Japan Politics

From a Radical Perspective. I'm not HA…

Japan Politics

From a Radical Perspective. I'm not HAL 9000.



If it were possible...

In his article “Globalization and Political Strategy,” Fredric Jameson argued  “in the financial realm, the aura of doom that seems to hang over globalization’s putative irreversibility confronts us with our own inability to imagine any al

    • Logic of Negative Interest Rate

      From Inomata, Tsunao. “Credit and Credit Money.” Translated by Michael Schauerte, Martxists Internet Archive, 1932, https://www.marxists.org/subject/japan/inomata/credit_creditmoney.htm. ——— The author's point of interest rate is that it

      • What's wrong with Indifference toward Relationship?

        Japan Times is such a conservative newspaper. Here I casually analyze an article  "For many young Japanese, marriage — and sex — are low priorities" by Tomohiro Osaki. First case Nakamura. I mean he is great. Capitalists must be scared of

        • Just Rumbling on

          I reject everything I am given. I can't have fun in going shopping or anything that the culture industry provides for us. The society has become intolerably authoritarian. How come I should enjoy what they think I should enjoy? I'm not a k


        If it were possible...


        • Anti-Work Magazine
        • Short Essays


          Don't Go Farming

          Farming Fad? It seems that farming has become a trend in Japan in the late 2010s. This fad might have stemmed from entrapped salary men, especially after 2008 financial crisis. Juxtaposed against the corporate distributive work, farming is


          Don't Go Farming

          思考実験: コンビニバイトで暮らす Part 1

          こんな時代コンビニバイトに惹かれる。細かいことは面倒なので書かないが、フォーディスト社会が崩壊し、大量生産•大量消費の構図が崩れ、ケインズ的福祉国家が不可能になった現代。 市場が欲するものは常に変わるのでその流れに常に適応しなければならない。結果、労働者は生涯学習という生の負債を背負わされる。大半の雇われ労働者がそこで気づいて学習をやめれば誰も損をしないが、批判能力なく育てられた日本人は「人より秀でなければ解雇される」という脅しに騙され結局みんな学習する。 典型的な囚人のジレ


          思考実験: コンビニバイトで暮らす Part 1


          Anti-work does not mean the rejection of work. Rather it revolts against  passion cult in Japanese work ethic. No Overtime.