
これはどのような意図ですか?The young lady, however, is also very intimate with some third-rate Italians, with whom she rackets about in a way that makes much talk.

She seemed to him, in all his, an extraordinary mixture of innocence and cruditv. "Does she never allow you more than three days at a time?" asked Daisy, ironically. "Doesn't she give you a vacation in summer? There's no one so hard worked but they can get leave to go off somewhere at this season. I suppose, if vou stay another day, she'll come after you in the boat. Do wait over till Friday, and I will go down to the landing to see her arrive!" Winterbourne began to think he had been wrong to feel disappointed in the temper in which the young lady had embarked. If he had missed the personal accent, the personal accent was now making its appearance. It sounded very distinctly, at last, in her telling him she would stop "teasing" him if he would promise her solemnly to come down to Rome in the winter.
"That's not a difficult promise to make," said Winterbourne. "My aunt has taken an apartment in Rome for the winter, and has already asked me to come and see her
« don't want you to come for your aunt," said Daisy; "I want you to come for me." And this was the only allusion that the young man was ever to hear her make to his invidious kinswoman. He declared that, at any rate, he would certainly come. After this Daisy stopped teasing. Winterbourne took a car-riage, and they drove back to Vevey in the dusk; the young girl was very quiet.
In the evening Winterbourne mentioned to Mrs. Costello that he had spent the afternoon at Chillon, with Miss Daisy Miller.
"The Americans -of the courier?" asked this lady.
"Ah, happily,"
' said Winterbourne,
"the courier stayed at home."
"She went with you all alone?"
"All alone.
Mrs. Costello sniffed a little at her smelling-bottle. "And that," she exclaimed, "is the young person you wanted me to know!"


Winterbourne, who had returned to Geneva the day after his excursion to Chillon, went to Rome towards the end of January. His aunt had been established there for several weeks, and he had received a couple of letters from her. "Those people you were so devoted to last summer at Vevey have turned up here, courier and all," she wrote. "They seem to have made several acquain-tances, but the courier continues to be the most intime. The young lady, however, is also very intimate with some third-rate Italians, with whom she rackets about in a way that makes much talk. Bring me that pretty novel of Cherbuliez's'-'Paule Méré-and don't come later than the 23rd." In the natural course of events, Winterbourne, on arriving in Rome, would presently have ascertained Mrs. Miller's address at the American banker's and have gone to pay his compliments to Miss Daisy. "After what happened at Vevey I certainly think I may call upon them," he said to Mrs. Costello.
"If, after what happens -at Vevey and everywhere-you desire to keep up the acquaintance, you are very welcome. Of course a man may know every One. Men are welcome to the privilege!"


ウィンターボーンは言いました。「それは難しい約束ではありません」と。「私の叔母は冬にローマのアパートメントを借りており、すでに私に来るように頼んでいます。」 「あなたが叔母のために来るのではなく、私のために来てほしいの」とデイジーは言いました。そして、これが若い男が彼女に言わせた唯一の言及であり、彼の嫌悪感を持つ親戚への言及でした。彼は、少なくとも確実に行くと宣言しました。その後、デイジーはからかうのをやめました。ウィンターボーンは馬車を借り、2人は薄明かりの中でヴヴェイに戻りました。若い女の子は非常に静かでした。

その夜、ウィンターボーンはミセス・コステロに告げました。彼はシヨンでミス・デイジー・ミラーと一緒に過ごしたことを。 この女性は尋ねました。「あのクーリエのアメリカ人ですか?」 「ああ、幸いにも、」とウィンターボーンは言いました。「クーリエは家にいました。」 「彼女はあなただけと一緒に行ったの?」 「完全にひとりで。」 ミセス・コステロは彼女の香水ボトルで少し匂いをかいでいました。「それが、」と彼女は叫びました。「あなたが私に知ってほしいと思った若い人なの?」


シヨンでの遠足の翌日にジュネーブに戻ったウィンターボーンは、1月末にローマに向かいました。彼の叔母はすでに数週間そこに滞在しており、彼は彼女から2通の手紙を受け取っていました。「去年の夏、ヴヴェイであなたが熱中したあの人たちが、クーリエを含む状態でここに現れたようです」と彼女は書いていました。「彼らはいくつかの知り合いを作ったようですが、クーリエはまだ最も親しいようです。しかし、若い女性はいくつかの三流のイタリア人とも非常に親しい関係で、それについては多くの噂が立っています。シャルビュリエの素敵な小説『ポール・メレ』を持ってきて、23日を過ぎることはないでしょう。ウィンターボーンは、自然な出来事の流れで、ローマに到着した後、アメリカの銀行家のもとでミラー夫人の住所を知り、デイジーに挨拶に行ったでしょう。「ヴヴェイでの出来事の後、私は確かに彼らに挨拶してもいいと思います」と彼はミセス・コステロに言いました。 「ヴヴェイやどこでも起こることの後、あなたが知り合いを続けたいと思うのなら、歓迎します。もちろん、男は誰でも知っていてもかまいません。男性はその特権を歓迎します!」

これはどのような意図ですか?The young lady, however, is also very intimate with some third-rate Italians, with whom she rackets about in a way that makes much talk.


この文の意図は、若い女性(デイジー)がいくつかの三流のイタリア人と非常に親しい関係であることを述べています。"intimate"(親しい)という言葉は、関係が非常に近いことを意味し、おそらく友情や付き合いの範囲を超えています。さらに、"with whom she rackets about in a way that makes much talk"という部分は、デイジーがこれらのイタリア人と一緒に行動し、その行動が多くの人の関心を引いていることを指摘しています。






ハートウォーミングな建築家 - ムーンフロントカフェ 🌙✨