5体組み合わせ曼陀羅への一歩 A step towards a five-body combination mandala
In Buddhist painting mandala art, each classroom challenges mandala.
The motif is the Fetal Mandala, centered on Dainichi Nyorai, and four Bodhisattvas are drawn around it, one by one. This is the first step towards a five-body combination mandala.
Currently, it is composed of four bodies: "Dainichi Nyorai Statue" in the center, "Kanzeon Bosatsu Statue", "Miroku Bosatsu Statue", "Fugen Bosatsu Statue" and "Monju Bosatsu Statue". The other four statues are yet to come.
As you can see, each Buddhist painting is accompanied by the Heart Sutra in this "Paper Mandala". The central statue of Dainichi Nyorai writes the Heart Sutra from the top of the Buddhist painting. The image is that the Heart Sutra is door and Dainichi Nyorai is enshrined in the back.
From the 4 classrooms, the ones that have finished production are posted. The imagination was demonstrated and the work was wonderfully finished. I will show you.
リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 作品制作/ 各教室の皆さん Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe