣子課長)、東京都庁(産業労働局 坂本雅彦総務部長 産業労働局観光部 松本明子部長、福塚英雄事業調整担当課長)



岩渓寛治(みんなのごはん代表)代理:青木、垣本充(日本ベジタリアン協会代表)、金田郷史(グリーンカルチャー株式会社代表)、川野陽子(ベジプロジェクトジャパン代表)同行 千葉偲織(同スタッフ)、小城徳勇(ミートフリーマンデー・オールジャパン事務局長)、関根彩子(国際環境NGOグリーンピース・ジャパン スタッフ)、塚平高裕(ニッコクトラスト営業管理部部長)、利根川正則(㈱グローバル・メディア代表)、ナディア・マケックニー(東京ヴィーガン 共同代表)同行 岩本ゆかり(同上)、幡太樹(㈱フレンバシー/ベジウェル 代表)、室谷真由美(日本ヴィーガン協会代表)、山路ケン(日本エシカルヴィーガン協会代表)


台東区観光課 平林正明(観光課長)、宮澤亮(同課職員 ※12月からグリーンカルチャー社員)



環境省 地球環境局総務課脱炭素化イノベーション研究調査室 中島恵理室長



観光庁 外客受入担当 片山敏宏参事官



農林水産省 食料産業局食品製造課基準認証室 西川真由室長



1一般(・差別的でないこと。公平性を維持すること。・情報の機密を保護すること)2組織(・運営に必要な財政的安定性並びに人、もの及び財の保持。 ・運営活動の責任・権限を明確にすること。・関係者からの圧力など公平性に影響を与えるリスクを特定して、管理すること)3人材(・審査を行う者、判定する者等の能力(対象製品の知識、審査等に関する知識や経験等)を監督し、維持すること。4苦情及び異議申立て(・苦情及び異議申立てに対応する手順を作成し、実施すること。・定期的に内部監査を行うこと。・マネジメントレビュー(認証業務を含めた運営活動全般を見直すこと)を実施すること。6認証業務(・認証するために必要なすべての手続(文書審査、実地調査、判定等)を行うこと。・認証の授与、維持、一時停止、取り消し等の条件及手続きを定めて、実施すること。・認証の手続きの経過を記録し保管すること。)

農林水産省 大臣官房政策課 早瀬健彦企画官



東京都庁(産業労働局 坂本雅彦総務部長)

訪都外国人向け都内のヴィーガン・ベジタリアン対応レストランのガイドブックを作成。ヴィーガン・ベジタリアンのニーズは多様なので、ピクトグラムで表示し、見た人が自分で選べるような体裁にした。また、対応する側の飲食店等に対しては基礎知識をレクチャーするセミナー(現在はオンライン)、アドバイザー派遣(個別相談)の事業を行っている。また、「訪都外国人旅行者 インバウンド対応ガイドブック」P6に「ベジタリアンの接客で配慮すべきこと」というページを設け、ベジタリアンのタイプ、出汁など見えない食材への注意喚起、オーダー時の注意点など、最低限必要な内容をまとめている。コロナ禍でインバウンド需要が急減する中、対応が難しいところはあるが、需要が回復したときに訪都外国人のニーズに応えられる体制だけは整えておこうということで、HP上で店舗紹介(ガイドブック内容の電子化)をする事業を7月の補正予算で進めており、立ち上げは今年度末を予定している。各団体で様々な考え方があると思うが、それらも含めて発信し、利用者に選んでもらう形を考えている。






みんなのごはん:千葉県食材を活用して県経済を活性化する目的でVEGE-ICON PROJECT CHIBAという活動を行い、外国人でもひと目でわかるベジアイコンを作成、道の駅やスーパー、デパート等の店舗で利用してもらっている。※VEGE-ICON PROJECT CHIBAについてはこちらを参照。











Report on the Fourth Meeting of the Vege Council

by Hiroko Kato,
translated by David Buist for Tokyo Vegan (tokyovegan.org)

The fourth general meeting of the Vege Council was held on November 17th 2020, at the House of Representatives Second Building.

