真田広之さんに共感…型(形)について(I agree with what Mr. Hiroyuki Sanada)



先日、真田広之さんがプロデュースし、主演を務めるFXのドラマシリーズ『SHOGUN 将軍』が史上最多の18部門を受賞されました。しかも日本人初の受賞。同じ日本人そして、武道家として大変嬉しく誇りに思いました。





Even in the same school of kata, the movements change depending on the group and the Instroctor. If there is a solid theory behind the movements of the kata, I think it doesn't matter what kind of movements there are. Of course, if there is no unification of the kata within the same group, it goes without saying that it is unclear what the purpose of the group is.

However, since karate has become more competitive, I feel that this has become more evident. Kata are just for showing off and making you look powerful. Since they can perform such graceful movements, I would like them to go back to the basics and perform kata that express the true essence of karate.

Recently, the FX drama series "SHOGUN," produced by and starring Hiroyuki Sanada, won 18 awards, the most in history. Moreover, it is the first time that a Japanese person has received this award. As a fellow Japanese and a Budo-ka, I am very happy and proud.

His comments were wonderful, and he said that his joy and being here was due to the support of his predecessors, directors, and everyone who has carried on the tradition of period dramas.

He previously said, "I wanted to end the era of depicting misunderstood Japan with my generation." I think that this honest and unwavering desire led to this work and earned it such acclaim.

I deeply sympathize with this sentiment. Movies are entertainment. To make movies enjoyable for both adults and children, it is inevitable that they will use CG to create exaggerated expressions and be made in a way that suits the modern era. I also love movies, so I enjoy a variety of movies.

In the same way, there is a difference between accepting karate as a sport and inheriting its essence. However, when these two become one, doesn't that make the wishes of our predecessors come true?

Still, I am amazed at the physical abilities of today's athletes. I feel there is hope there.
