
牡丹の見ごろ。移ろい変わる諸行無常のはかなさ  The best time to see the peony. The ever-changing fragility of various acts

The flowers are also unrelenting. It changes in a blink of an eye.
Many flowers and trees such as plums, peaches, and cherry blossoms delighted my eyes. This year, peony is already wide open from late April to May, as the change of seasons is a little ahead of schedule.
Peony when standing, peony when sitting, lily flower when walking figure
Such words that describe the beautiful behavior and appearance of women by comparing them to flowers come to mind. It's a bit old-fashioned, but it was often used in the past. Unfortunately, the concept of beauty seems to be a little different now than it used to be, so I find it unsatisfactory to describe the beauty of today with this word. It will be different for each person, but I think that if a flower that expresses "dynamic feeling" is added here, it will be closer to modern beauty.

With that in mind, I watched the peony in full bloom this year as well. There is a temple as a place where you can enjoy seasonal flowers throughout the year. Butsunichi-ji Temple in Ikeda City, Osaka Prefecture, which regularly attends Buddhist painting mandala art classes. Peony is in full bloom.
Stone Buddhas are lined up in the entrance alley from the back. It is planted facing each stone Buddha. The stone Buddha may also feel the change of seasons with flowers and trees.

リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 Reported & Photos / Yuji Watanabe

