
At the beginning

 Now, I've begun to write an article about English in English. First of all, I show you the object of this article.
 The first object, practicing English for myself. At this point, I think there's any doubt or suspicion. To write in English, to train the competence. Well, the only thing I am concerned about at this point is writing doesn't make me gain a new vocabulary, so I have to do what is called a "Vocabulary book". -What am I talking about? Well, I continue, please stay read it. 
 The second object, sharing my knowledge and coming across with your knowledge. As you have read my sentence, I don't have so many skills for English. Despite this catastrophe, I have to score 650 in TOEIC to get the job I'm looking for, that's what the recruiter said to me. Father more, until employment, I have to get 800 scores in TOEIC. The first limit is by the next month and the second is by October. I wish I could take the exam in French because I've been studying abroad in France. When I don't care, my brain made me write French in place of English.
That's why I have begun to write this English article, but that's not why I have begun to write articles including Japanese ones. Today, I write this article in English but I'll also write in Japanese, my mother tongue. As I spoke above, I've been studying abroad and I've noticed many things about Japan, and humanity, for example, japan has really long history of peace without replacing the emperor, invasion of other ethnic groups, and big changes in religion. This fact made my culture(in this sentence, I use the term "culture" as also "history") sophisticated and of course, it is unique as all the cultures in the world are so, but this is the reason why others aren't familiar with my culture. For many countries, there were wars, destruction, and genocides, which is normal for humanity. I think such actions are bad but that there were such actions in their history is normal and that doesn't cause them sins. I respect all cultures in the world, so I believe that there is a value to study other cultures and, as my country has a strange culture, it is worth studying.  

In conclusion, I hope that I share my culture all over the world and make you share your own culture. Well, the most profitable motivation I write articles is to review and organize my thought… I'm looking forward to receiving a message.

This week report

 Now, I share with you what I've studied.
 This week, Ms. Pelosi visited East Asian countries and tensions of China between Taiwan and Japan have risen. We can't know when the war will start.
As I used ”when” which forms a noun clause, we'll start with the field of linguistics.


 Although I said "Linguistic", today I don't report about linguistics, I just studied English and, in general, I noticed something related to linguistics during learning. Well, today I don't know whether I report what relates to linguistics…
 Anyway, I have begun to read "真・英文法大全(The definitive English Grammar Guide)" written by Masao Seki(関 正生), and directed by Karl Rosvold. If you aren't interested in it, you should pass this topic.
 By the end of this week, I finished reading chapter 4. This book is written for all learners of English. For a while, I read it for the first time, so I can't imagine the details but it is organized into 5-6 parts, 23 chapters.
 In the beginning, chapter 0, the book shows us " the world of English", for example, the custom of greeting, and alliteration. At the end of the chapter, it says how to use the book. According to what it says, I have chosen a type in which people read all pages not only the basic one. Also, this book includes mp3 to listen to the sentences in there, so I will start reading it in listening to it. Speaking something related to linguistics(oh, I've relieved), and that must be cliche, listening is the best way to train the skill of language. I think that I and many numbers of learners of English had been giving up on the difficulty of listening. As for Japanese, we have been taught strict styles which order to divide pleasure and studying so that had become the reason why we hate, hesitate, and believe ourselves not to be good at learning everything. The entry exam also made this situation too. Well, I've just begun to study freely like this.

 Speaking of the main contents of this book, the topic of chapter 1-1 is present tense. I had already known that the present form represents "habits" or ”everlasting truth”, so I didn't expect to be surprised by this chapter. However, I didn't know why people says "I'm hungry", and surprised at the reason. For the sentences in present, verbs need to take a progressive tense, but stative verbs can't take a progressive tense, so they take a present tense in place of that. For action verbs, they don't represent the action in present but habits or everlasting action. For stative verbs, they represent status, is that why we call this tense "present"?
 Chapter 1-2 mentions more ordinary things. I have learned that verbs in present tense represent the intent of speakers such as "I apologize". In japanese, it doesn't work, we have to say "I'm sorry" apart from that.
 From Chapter 1-3, I've learned the progressive tense emphasizes the progress of change and represents a repetition of action. Also, I've remembered the phrase, "I was wondering if you would~?", "S will be arriving", "Will you be ~ing?".
 In Chapter 2, the topic is perfect form, but I've already studied it, so I just practiced using them.
 In Chapter 3, the topic is the conjunction. as you have read my article, I can't use a lot of conjunction, this is my problem. Also, I've recognized that I've often been confusing prepositions and conjunctions, so I have to put priority on this chapter.
 From Chapter 4, I've learned what is the subjunctive. Well, in French, there is the same grammar and it makes verbs into subjunctive forms. That makes me easier to understand the English subjunctive. Compared to that in French, that in English is more complex, since the anastrophe is often used for the subjunctive like "Was/Were S pp, S2 would/could~".

 Anyway, I continue studying English with  "真・英文法大全", focusing on conjunctions. That's all for the topic of "Linguistics".


 I have also begun to read "哲学と宗教全史(A World History of Philosophy and Religion)".  Regarding this one, please wait for a while to report. I'll write about Japanese religions, philosophy, and history.
