
何故確信できるのですか?「"I'm sure Mr. Winterbourne wants to take me," Dais declared. "He's soawfully devoted!"」

We have been thinking ever so much about going," she pursued, "but it seems as if we couldnt. Of course Daisy - she wants to go fours ed tbut it lady here- I don't know her name she says she shouldnt think we deres a go to see castles here; she should think we'd want to wait till we got to Italy. It seems as if there would be so many there," continued Mrs. Miller, with an air of increasing confidence. "Of course, we only want to see it, principal ones. Wevisited several in England." she presently added.
"h. yes! in England there are beautiful castles," said Winterbourne.
"But Chillon, here, is very well worth seeing."
Well, if Daisy feels up to it," said Mrs. Miller, in a tone impregnated ith a sense of the magnitude of the enterprise. 'It seems as if there was nothing she wouldn't undertake."
Oh, I think she'll enjoy it. Winterbourne declared. And he desired more and more to make it a certainty that he was to have the privilege of a tête-à-lete with the young lady, who was still strolling along in front of them, softly vocalizing.
"You are not disposed, madam,
" he inquired, "to undertake
it vourself?"
Daisy's mother looked at him, an instant, askance, and then walked forward in silence. Then-"I guess she had better go alone," she said, simply.
Winterbourne observed to himself that this was a very different type of maternity from that of the vigilant matrons who massed themselves in the forefront of social intercourse in the dark old city at the other end of the lake. But his meditations were interrupted by hearing his name very distinctly pronounced by Mrs. Miller's unprotected daughter.
"Mr. Winterbourne!" murmured Daisy. g
"Mademoiselle!" said the young man.
"Don't vou want to take me out in a boat?"
"At present?" he asked.
"Of course!" said Daisy.
"Well, Annie Miller!" exclaimed her mother.
"I beg you, madam, to let her go," said Winterbourne, ardently; for he had never yet enjoyed the sensation of guiding through the summer starlight a skiff freighted with a fresh and beautiful young girl.
"I shouldn't think she'd want to," said her mother. "I should think she'd rather go indoors."
"I'm sure Mr. Winterbourne wants to take me,
" Dais declared. "He's so
awfully devoted!"

"I will row vou over to Chillon, in the starlight."
"I don't believe it!" said Daisy.
"Well! ejaculated the elderly lady again.
"You haven't spoken to me for half-an-hour," her daughter went on.
"I have been having some very pleasant conversation with your mother," said Winterbourne.
"Well; I want you to take me out in a boat!" Daisy repeated. They had all stopped, and she had turned round and was looking at Winterbourne. Her lace wore a charming smile, her pretty eyes were gleaming, she was swinging her great fan about. No; it's impossible to be prettier than that, thought
'There are half-a-dozen boats moored at that landing-place," he said, pointing to certain steps which descended from the garden to the lake. "If you will do me the honor to accept my arm, we will go and select one of them".

私たちは行くことを考えていました」と彼女は続けました。「でも、まるで行けないかのようです。もちろん、デイジーは行きたいと思っているけれど、ここの女性 - 彼女の名前はわかりませんが - 彼女はここで城を見に行くことを考えないだろうと言っています。イタリアに行くまで待つべきだと思うと言っています。イタリアにはたくさんあるようですね」とミラー夫人は自信を増して言いました。もちろん、私たちは主要な城を見たいだけです。イングランドでいくつか訪れました」と彼女は後で付け加えました。























何故確信できるのですか?「"I'm sure Mr. Winterbourne wants to take me," Dais declared. "He's soawfully devoted!"」


デイジーが「I'm sure Mr. Winterbourne wants to take me(ウィンターボーンさんは私を連れて行って欲しいと思っていると確信しています)」と言った理由について、確信を持っている要因はいくつか考えられます:

  1. ウィンターボーンの行動: この文脈では、ウィンターボーンはデイジーに親しみを持ち、彼女に対して積極的に関心を示していることが示唆されています。デイジーは彼が彼女を連れて行くことを望んでいると感じている可能性が高いです。

  2. デイジーの観察: デイジーはウィンターボーンが彼女に対して「so awfully devoted(非常に献身的)」であると感じているようです。このような感情を表現することから、彼女は彼の意思や気持ちを確信していると言えます。

  3. 文脈からの洞察: この場面では、ウィンターボーンとデイジーの関係が進展しており、彼らは一緒にボートに乗りたいという状況です。この文脈から、デイジーはウィンターボーンが彼女を連れて行くことを望んでいると確信している可能性が高いです。

したがって、デイジーが「I'm sure Mr. Winterbourne wants to take me」(ウィンターボーンさんは私を連れて行って欲しいと思っている)と確信している理由は、ウィンターボーンの態度やデイジー自身の観察からくるものと考えられます。


ハートウォーミングな建築家 - ムーンフロントカフェ 🌙✨