Book of Katherine
Before Hitler even invaded Poland, Japan was slaughtering innocent babies, using chemical warfare on civilians and conducting the Nanking Massacre of 1937.
Book of Katherine
Samuri swords were used by the Japanese the way machetes are used today in Nigeria and machine guns are used by ISIS... they were used to cut down people different than them, "less superior." Oh- the Japanese were very racist indeed. That's why they partnered with Germany.
Book of Katherine
"The Contest To Cut Down 100 People," — a brutal competition in which two Japanese soldiers challenged one another to massacre as many people as possible.
"100人を斬るコンテスト" - 2人の日本兵が互いに挑み合い、一人でも多くの人を虐殺するという残酷なコンテスト。
The bold headline reads, "Incredible Record - Mukai 106 – 105 Noda—Both 2nd Lieutenants Go Into Extra Innings" #samurisword
太字の見出しは「信じられないほどの記録-向井106-野田105-両少尉は延長戦へ」 #samurisword
Book of Katherine
A Chinese boy prays, as a Samuri sword is raised above his head, supporting both Revelations and Nazis papers declaring its global movement as #antichristian .
Book of Katherine
The world seems completely oblivious to the connection between the Rising Sun Japanese flag and its worse-than-ISIS war crimes against humanity.