Significant developments have occurred since the establishment of the Vege Council in November 2019 and the previous general meeting held in April 2020. Inbound tourism associated with the 2020 Olympics had been expected to lead to a growth in demand for vegetarian and vegan products and catering. Notwithstanding the cancellation of the Olympic Games, new vegetarian/vegan products have continued to come onto the market in Japan. The government's attention has shifted to dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic and there has been much discussion of a "Green Recovery." Some organizations related to the Vege Council have been involved in these discussions, including Meet Free Monday Japan and Green Peace Japan.

The meeting was attended by members of the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors, and staff from several departments of the Japanese Government, including the Japan Tourism Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Ministry of the Environment, Consumer Affairs Agency, and Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Other companies and organizations represented at the meeting were Minnano Gohan Inc., the Japan Vegetarian Society, Green Culture Inc., Vege Project Japan, Meet Free Monday Japan, Green Peace Japan, Nikkoku Trust Inc., Global Media Inc., Tokyo Vegan Meetup, Frembassy/Vegewel Inc., the Japan Vegan Society, and the Ethical Vegan Society of Japan.

The Tourism Department of the Taito City Government was also represented. With the restaurant industry in Taito City struggling under the Covid pandemic, businesses are slow to respond to calls for more accommodation of vegetarians and vegans. The city is considering offering subsidies to restaurants that obtain certification. Since April 2020, the staff canteen at Taito City Hall has offered two daily vegan menu items.

The following is a summary of the statements made by individuals representing their respective organizations at the meeting.

In 2020, the Ministry of the Environment issued a report on "Our Role in the Age of Climate Change" which mentions for the first time the carbon footprint associated with nutrition. The average yearly CO2 emission resulting from Japanese food consumption is estimated to be 1400kg per person. Even though meat constitutes a relatively small part of the diet, it accounts for one quarter of the total nutrition-related green-house gas emissions. The reduction of environmental impact requires greater consumption of locally produced food, increased use of organic produce, and the reduction of food waste. The Ministry is investigating the role of vegetarian and vegan diets as a way of tackling environmental issues.

The Japan Tourism Agency has been conducting surveys and interviews to ascertain the needs of vegetarian and vegan international visitors to Japan. It was found that many vegetarians and vegans did not expect necessarily to eat at specialized vegetarian- or vegan-only restaurants but rather wished that ordinary restaurants would cater more for their dietary requirements. It was therefore hoped that more restaurants would offer clearly marked vegan and vegetarian items on their menus and also advertise the fact they cater for vegetarians and vegans by displaying a sign. Based on the survey results, the Agency has published a guidebook for Japanese restaurateurs to enable them to cater more effectively for vegetarians and vegans. Preparations are also underway for a one-stop website to which international visitors can refer for information on restaurants catering to their needs. Whilst provision of such information is very valuable for international visitors, the Agency also recognizes the need to raise the level of awareness among Japanese restaurateurs about vegetarianism and veganism.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries have been working to implement the certification of food products suitable for vegetarians and vegans under the Act on Japan Agricultural Standards (JAS). The International Standards Organization (ISO) is currently in the process of developing standards for the labeling of foods suitable for vegetarians and vegans. These standards apply criteria in four distinct areas: "ingredients and additives," "processing (contamination prevention)," "animal experimentation and protection," and "labeling." For each of these, there will be a specific designation of suitability for different types of vegetarians. When finally adopted, the JAS certification of foods suitable for vegetarians and vegans will refer to the ISO standards while also taking into account local conditions. By adopting standards in accordance with the ISO, the Ministry aims not only to enhance credibility but also open the way for the export of Japanese vegetarian and vegan products to other countries.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has also set up a food-tech research group, which, among other things, is investigating the development of meat substitutes. Food tech is gaining attention as a way of dealing with the problems of increasing world population and realizing sustainable development goals. However, Japan has so far lagged behind other countries, such as the U.S.A., China, India and the U.K., in investment in this field. The committee brings together government and private organizations to promote technological infrastructure and investment in food tech, which is critical in a country like Japan that depends so heavily on food imports.

