1978年神奈川県鎌倉市に生まれ育ち、3児の母、ベリーダンサー、ビキニコーディネーター、ビューティーコーディネーター、イベントオーガナイザー、ヘナインストラクター、エクスタシーセラピスト、神 真紀子 ジンマキコです。 女性や母をキーワードにダンスやチャリティーイベントの企画制作などの活動を国内外にて展開しています。
写真家 本保慶とその他の写真家の写真と共に
Born and raised in Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture,Japan in 1978, mother of three children, and belly dancer as Makiko Jin. Being a mother and a woman as my keyword for developing activities such as dance performance and planning and producing charity events in Japan and overseas. On January 10 2018 I received uterine hysterectomy (uterine, ovarian, lymphectomy) with treatment of cervical cancer, triggered again recognition of the glow and pleasure as a woman, I started this blog to disseminate my mission. I strongly feel that people can not escape from nature and the universe and its relationship encourages me to live. I received this life as Female to fulfilled its life and sex and living further with the pride of a woman ..... I would like to express in my true color of Makiko Jin in this blog with my words and photos of photographer Kei Hompo and other photographers.