笑いまっせ! 桂あやめの「女三人組シリーズ」。 [伝統芸能シリーズ追想] Laugh! Ayame Katsura's "Women's Trio Series"
Next year, "Ayame Katsura" will be 40 years old after joining Bunshi Katsura, the 5th generation. She is a female rakugoka of the Kamigata Rakugo Association, and she is active in the front lines of theaters and media.
She has been on the stage at school performances long ago as one of the performers involved in traditional performing arts, all of which are women. l took the opportunity to visit her at Ayame's rakugo.
そのスタートが、10年近く前になるが、神戸朝日ホールで行われた独演会「あやめ開口三十周年~神戸モダン~」だった。とにかく "笑った、笑った"。久しぶりに笑わせてもらったことを記憶している。その時のことを綴った記事を少し加筆しまとめてみた。
The start was almost 10 years ago, but it was the solo performance "Ayame Opening 30th Anniversary-Kobe Modern-" held at Kobe Asahi Hall. Anyway, "laughed, laughed". l remembers having made me laugh for the first time in a long time. l added a little to her article about that time and put it together.
Ayame has been in the 5th generation Bunshi Katsura (Kobunshi Katsura at that time) for 30 years. At that time, a female rakugo storyteller made her debut in a rare and glamorous manner, but storyteller story is designed to be spoken by a man. The modern version of rakugo (creative rakugo) came up with the idea that it is a little impossible for women to perform the lines and actions.
Her brother’s disciple, Bunchin Katsura, from the same Hyogo prefecture, appeared as a guest at Ayame's 30th anniversary solo performance, which has been dedicated to creative rakugo stories. In addition, as the first opening, Fukumaru Katsura, a unique rakugo storyteller who graduated from Nada junior & Nada High School and the Faculty of Law, Kyoto University, served as a hope for young people.
二番目の演目は、「あやめ版 平家物語」。平家を支えた女性3人が現代に生まれ変わって、その頃のことを思い出しながら面白おかしく喋りまくるネタで、これまた大爆笑。
Her first presentation was "Keihanshin Everyday Incident-Kobe Special". The venue was a whirlpool of laughter and applause. l laughed with her belly.
She made a story 25 years ago and is a talk show of three young women. Even though the three girls, Osaka girls, Kyoto girls, and Kobe girls, are the same Kansai people, it is a story that makes me wonder if their temperaments are so different. This time, let's show off a funny remake from the perspective of Kobe girls.
The second presentation is "Ayame version Heike Monogatari". The three women who supported Heike were reborn in the present age, and they talked funnyly while remembering those days, and this was another big laugh.
ともに、あやめさんならでは創作落語である。男の世界で長年生き抜いてきた、その力は鍛錬以外なにものでもない。そして “桂あやめオリジナリティ” を完成させたことが40年という歴史をつくってきた。これからさらに円熟味を魅せてくれるだろうと思う。落語ファンとしては、陰ながら応援していきたいと思っている。
Both are creative rakugo stories unique to Ayame. Having survived for many years in the world of men, its power is nothing but discipline. And the completion of "Ayame Katsura Originality" has made a history of 40 years. I think that it will attract more maturity from now on. As a rakugo fan, I would like to support her behind the scenes.
レポート/ 渡邉雄二 写真 / 桂あやめ開口三十周年独演会ポスターを借用