これはどういうことですか?「"Well, he wouldn't go to that castle," said the young girl. "I'm going there with Mr. Winterbourne. To this announcement, very placidly made, Daisy's mamma offered no response.」
Like her daughter, Mrs. Miller was dressed with ectreme elegance: she had enormous diamonds in her ears. So far as Wintcerbourne could observe, she gave him no greeting- she certainly was in looking at him. Daisy was near her, pulling her shawl straight, "What it vou doing, poking round here?" this young lady inquired; but by no means with that harshness of accent which her choice of words may imply. "I don't know," said her mother, turning towards the lake again. "I shouldn't think you'd want that shawl!" Daisy exclaimed. "Well--I do!' her mother answered, with a little laugh. "Did you get Randolph to go to bed?" asked the young girl. *No; I couldn't induce him," said Mrs. Miller, very gently. "He wants to talk to the waiter. He likes to talk to that waiter." "I was telling Mr. Winterbourne," the young girl went on; and to the young man's ear her tone might have indicated that she had been uttering his name all her life. "Oh, yes!" said Winterbourne; "I have the pleasure of knowing your son.' -Randolph's mamma was silent; she turned her attention to the lake. But at last she spoke. "Well, I don't see how he lives!" 98 3 "Anyhow, it isn't so bad as it was at Dover,"* said Daisy Miller. "And what occurred at Dover?" Winterbourne asked. "He wouldn't go to bed at all. I guess he sat up all night in the public parlour. He wasn't in bed at twelve o'clock: I know that." "It was half-past twelve," declared Mrs. Miller, with mild emphasis. I "Does he sleep much during the day?" Winterbourne demanded. "I guess he doesn't sleep much," Daisy rejoined. "I wish he would!" said her mother. "It seems as if he couldn't." "I think he's real tiresome," Daisy pursued. Then, for some moments, there was silence. "Well, Daisy Miller," said the elder lady, presently, "I shouldn't think you'd want to talk against your own brother!" "Well, he is tiresome, mother," said Daisy, quite without the asperity of a retort. "He's only nine," urged Mrs. Miller. "Well, he wouldn't go to that castle," said the young girl. "I'm going there with Mr. Winterbourne. To this announcement, very placidly made, Daisy's mamma offered no response. Winterbourne took for granted that she deeply disapproved of the projected excursion; but he said to himself that she was a simple, easily managed person, and that a few deferential protestations would take the edge from her displeasure. "Ves," he began; "your daughter has kindly allowed me the honor of being her guide. Mrs. Miller's wandering eyes attached themselves, with a sort of appeal ing air, to Daisy, who, however, strolled a few steps farther, gently humming to herself. "I presume you will go in the cars," said her mother. "Yes; or in the boat," said Winterbourne. "Well, of course, I don't know," Mrs. Miller rejöined. "I have never been to that castle.' "It is a pity you shouldn't go," said Winterbourne, beginning to feel reas sured as to her opposition. And yet he was quite prepared to find that, as a matter of course, she meant to accompany her daughter.
若い女の子が尋ねました。「ランドルフを寝かせたの?」 「いいえ、説得できなかったわ」とミラー夫人は非常に優しく言いました。「彼はウェイターと話をしたがっているの。そのウェイターと話すのが好きなのよ。」
「とにかく、ドーヴァーのときほどひどくはありません」とデイジー・ミラーは言いました。「ドーヴァーで何が起こったの?」とウィンターボーンは尋ねました。「彼は全然寝なかったの。おそらく、公共の休憩室で一晩中起きていたと思うわ。彼は12時にはベッドにいなかった:それはわかっているわ。」「12時半だったわ」とミラー夫人は穏やかな強調をこめて言いました。「彼は昼間、たくさん寝ているの?」とウィンターボーンは尋ねました。「あまり寝ないと思うわ」とデイジーは答えました。「私は彼が本当に退屈だと思うわ」とデイジーは続けました。その後、数分間沈黙がありました。「まあ、デイジー・ミラー」と年上の女性は言いました、「あなたの兄弟のことを話すのは望ましくないと思わないわよ!」 「まあ、彼は退屈だもの、ママ」とデイジーは辛辣さのない口調で言いました。「彼はたった9歳だけどね。」「まあ、彼はあの城に行く気がしないみたいよ」と若い女の子は言いました。「私はウィンターボーンと一緒に行くつもりよ。」
これはどういうことですか?「"Well, he wouldn't go to that castle," said the young girl. "I'm going there with Mr. Winterbourne. To this announcement, very placidly made, Daisy's mamma offered no response.」
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