深い悲しみ 広汎子宮摘出術への経緯Background of Makiko’s surgery with deep sorrow
当時は子宮頸がんワクチンが良いとされており、 TAKECHIの姿をみていたので、ワクチンを疑問なく受けた。
その後、あるご縁で2015年の乳がん啓発のチャリテイーイベントBellydance for the cureをオーガナイズすることがきっかけとなり、 ある産婦人科にて乳がんと子宮頸がんの検査を受けた。
その時の乳がんの検査は異常なく、子宮頸がんの検査は2週間後と言われたが、 結果を聞かずに過ごしていた。
一年後の2016年、パートナーと遊んでいて乳首から出血したのをきっかけに、 再度、その産婦人科を訪れた。
そこで乳首には異常がないが、その一年前の子宮頸がんの検査で 「高度異形成」であると宣告された。
(医師曰く、病院からは私に電話したらしいが、私は一度も電話を受けていない。) (2008年の三男妊娠時の検査では何もなかった)
精密検査のできる病院にて検査を続けるものの、 高度異形成は好転することなく一年が過ぎたころ、 手術を念頭に、手術のできる病院を紹介され、 そこを受診した。
あなたはオオカミ?とその医師に笑われた時、 産婦人科医のくせにオンナの身体を何も分かっていない、 とんでもない馬鹿だと正直に思った。
この医師と病院は自分には合わない。 そしてさらに情報を集め、 ある病院に転院した。
そこで説明して下さった女医さんが、丁寧にわかりやすく説明してくれた。 私もある程度は心は決めていたものの、 その検査手術(円錐切除術)を12月に受けたところ、
腺ガンは転移しやすく、 この場合は子宮広汎全摘出術が望ましいということで、
どんな動きをするかも聞いてくれて、 術後に残る傷や、可能性のある後遺症についても詳しく話してくださった。
高度異形成から、食事やファスティングやら、できることは色々としてきたが、 この決断で進もうと、決意した。
それが不仲のもとにもなった事は、 事実あった。
泣くつもりはなかったけど、泣いてしまった。 その時にいたYumiさんが「あー」といって私を抱きしめてくれた。
3年ほど少しおかしくなっていた夫婦関係も、 私がシリアスな状況だとやっと認識し、いろいろと情報を集めはじめてた年末くらいから、修復し始めた。
私、ベリーダンサーなのに、、、 女性美を追求してきたのに、、、 女性の象徴でもあるような子宮と卵巣がなくなる。
私、また踊れるの? もう女として終わるの?
写真は2017年 12月 手術が決まり、もしかしたらこの体には戻れないかと思い、記録する為に撮影した。
Background of Makiko’s surgery with deep sorrow Ms.Takechi, the first instructor of JIN Studio, had received treatment for cervical cancer in the early 2012. Cervical cancer vaccine at that time was said to be good. As I was watching her, I decided to receive the vaccine without question. In the meantime, I was given a chance to organize the charity event “Bellydance for the Cure” of breast cancer enlightenment in 2015, I underwent an examination of breast cancer and cervical cancer at an obstetrics and gynecology department. The result of an examination of breast cancer at that time had no problem. It was said that the result of it was coming after two weeks. But I had spent without listening to the result. One year later 2016, after playing with my husband and bleeding from a nipple, I visited the gynecology department again. There was no abnormality in the nipple, but I was declared to be "advanced dysplasia" which was revealed from the examination of cervical cancer one year ago! (The doctor said he had tried to make phone calls to me, but I had never received them.) (There was nothing in the examination at the time of pregnancy of the third son in 2008) Despite continuing the examination at a hospital which allows for precise examination, at the end of a year without good sign and symptom, I had prepared having surgery, I was introduced a hospital and visited there.
While looking at the course of the past the first time he said was "It may be necessary to take the uterus - perhaps the ovary too!" I was stunned by his imprudent manner. Now I forgot his name, but only that irrelevant aspect was hatred and I can not forget it now. I cried in the examination room. I was crying with anger, whether it was anger, fear or sorrow. To be continued "Hey, you know Angelina Jolie? She took off her uterus." "You have three children, right? SO you don’t need uterus anymore! Well, are you going to be sitting around and doing surgery (cone resection)?" I got angry at this doctor. When he asked when my last period. Because it is a full moon(always), so I checked the full moon with a smartphone. Are you a wolf? When the doctor laughed, I felt honest that it was a ridiculous idiot who knew nothing of Female body in the habit of obstetrician and gynecologist. To the imprudent manner of this doctor, no explanation comes into my mind at all. I can not leave my body to a hospital with this person or such a doctor. This doctor and hospital are not suitable to me. And I gathered more information, I was transferred to another hospital. The female doctor explained it carefully and clearly. Although I decided my mind to a certain extent, after receiving the surgical operation (cone resection) in December, Diagnosis that the result was adenosquamous carcinoma 1 b 1 phase. I was shocked. Adenocarcinoma was easy to metastasize, and in my case it was desirable to have total hysterectomy, it was declared that it would be an operation called uterus, ovariectomy, lymph node dissection in the pelvis. According to pathological examination there was also the possibility of chemotherapy and anticancer drug treatment. I cried again in front of the female doctor in charge at that time, "Please spit up everything you think" gently listened to my complaints. I told her that I was thinking of divorce too,,,
She was a young female doctor and looked a lot younger than me. She asked what kind of movement I made as a belly dancer and talked in detail about the wounds remaining after the operation and possible aftereffects. "Perhaps your belly may not be able to move the same." I was shocked, but I inspired myself to be the first to get better soon for my three children. While repeating the examinations with that female doctor, "Mrs. JIN, if you are a Mrs.JIN ,I am sure you will be able to dance again!" she encouraged me. There was no confirmation, but the words of the female doctor really encouraged me at that time. Due to high-grade dysplasia, meals and fasting,,,,, and what I can do are various, I decided to proceed with this decision. Three years was like a roller coaster. I felt that my partner did not understand this situation and my feelings much. It was true that it also became a source of discontent. A show appearance at Yokohama AFR in December of 2017 maybe the end of a belly dancer ,,, There was no day I cried after I had decided surgery. I spent most of the day shedding tears. Tearing in front of the mirror, the tears did not stop even if I practiced. I cried and danced everyday. I cried while making a smile. My assistant and JIN studio’s instructor Mee-YA was really worried about me. I needed to ask her more tasks than before. At the time of lessons, I told about the surgery in front of my students. I did not mean to cry, but I cried. Yumi who was there at that time hugged me saying "ahhhhhh" At the New Year's party I cried a lot along with my best friend, JUNE who knew my background of three years. Various people cuddled up with me. The relationship of marriage life, which had been a little strange for three years, my husband finally recognized that I was in a serious situation and began restoring around the end of the year when he began collecting information a lot. I am now reflecting on my own because I had argued too much. I am a belly dancer ,,, I have been pursuing ladies beauty ,,, The uterus and ovaries that are also symbol of women are gone. I am anxious. I can not find anything where the appearance or the athletic ability will go ,,, Can I dance again? Am I finished as a woman already? December 2017 The operation was decided, I thought that I could go back to this body, and shot for recording.