
Guide to Horse Racecourse in Japan: Chukyo Racecourse 中京競馬場

[My Rating]

・Accessibility ★★☆ Good (easy to get there by public transport from major cities)
・Atmosphere ★★☆ Good
・Facility ★☆☆ Standard
・Entertainment around the racecourse ★☆☆ Basic

[Best Season to visit]

March (season for cherry blossom)

Okanzakura, cherry blossom, at racecourse

[General Information]

・Location: Toyoake, Aichi prefecture / 愛知県豊明市
・Nearest Station: Chukyo Keibajo-mae Station / 中京競馬場前 (Meitetsu Nagoya line / 名鉄名古屋本線)  
・Established in: 1953
・Operated by: JRA (Japan Racing Association)
・Type of race: Flat and Hurdle
・Type of racecourse: Turf and Dirt (Left-handed)
・Racing Season: January, March, July and December
・Dress Code: None
・Fee: 200 yen for general admission with free seats on first-come-first-served basis. Besides, there are several luxury seats required reservation by internet in advance or by ticket booth at the racecourse.

Twin Hat Stand (left) and Pegasus Stand (right)
Pegasust Stand
Pegasust Stand

[Flat Grade races in Chukyo Racecourse]

- GII/ Tokai Stakes 東海ステークス / 1,800m Dirt (4yo or older)
- GIII / Aichi Hai 愛知杯 / 2,000m Turf (4yo or older filly only)

- GII / Kinko Sho 金鯱賞/ 1,600m Turf (4yo or older)  
- GIII / Falcon Stakes ファルコンステークス / 1,400m Turf (3yo only)
- GI / Takamatsunomiya Kinen 高松宮記念 / 1,200m Turf (4yo or older)

- GIII / CBC Sho CBC賞 / 1,200m Turf (3yo or older)
- GIII / Procyon Stakes プロキオンステークス / 1,400m Dirt (3yo or older)
- GIII / Chukyo Kinen 中京記念 / 1,600m Turf (3yo or older)

- GI / Champions Cup チャンピオンズカップ / 1,800m Dirt (3yo or older)
- GIII / Chunichi Shimbun Hai 中日新聞杯 / 2,000m Turf (3yo or older)

Starting Gate
Homestretch of Dirt track
View from main stand
View from reserved seat A area
Reserved seat area A
Reserved seat area A

[Access from major cities]

1. from Nagoya (Nagoya station)
- Meitetsu Nagoya station →Chukyo Keibajo-mae station (Meitetsu Nagoya line) / 30m
- Chukyo Keibajo-mae station → Chukyo Racecourse (by foot) / 10m

Model of Meitetsu train
Shop street near Chukyo-keibajo-mae station
Stairs between station and racecourse

[Official website]

The mascot of Chukyo racecourse

[Entertainment around the racecourse]

Nothing special near the racecourse. There are, however, some tourist destinations in Nagoya area.
- Nagoya castle
- Atsuta Jingu (Atsuta Shrine)
- Legoland Japan
- Noritake Garden and Museum
- Toyota automobile museum
- Inuyama Castle

Toyota Stadium
Inuyama Castle

Information on other racecoueses in Japan 🏇🇯🇵

