
「脳裏で感じろ!」  性生活への不安と期待 そして夫との新しい絆 “Feel it with your mind!” About anxiety and expectation for my sex life and our new bond My diary on January 9, 2018, the day before surgery.


手術前日 2018年 1月9日 2018年1日5日の国立がんセンターでのセカンドオピニオンから、 腹腔鏡下手術への迷いや恐怖は薄れていた。


2017年3月、別の病院で 「子宮取っちゃえば?」 という先生に出会った時は あんなに不安だったのに。 

変なことに何故か、術後に傷になることも嬉しいというような気持ちもあり、 お腹を眺め てはワクワクしてる。 

人生どん底の恐怖と悲しみが続き、 私はある種のハイの状態になっていたのかも知れない。 

しかしやはり 私、ベリーダンサーなのに。 女性美や女性性を表現してきたのに。 と自分を責めたくなる。 















「肌がきれいだ。 体のラインがきれいだ。 美しい。 愛してるよ。」 


それは私にとって何よりも幸せな時間であり、 私に女としての強い自信をもたせてくれた。 




夫婦の関係はどうなるのか…. 子宮のみならず、卵巣までも取ってしまったら、 私は一気に老け込んでしまうのではない か? 


3児を出産後の30代は、 私はおかしなくらい、男性からモテた。 

2018年1月9日で39歳。 2月23日で40歳となる。 






そういう、モテる=男性からの意識を受ける、 ということはまた私には自信の一つだった のかと思う。


自分の最大限の武器、ある意味象のようなものが、なくなる。 どうしよう.... ベリーダンサーとしての体に変化があるより、 女性として魅力がなくなったらどうしよう。






最初はあまり状況がつかめていないKも、 手術直前は、やっと私の女性器がどうなるのかがわかったと思うのだが....

「脳裏で感じろ」 とKに言われた。

 は?脳裏? 子宮や、膣の奥がなくなったら、 気持ち良い感覚がなく無くなるかも知れないじゃないの!!! 


オーガズムをもう二度と感じれなくなるかもしれないと不安いっぱいの 私は反発した。

しかし、Kは、「これからまた1から開発すればいい。 それも楽しみの一つだよ。」と言った。

 へ~余裕なことおっしゃいますね。 と心の中で思ったが、 優しいなと思ったし、やっぱり私の夫だなと感謝した。 

「それに挿入だけがセックスじゃないし。 俺のことは手や口でイかせてくれるでしょ。 別に射精しなくたっていいんだし。」 という。 

 もうかれこれ20年一緒にいて、 3人子供ができて、セックスレスになることなく、今までやってきた。 


Kの優しい気遣いの発言だったかもしれないけど、本気でそう思っているのかもしれない。 そうあってほしい。 




その膣の長さをなるべく温存させる為の 膣開放術を選んだのだか、そのリハビリは痛いそうだ。。。 



この私の子宮頸癌事件で、(そうこれは事件!) 夫婦の絆は壊れたり修復されたり、凄まじい3年だったが、 最後の3ヶ月はセックスだけじゃない素晴らしい絆が生まれた。 



しかし、それを乗り越える新しいパワーが私たちにはあると確信している! ますますパワーアップしている神家だと思う。 


写真は2018年1月5日、鎌倉の稲村ケ崎にて 写真家本保慶 撮影 


 I have been getting less confused and feared after I had received the second opinion at the National Cancer Center on January 5, 2018. Or rather, I am excited about my new future. In March 2017, at a certain hospital one doctor told me if it was better to get rid of my uterus. At that time I was so anxious. It is strange that I am glad to have scar on my belly and feel thrilled to look at it. If people are in the depth of fear and sorrow, somehow they feel a kind of “HIGHT” condition. I may have been in it. But again I am a belly dancer. I have been expressing beauty and femininity. I am subject to an impulse to blame myself. And cry. But I may be a weird because I get excited about the fear of surgery. I had sex once yesterday. Oh, I will not be able to have sex for a while after surgery tomorrow. My doctor said that I could have it once in about a month after surgery. It depended. Besides such a fact…I will not able to feel THIS sex no more, will I? That is a truly scary fact for me. Certainly my back of the vagina with the uterus will be cut and disappeared. ( I will post later about the way of surgery in order to keep long vagina. ) I am scared if the change in sexual sensation accompanied with the body change after the operation. I like sex. The greatest communication with my husband, K, is sex. He likes sex with me, too. Sometimes we do it more than twice a day. K praises my body. “Your skin is beautiful.” “Your body line is beautiful.” “You are beautiful.” “I love you.” K says. It was the happiest time than anything else to me and gave me a strong confidence as a woman. At that time, I might have stuck with confidence as a woman than as a person. Our important communication is sex. This disease and surgery will bring us crisis yet. What will happen to our relationship and communications. ... If my uterus and ovary are taken away, will I get aged at once? (To tell the truth, I didn’t. I will post about it later.) In the thirties after giving birth to three children, I was a big hit with the men. I am 39 years old on January 9, 2018, today. I will be 40 years old on February 23. Whether I was with children or not, without any doubt, Nanpa was a matter of course. Being sneaky was not a bad mood. Somehow, that was measure of being as a woman. Yes, I felt good honestly. I have been pursuing what a good woman is. I think it made me confident by the fact that I was admired and receiving consciousness by many men. But my sexual part, my genital organs will be cut off, and I am not able to give birth any more. It is my maximum weapon. (I think so.) What should I do.... Beyond the change about a shape my body as a belly dancer, I am anxious… What if I am not loved by men? . . . . I have been thinking about it. Because it has making my life interesting and fun. It is essencial of my life. K and I talk have been talked a lot. At first he seemed not to grasp the situation, however before the surgery, he finally understood what my genitals would be like .... K told me to feel it with my mind. What? My mind? When my uterus and the back of the vagina would be gone, I would not able to feel good as I do now. It may disappear! I became irrationally defensive to the fact that I may not feel the orgasm again. But,,, K says we could try to find a good way and develop from the beginning and it was one of our fun. “Well - you can say that we can afford it”, I thought in my mind. I thought he was kind and thankful. He was my husband after all. Also he said only insertion was not sex and it was good to use my hands and mouth, he was OK not to ejaculate. We have been together for 20 years now, We have three children without having sexless, we've come up to now. I think we are wonderful. It may be a gentle remark by K, but it may be he seriously meant to. I hope he does so. My uterus and ovaries will disappear tomorrow. And rehabilitation will begin. In order to keep my vagina as long as possible I choose “vaginal opening procedure” It seems that rehab hurts. . . In hysterectomy, I will be cut off a part of my vagina. In order to keep my vagina as long as possible I chose to open the vagina. It seems I feel painful while rehabilitation. I can not have sex for a while. So, how will K and I keep our relationship? In my case of cervical cancer, (So this is an incident!) The couple's bond have been broken or restored, it was a tremendous three years, In the last 3 months, we are not only having sex but a wonderful bond was born. But sometimes I get mad at him,,,, It can’t be helped to have other opinions because he is my husband but before getting married he was a stranger. He is not me. But I am convinced that we have new power to overcome it! I think that JIN family is increasingly powering up. Tomorrow I will have surgery. The picture was taken at Inamuragasaki in Kamakura on January 5, 2018 Photographer Kei Hompo She took my stomach before surgery.
