What's wrong with Indifference toward Relationship?

Japan Times is such a conservative newspaper. Here I casually analyze an article  "For many young Japanese, marriage — and sex — are low priorities" by Tomohiro Osaki.

First case Nakamura. I mean he is great. Capitalists must be scared of this type of generation rising. 

Our current system is largely based on bourgeois culture, which, for example, emphasizes individualism. Romantic relationship is fueled by differentiation: I'm better than others so let's go out. But this current young generation doesn't care about their individuality.

The most important thing to understand: a current young generation internalized proletariat culture rather than bourgeois culture, which mass media including Japan Times tries so hard to inculcate into the entire population. 

Since they are less conscious about individuality, the idea of competition doesn't make sense for them. Thus, this generation might be viewed as pessimistic. This is a matter of perspective and it is highly likely that this generation views these accusers (like Shuzo Matsuoka and So Takei) as too optimistic and too energetic.

As a third example, Osaki cited Rika, "a 21-year-old [female] university student." Neither is she interested in romantic love but for a different reason. She wants to dedicate her life to a businesswoman. The author termed this situation "freedom to pursue a career." It's outright nonsense. As David Graeber in 2013, most of the jobs available are "bullshit," i.e. simulation of work. Our society is so micro managed that there is no freedom in workplace and marketplace. When you enter a sphere of workplace, you need to become a machine, following a lots of codes. What a utopia does she have!

A final paragraph, the author used so conservative an excuse for this situation:

Some youngsters are merely too shy to approach the opposite sex, despite their inner desire to start a relationship.

The author stupidly believes there is a bourgeois button inside of young people. The logic is that if capitalists can find a location of this button, things will fare well. That's insane. What the author and current ruling class try desperately to overlook is the fact that this young generation doesn't share the same value as capitalists and brainwashed proletariats of 40s and the above do. For the young, it's okay with living with parents. It doesn't bother them not to have a car. Instead, this generation regards an old generation's devotion to work as cultic. 

I don't know how long it takes for this generation to break the capitalist society to the ground but eventually it will happen. It doesn't entail a violent revolution as Karl Marx and Leon Trotsky speculated. This indifference towards individual differentiation and things following this attitude... This silent revolution is already on the way and proletariats are winning.


For example, economy is suffering 'lack of demand' and ruling class is so obsessed with how to encourage consumer spending. We'll see more of it in 2017 for sure. So please do not spend. 'Penny saved is penny earned'.



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