The Tokyo Municipal Government has created a guidebook of restaurants catering for vegetarians and vegans aimed at foreign visitors to the capital. Efforts have been made to increase restaurateurs' awareness of the needs of such visitors through online lectures and individual consultation. Advice has been given on how to accommodate different types of vegetarians in terms of ordering food and the treatment of invisible food ingredients such as soup stock. In anticipation of the return of international visitors after the Covid-19 pandemic, preparations are underway for an online version of the guidebook.

The Japan Vegetarian Society has proposed guidelines for the certification of foods suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

Vege Project Japan requested the government to lend more support not only to international visitors but also to Japanese citizens among whom there is increasing interest in vegetarianism and veganism.

The Japan Vegan Society raised concerns about the marketing of products with the vague designation of "plant-based" and said they were applying for two new certification marks " “Plant-Based lacto- Ovo”, (eggs and milk) and "Plant-Based Perfect” for otherwise vegan products that wish to avoid using the word “vegan "

Minnano Gohan Inc. have been active with the Vege Icon Project Chiba, which aims to enliven the economy in Chiba Prefecture by using local food products. This project promotes the use of easily recognizable icons by roadside stations, supermarkets and department stores, allowing even international visitors to identify suitable products.

Tokyo Vegan presented a report on plant-based policies overseas &the global market and the reasons driving the demand.
Tokyo Vegan also pointed out the problem of the increasing number of vaguely “vegetarian” products on the market in Japan, which is causing confusion amongst consumers. Saying that clarity in labelling was necessary in Japan, and that overseas a “plant based” label (in the majority of cases) excludes eggs and milk.

Green culture commented that it is difficult for Japanese companies to know how to message their products because the criteria by which “vegetarian” and “vegan” are defined have not been decided. And that they (Green Culture Inc.) use “Plant-based” with a broader meaning as a way of achieving wider acceptance of “shokubutsusei (made from plants).”

Meet Free Monday Japan presented a written request urging the Ministry of the Environment to pursue measures for a "Green Recovery" following the example of other countries, so that economic growth after the Covid-19 pandemic will take place in a way consistent with countermeasures against global warming. Such measures should include increasing awareness of vegetarianism and veganism and incorporating such dietary practices into policy.

GreenPeace Japan are involved in various activities to promote interest in vegetarianism, including production of a film featuring Shiori Fujiwara (who is herself vegetarian) on the relation between meat eating and destruction of the Amazon rain forest.

Global Media Inc. will hold an audition at the International Hotel Restaurant Show on February 17th 2021 for the discovery of new natural food recipes.

Nikkoku Trust Inc. noted the growing interest in vegetarianism and veganism in the restaurant industry in relation to sustainable development goals, leading many to adopt proposals for vege-lunch menus. However, one of the reasons for the lack of consumer adoption seems to be the relatively high price of vegetarian and vegan menu items. The development of partially processed products may make it easier for the restaurant industry to cater for vegetarians and vegans.

Frembassy/Vegewel Inc. expressed concern that the promotion of vegetarianism/veganism may be limited under current circumstances if the focus remains on catering for inbound tourists. Therefore, messaging should be expanded to promote domestic demand among health-conscious consumers, women, and the elderly.

The Ethical Vegan Society of Japan pointed out that vegetarianism and veganism is not only an issue of health, urging the cooperation of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare to disseminate information on what foods should be consumed in order to fulfil nutritional needs on a vegetarian or vegan diet.

Tasks for the future:
The Japan Tourism Agency and the Tokyo Municipal Government have made significant progress in the provision of information for vegetarians and vegans. However, it seems that it will take some time before food certification is realized. We will need to pay attention to future debate on the direction of certification criteria in Japan, including the definition of the new concept of "plant-based".
