なぜキスしたのですか?The company had risen to its feet; Daisy, still showing her pretty teeth, bent over and kissed her hostess. "Mrs. Walker, you are too perfect," she said. "I'm not going alone; I am going to meet a friend."
Alone, my dear at this hour?" Mrs. Walker asked. The afternoon was drawing to a close_-it was the hour for the throng of carriages and of con-emplative pedestrians. "I don't think it's safe, my dear," said Mrs. Walker. "Neither do I," subjoined Mrs. Miller. "You'll get the fever' as sure as you live. Remember what Dr. Davis told you!" "Give her some medicine before she goes," said Randolph. The company had risen to its feet; Daisy, still showing her pretty teeth, bent over and kissed her hostess. "Mrs. Walker, you are too perfect," she said. "I'm not going alone; I am going to meet a friend." "Your friend won't keep you from getting the fever," Mrs. Miller observed. "Is it Mr. Giovanelli?" asked the hostess. Winterbourne was watching the girl, at this question his attention quick-ened. She stood there smiling and smoothing her bonnet-ribbons; she glanced at Winterbourne. Then, while she glanced and smiled, she answered without a shade of hesitation, "Mr. Giovanelli- the beautiful Giovanelli." "My dear young friend," said Mrs. Walker, taking her hand, pleadingly, "don't walk off to the Pincio at this hour to meet a beautiful Italian." "Well, he speaks English," said Mrs. Miller. "Gracious me!" Daisy exclaimed, "I don't want to do anything improper. There's an easy way to settle it." She continued to glance at Winterbourne. "The Pincio is only a hundred yards distant, and if Mr. Winterbourne were as polite as he pretends he would offer to walk with me!" Winterbourne's politeness hastened to affirm itself, and the young girl gave him gracious leave to accompany her. They passed downstairs before her mother, and at the door Winterbourne perceived Mrs. Miller's carriage drawn up, with the ornamental courier whose acquaintance he had made at Vevey seated within. "Good-bye, Eugenio!" cried Daisy, "I'm going to take a walk." The distance from the Via Gregoriana to the beautiful garden at the other end of the Pincian Hill is, in fact, rapidly traversed. As the day was splendid, however, and the concourse of vehicles, walkers, and loungers numerous, the young Americans found their progress much delayed. This fact was highly agreeable to Winterbourne, in spite of his consciousness of his singular situation. The slow-moving, idly-gazing Roman crowd bestowed much attention upon the extremely pretty young foreign lady who was passing through it upon his arm; and he wondered what on earth had been in Daisy's mind when she proposed to expose herself, unattended, to its appre-ciation. His own mission, to her sense, apparently, was to consign her to the hands of Mr. Giovanelli; but Winterbourne, at once annoyed and gratified, resolved that he would do no such thing. "Why haven't vou been to see me?" asked Daisy. "You can't get out of that." "I have had the honor of telling you that I have only just stepped out of the train." "You must have stayed in the train a good while after it stopped!" cried the young girl, with her little laugh. "I suppose you were asleep. You have had time to go to see Mrs. Walker." "I knew Mrs. Walker-" Winterbourne began to explain. "I knew where you knew her. You knew her at Geneva. She told me so. Well, you knew me at Vevey. That's just as good. So you ought to have come." She asked him no other question than this; she began to prattle about her own affairs.
"一人で、この時間に、お願いしますか?" ミセス・ウォーカーは尋ねました。午後は終わりに近づいており、馬車と物思いにふける歩行者が集まる時間でした。"危ないと思わないわ、私の親愛なる"、ミセス・ウォーカーは言いました。
"それはジョヴァネリ氏ですか?" ホステスが尋ねました。
"おやまあ!" デイジーが叫びました。"私、何か失礼なことをしたくないわ。解決方法は簡単よ。" 彼女はウィンターボーンを見続けました。"ピンチョはたったの百ヤード先よ、そしてもしウィンターボーン氏が自分が見せかけているように礼儀正しければ、私と一緒に歩いてくれるはずよ!" ウィンターボーンの礼儀正しさはすぐに表れ、若い女性は彼に対して親切に同行することを許可しました。彼らは母親の前に階段を降り、ドアでミセス・ミラーの馬車が待っているのをウィンターボーンは見ました。ヴヴェイで知り合ったオーナメントの付いた運転手が座っていました。
"さようなら、ウジェニオ!" とデイジーが叫びました。"散歩に行くわ。" 実際、グレゴリアーナ通りからピンチアーノ丘の反対端にある美しい庭園までの距離は迅速に移動できます。しかし、この日は素晴らしい日で、車両、歩行者、そして散歩者の集まりが多かったため、若いアメリカ人たちは進行が遅くなりました。ウィンターボーンは自分の独特の状況を意識していても、遅い動きと怠けたローマの群衆が、彼の腕に掛けられた非常に美しい外国の若い女性に注目しました。そして、デイジーがその評価に対して自分をさらすことを提案したとき、彼は一体何を考えていたのかと不思議に思いました。彼女の感覚によれば、彼女をジョヴァネリ氏の手に委ねる使命だったようですが、ウィンターボーンは不快でありながらも満足して、そんなことはしないと決心しました。
"なぜ私に会いに来てくれなかったの?" とデイジーが尋ねました。"それは逃れられないことだわ。"
"列車が停車した後、あなたはかなり長い間列車にいたに違いないわ!" と若い女性は小さな笑い声で言いました。"おそらく、あなたは眠っていたのね。あなたはミセス・ウォーカーを訪ねる時間があったわ。"
"どこで彼女を知っていたのか、私は知っているわ。ジュネーブで彼女を知っていたのよ。彼女がそう言ってくれたわ。それに、あなたはヴヴェイで私を知っていたわ。それで十分よ。だからあなたは来るべきだったわ。" 彼女はこの質問以外の他の質問をしませんでした。彼女は自分のことをしゃべり始めました。
なぜキスしたのですか?The company had risen to its feet; Daisy, still showing her pretty teeth, bent over and kissed her hostess. "Mrs. Walker, you are too perfect," she said. "I'm not going alone; I am going to meet a friend."
デイジーが「Mrs. Walker, you are too perfect」と言ったのは、ミセス・ウォーカーのホスピタリティと親切に感謝の意を表した言葉であり、その感謝の気持ちをキスで強調しました。また、デイジーは「I'm not going alone; I am going to meet a friend(一人で行くのではありません。友達に会いに行きます)」と述べ、キスを交わした後でも友達に会いに行く予定であることを伝えています。このように、キスは感謝や友情を表現する手段として使用されたのです。