
慧子/11.デネットの反論 Keiko/ 11. Counterargument by Dennett

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   Keiko thought that the philosopher Daniel Dennett's counterargument to the claim that Libet's experiments denied the existence of human free will was more persuasive than any other counterargument. Keiko, in her scientific essay, which she is now writing, uses Libet's experiment as a starting point to discuss the relationship between the human unconscious and consciousness. It is the due course of discussion to refer to Dennett's counterargument
   However, Dennett's objection overlapped with Keiko's original idea in class discussion, so Keiko hesitated whether to mention Dennett in her own essay.

 クラス討議の中で、慧子は、被験者は実験中に腕を動かすずっと前に、被検者になると決めた時に腕を上げる意志決定していたと主張した。それは、被験者が ➀実験内容の説明を受ける⇒➁参加に同意する⇒③実験中に腕を上げる という全体の流れを追っていかないと、脳活動と意思決定の前後関係を見誤ると思ったからだ。これはクラス討議の間には思いつかなかった言葉だが、腕を上げるに至る「社会的文脈」を考慮する必要があるのだ。
     During the class discussion, Keiko argued that the subject had made the decision to raise the arm when deciding to be the subject prior to moving the arm during the experiment. She believed that unless she grasped the overall flow that ``the subject received an explanation of the experiment, agreed to participate, and raised her arm during the experiment,'' she would misjudge the temporal relationship between brain activity and decision-making. Though the word, "social context", didn't come up with during a class discussion, this aspect must be considered.
Dennett made the same point in his 2004 article. Dennett says:



居永 正宏 「心的問題と人間的自由 リベットの実験とデネットの解釈について」


   Dennett pointed out, in his 2004 article, the same thing that Keiko noticed.
He said

If we abandon our fixation on the idea of the mythical time t of subjectivity in which conscious decisions occur, the Ribet’s discovery of 100 millisecond veto time disappears. It turns out that our free will, like other mental powers, is distributed over time and cannot be measured at any given moment.
In Keiko's diagram, Dennett's t is the timing at which the subject notices her/his intention to bend her/his wrist, that is, minus 150 seconds.

居永 正宏 「心的問題と人間的自由 リベットの実験とデネットの解釈について」『現代生命科学研究』第2号(2013年3月)

   "Within the span of time''--that is, in the span of time from the moment he was invited to the experiment to the moment he bent his hand--or, perhaps, until he was informed of the results of the experiment--the subject's free will exists. Isn't it exactly the same as Keiko's idea?

    If Keiko incorporated Dennett's theory into her essay, the reader was bound to regard Keiko's original notion that the subject had already made a decision when they decided to participate in the experiment, a copy of Dennett's counterargument. When a high school student who had just arrived from Japan and a famous philosopher appeared side by side, it would naturally lead to such an understanding. Keiko felt frustrated because she thought she would think so even if she were the reader.

   Keiko thought that if she didn't mention Dennett in her essay, she could just say, "I didn't know Dennett's counterargument," but she realized it would be riskier. The reader was very likely to suspect that Keiko just pretended not to know the Dennet’s argument, while knowing it.

   Keiko felt guilty that she had no choice but to refer to Dennett's counterargument. However, it was her decision to write what Keiko had come up with as her own, even though she referred to Dennett.
   What Keiko can do is write her truth, and how her readers interpret what she writes is the reader's problem. Thinking so, my hesitation was blown away. Keiko began tapping her keyboard with a light touch. Thinking so, Keiko's hesitation was blown away. She began tapping her keyboard with a light touch.

To be continued
